To have eternal salvation/ eternal life , Jesus the Christ is the ONLY Way. A person cannot enter Heaven/ New Jeruselm without Jeus the Christ . You must accept Chrsit Jesus as your Lord and saviour. There is a heaven and a hell , and yes everyone will live forever. A person cannot make it to Glory on the prayers promises , and covenants of our fore fathers and mothers. You must have a relationship with Chrsit Jesus for yourself. Time is nigh yesterday is gone , and tomorrow is not promised . all you have is today , this moment in time. In eternaity you will be with Chrsit jesus and paradise, or Burn in the lake of fire and brimestone. I pose the question, if you died right now oh where, oh where will your soul find rest.Jesus the Christ is the ONLY Way. A denominational name, church, synagoge, temple ,hall, etc. can't save you { salvation] You must have Christ Jesus and your name recorded in the Lambs Book of Life. if you went around the great wall of china. you will find buddah and confusehes dead cold and in the grave.. If you went to taj mahal you will hindu ,janism,dead cold and still in the grave. if you went around central park in New york city. You will find sweet daddy grace and father divine dead,cold, and in the grave. if you went to saudia arabia around the Black rock you will find mohamend dead cold and in the grave. YET if you went to jerusalen around a hill called calvary. YOU will find an Empty Tomb, because Chrsit jesus rose from the grave with all power in his hands. Chrsit Jesus sits at the right hand of the father making intercess for whom so ever will. Jesus the Christ is The ONLY WAY

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Yes Sir, This is all sound. Brother Zealot makes great points in his post, why don't you take heed?

Hezekiah and Zealot,


Both of you brothers have truly blessed me with your post. Please by all means keep up the good work.




Greeting Pastor Smith,


Entire link:



   In the Hebrew language, the name “Jesus” does not derive from salvation.  The Heavenly Abba did not leave us without witness’ of this “grave” error.  The Greek form of “Jesus” being Iesous, is pronounced “hey-soos” and can be found in the Hebrew writings!  Hey-soos is a legitimate Hebrew word!  “Jesus” transliterated into Hebrew is “hey-soos”.   The following three verses show the word hey-soos being used in its original and true form, without the (J) of course as we have learned doesn’t exist in Hebrew, Greek or Latin.   In each revealing verse, the Hebrew word hey-soos (Jesus) does not mean salvation, but “the horse”!


Ps.33:17,  “The horse (Heb. hey-soos/Grk. Iesous/Eng. Jesus) is a vain hope for safety; neither shall it deliver any by its great strength.”




“...Behold, the LYING pen of the SCRIBES has certainly worked deciet and WRITTEN them wrong.  The wise are ashamed;

they are terrified and are captured.

Behold, they have REJECTED the word of YHWH...”

– Jeremyah 8:8

Satan’s influence upon the scribes and translators to change, alter and hide the only Names of the Heavenly Abba and Son was prophesied to take place!  YHWH has told us beforehand that men would change His Name in the texts!  (Isayah 42:8; 52:5-6; Yeremyah 8:8; 23:26-27; Ez.39:7; Zeph.3:9; Rev.8:3; 14:1)  

“I have heard what the prophets have said who prophesy lies in my name, saying, `I have dreamed, I have dreamed!'  How long shall there be lies in the heart of the prophets who prophesy lies, and who prophesy the deceit of their own heart, who think to make my people forget my Name (YHWH) by their dreams which they tell one another, even as their abbas FORGOT (replaced) my Name for Ba'al (the LORD)?”  Jeremyah 23:26


   You can witness the fulfillment of this very prophecy by looking at any English translation of the bible today!  Every-where the words “the LORD” are found, is the fulfillment of the Name of the heavenly Abba YHWH being replaced! 

    For example, let’s look at Isayah 42:8 and Strong’s Hebrew:

“ I am the LORD, that is my name; my glory I give to no other, nor my praise to graven images.”




I think I should change my name to "Yeshua is my master and savior", lol.

Nah man.. keep it just as it is. hahaa
you are a child a satan and there is no god in you. You mock at the grace and mercy of God . which would save your soul from eternal damnation. I know and feel you do this in ignorance because satan has blind your soul and spirit. NOTE: satan was defeated on an old rugged cross by the death, buriel , and resserection of Chrsit Jesus [ zealot x]

You follow the doctrine of Christ? Really? Ok.. Luke 11:28 records Christ saying that blessed are they they hear the word of Yahuah and observe it! What was the word of Yahuah during the time of Christ? It was the Torah.

So, will you keep the Torah like the man you claim to believe in?
Read st john chapter 1-17, In the begining was the word , and the word was with God and god was the word. {14] and the word was made flesh and dwelt amog us [Christ Jesus] the torah did not teach Christ or lead Christ, Christ Jesus is, was, and shall always be the Word of God .

Can you be an honest "Pastor" and answer my above question, please?
Pastor Valentine,

You are making some very strong accusations here! Would you care to provide proof of these accusations? I really need to know because I have yet to read anything that was blasphemous about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit coming from Zealot X.

Go to his web site , it's satanic in natiure. He also rejects the deity of Chrsit Jesus.... psss. I went back to his page but was unable to reconect to his sire. I would not be surprised if he took it down
He does not deal with Deities. Brother Zealot speaks more sound doctrine than you have since I been here Brother Valentine. I don't agree with him about the Godhead, but everything else he has said is sound. The commandments are the keys to salvation.


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