Dear Married Couples in Ministry,

I would like to enphasize scripture when we are told to "Love our wives as Jesus loved the Church." How important is this to follow this command. How important is this for our wives to understand this through our actions, our words and our prayers. As husbands were are to exemplify Jesus' love to our wives, and this love is a heavenly love that is unconditionally consistent and never wanning. This love is uplifting, edifying, nuturing, growing, strengthening, habitual, wonderful, powerful, faithful and plentiful.

Men, we are so blessed to be granted the gift from God that we made an oath with. The beautiful, wonderful gift of having a wife, who can stand beside us, just as the Holy Spirit does. Our wives are absolutely priceless, and a treasure that we get to enjoy througout the day. The magnitude of knowing that God gave me a gift is overwhelming, and at least I can honor that gift by taking care of my wife the way God commanded. Men I emplore you, I challenge you to honor the Word of God by honoring your wife from the moment you get up, till the time you get up the next morning. Constantly tell her how much you love her, how much she means to you, how much you appreciate her, but do this through prayer, actions and your words. Not just because God commanded it... but because you feel it in your heart.

Brother Wilson

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that is very true we should show unconditional love for are wifes at all times because GOD Gave the woman to us because god loved us so much he saw the need praise GOD.
The Love of a wife unconditionally

Should she disobey her husband if he makes an unreasonable request? Should she disobey him if he forbids her to hang out this week end with her friends? what if he asks her to cancel her plans to see her mother this week end as she usually does? or not go to the baby shower?

A direct answer to these questions cannot be given until other factors are considered because actions in the wife’s life sometimes bring about distressing confrontations about fellowship. One big factor concerns the fact that the wife has a weapon she can use against her husband for which he has no defense whatsoever. The confrontation concerning fellowship may be his way of getting even with his wife for using this weapon him.

What is this powerful weapon? It is a weapon that the wife may wield without any deliberate malice towards her husband, and she might even employ it consciously to put him in his place. It is not a weapon of physical strength. Ordinarily the wife is physically much weaker than her husband in some way. It is the weapon of a lack of submission in the intimacy of the bedroom.

Suppose a husband is very thoughtless toward his wife. He may be quite cruel toward her. She can show her resentment toward him by reacting with cutting remarks, giving him the silent treatment, or similar treatment accorded to her by her husband. If she truly is saved, she realizes this kind of conduct is altogether rebellious against God.

Nevertheless, the husband can deal with these types of conduct. He can be more threatening. He can be more vicious in his verbal attacks on his wife. He might even resort to beating her. Since everyone who starts a fight wants to win the fight, the husband, too, wants to win.

Nothing is resolved by such exchanges between a husband and wife; the marriage is grievously threatened by them, and the husband feels equal to such challenges, insults, and treatment from his wife. Because he normally is physically the stronger of the two, he can feel that in some way he has won.

In the bedroom the wife has a weapon that can drive the husband wild. Even though he may be a cruel, thoughtless husband, he knows that the greatest joy he has ever experienced is when his wife lovingly gave herself to him in the intimacy of the bedroom. This intimacy is far more important to him than he realizes for God has fused him into one flesh with his wife. Therefore, anything that destroys the joy of that intimacy is a blow to the center of his manhood.

The problem is that in order to experience the joy and wonder of the marriage bed, his wife needs to have warm and loving thoughts towards her husband, and she finds herself incapable of reacting with loving submission to his advances in the marriage bed. She may try to avoid the marriage bed altogether; or if it looks like it cannot be avoided, she may be cold and unresponsive to his advances.

Soon she learns that nothing bewilders, hurts, and frustrates her husband more than her lack of loving submission to his advances. Because she cannot win the shouting match nor the test of physical strength, she may opt for

miserable pleasure in the fact that in the bedroom she can be the winner because nothing negative her husband does can force her to change. He can threaten, bully, or beat her, but this only makes his wife even more unresponsive to his advances, and as a result, deepens his frustrations and anger.

Without realizing it, the wife is laying the groundwork for another day of estrangement, quarreling, silent treatment, or cruelty which the husband uses to try to get even for the tremendous battle he lost in the bedroom. The husband and wife are not rationally thinking about what is happening. They are reacting with the intuition of the sinful tendencies that dwell within them.

The husband might strike back to even the score. What can he take from his wife that she loves the most? Aha! She is a Christian and always makes a big point of worshiping on the sabbath, or reading the children Bible stories. He knows how he can really hurt her. He will forbid her to do these things.

All her christian friends can see is an unregenerate tyrant of a husband who is in rebellion against God. They, of course, do not have the slightest idea of what is going on in the marriage bed.

Meanwhile, the wife goes about appearing to be a martyr and receiving the sympathies of her friends. She may not realize that her conduct in the marriage bed (as legitimate and logical as it may seem to her), is reprehensible to God. She is violating God’s rule that she is to be in quiet submission to her husband. She is violating God’s rule that she is to continuously forgive her husband. She is violating God’s rule that her body belongs to her husband.

The weapon of unresponsiveness in the marriage bed should never be used. It will drive the husband into the arms of another woman quicker than anything else. It will serve to destroy the marriage more quickly than anything else because it is tampering with God's design that makes the two one flesh.

On the other hand, consider the wife who loves the Lord and lives by God's rules Her unsaved husband may begin to wonder, "How can I be married to such a wonderful, forgiving, thoughtful woman?" He may become increasingly embarrassed by his own thoughtlessness and cruelty.

God Bless,
Thank you so much. This is so true! Thank you man of God for encouraging our men to love their wives unconditionally, sacrificially, and unlimitedly just as Christ loves the church. A husband that has experienced the love of God cannot help but share unconditional love with his wife.Conversely, a husband that wrestles with receiving God's love will also wrestle with sharing love with his wife. How much love we embrace from God determines how much love we share. So when you find yourself wrestling with sharing love, do a heart check, examine your heart: Have you fully embraced God's love? If you have, you will eagerly share love. Freely He has extended His love to us. Freely, we must give. When we do share love, we must give our ALL or nothing at ALL! God gave us His ALL. So we must give our ALL.
Quida, I just joined this group and was reading various topics....Based upon our personality, that is one of the ways the enemy will try to "manipulate" things to make them seem like something they are not. In other words, the enemy will use whomever he wants to and however he wants to if the person allows him to. When we have a personality that is friendly and outgoing, sometimes things will be planted in other's mind to make them think something that is not. Do you love God, yes! Are you filled with the Holy Ghost? Yes. However, the enemy is not going to stop attacking you because of what you possess in God. He attacked Jesus himself when Jesus came from fasting. However, we must ask ourselve if we are giving the enemy any kind of ammo to fight against us.

I am sure that you want your marriage to work because if you did not, then you would not be discussing this. We sometimes must make tough decisions in our relationships to make them work. There are certain changes that we need to make so that our relationship will work. Should you change who you are? No. But sometime you must change what you do. That is not you giving in but it is you giving up some of you to make a difference. Often times it only takes a season of adjustments in order to make a lifetime worth of changes. We must always look to God to heal and let the time run out. That means, don't let anyone take you anywhere. You are the driver of this ship and no matter what kind of waves my come, you steer through them ou around them . It is up to us to determine which way we are going to go. But we when we go around something, it just take that much longer to get to our destination. I pray that you make it through!

You're the bone of my bones
Who I love for my wife.
The flesh of my flesh
And my partner in life.

For me to have and to hold
For better or for worse.
To love and to cherish
Though we might fight and curse.

Be I richer or poorer
Till death makes us part
I will give you great portions
Of my soul and my heart.

Heaven won't be heaven
If I don 't see you there
May the first to go
Be me, is my prayer.


Like a lily among the thorns
So are you among the rest.
Your love is my joy of life
Which by God’s grace is the best.

When I sleep my heart is awake
It is the vice of love within.
By day or night I seek your love
My life mate, my partner, my friend.

You ravish my heart with just one look
When I’m less than you desire.
Your eyes speak without words
As displeasure kindles your fire.

Your beautiful and extraordinary
Like a fragrant flower from the wild.
I dream of the day you softly whisper,
“My love, I carry your child.”

The vines put forth their tender grapes
The fig tree her sweet fruit of life.
My love for you is everlasting
As you nourish my need for a wife.

God gave man a woman to adore
And a woman a man to respect.
God gave us children we love till death
To provide for, cherish and protect.

Until it’s dawn and the shadows flee
I will hold you close and ponder
Our life together past and present
And may our future be blessed by wonder.

You can hear all of Tom Zart’s 350 poems
of love, war, faith and more 24-7 on web radio at


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Wives need to understand they are not here nor were they created for their own wills and desires,but for the desires of their husband..
She is very industrious to recommend herself to her husband's esteem and affection. Those that are good really will be good relatively. A good woman,= (BORN AGAIN) if she be brought into the marriage state, will be a good wife, and make it her business to please her husband, ( NOT HERSELF ) 1 Co. 7:34. Though she is a woman of spirit herself, yet her desire is to her husband>(, to know his mind, that she may accommodate herself to it,) and she is willing that he should rule over her. (1.) She conducts herself so that he may repose an entire confidence in her. He trusts in her chastity, which she never gave him the least occasion to suspect or to entertain any jealousy of; she is not morose and reserved, but modest and grave, and has all the marks of virtue in her countenance and behaviour; her husband knows it, and therefore his heart doth safely trust in her; he is easy, and makes her so. He trusts in her conduct, that she will speak in all companies, and act in all affairs, with prudence and discretion, so as not to occasion him either damage or reproach. He trusts in her fidelity to his interests, and that she will never betray his counsels nor have any interest separate from that of his family. When he goes abroad, to attend the concerns of the public, he can confide in her to order all his affairs at home, as well as if he himself were there. She is a good wife that is fit to be trusted, and he is a good husband that will leave it to such a wife to manage for him. (2.) She contributes so much to his content and satisfaction that he shall have no need of spoil; he needs not be griping and scraping abroad, as those must be whose wives are proud and wasteful at home. She manages his affairs so that he is always before-hand, has such plenty of his own that he is in no temptation to prey upon his neighbours. He thinks himself so happy in her that he envies not those who have most of the wealth of this world; he needs it not, he has enough, having such a wife. Happy the couple that have such a satisfaction as this in each other! (3.) She makes it her constant business to do him good,
Who can find one?
Brother Wilson

I too honor this scripture and appreciate you and keeping this in front of us! Being married for 16 years and looking forward to a day to say 20 my bride is and has been my best friend! We need to remember it is only when we keep that intimate and personal relationship with Jesus is when we can appreciate our wives! So thanks again for the words of encouragement.

Be blessed

Perry L Austin
I pray you teach this at your church.
What a blessing!
As a wife I feel blessed to have a man of God has my covering. I know that if he loves God and have God in him he'll love and treat me as God commanded him to do so. My desire is to be the best wife that I can. Honoring God by honoring my husband. I want my married life to be an example of how a couple in the Lord should live.
If a couple is in the same church and one of them feels the need to attend another ministry, should the spouse hold them back?
Greetings Sister Mary:
As innocent as that may sound please be aware of the enemy's tricks and tactics.
He still comes but to kill, steal and destroy....Deception is not beneath his character.
Seeing one without their mate could be the devil's opportunity to send his ghosts charging in to do battle.
While remembering every ghost is not holy, revisit the incident in the garden of Eden.
I pray I have shed a little light on your question.
Stay Blessed And Be Wise.
A Soldier In Action,
Clarice Johnson
Hi Clarice,
I do understand what you're saying and I feel that you saying it in love. I was thinking that I don't follow my husband to work and other places it may go in the run of a day. And if I can go to the gym without and still stay faithfu;. I love him and most important I love the lord. I know that when we do good evil is always present. I know that if we were aren't happy that will cause resentment and that would cause another issue in our marriage. We would still support one another. Trust me we're staying prayerful. We don't wont to loose one another. We could still attend services with each other.


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