Ethos, Pathos, and Logos…
Missing elements in preaching today…

We live in time where many are inspired by the rhetoric of many who preach the Gospel. If we tune into our source of entertainment, what’s exciting about many who evangelize through the media is their natural ability to capture the attention of the listeners. While this isn’t bad in itself, however, many are left with a half view of the proclamation of God’s Word. In cleaning up my office at home, I ran across some of my seminary notes in homiletics. These notes sparked a conversation within myself and aroused curiosity of what’s been offered through the preachment through media. I then turned on my tune to the word channel and listened to some amazing, mind stirring, emotion rising sermons. To my demise each sermon left me a bit disappointed. I looked at my notes and I examined the preaching to my notes and I saw that each sermon was missing some of the key elements in preaching.

Three of the elements I found missing are: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos…

1. Ethos: How the preacher lives. The character of the preacher can influence as well as turn off the listeners. Bryan Chapell said, “The influence of a preacher’s testimony on the acceptance of a sermon requires that one’s life be under the rule of Scripture.” In other words, our life must line up with God’s Word before we could attempt to preach to others. Many are robbed from this aspect of the sermon because of their ignorance of the preacher preaching… Many judge and said they heard a good sermon preached without taking into consideration the character of the preacher. “Sounding brass and tinkling cymbals…” How we live are to reflect in our preaching.
2. Pathos: The conviction of the preacher. The preacher is to have a deep conviction of the truths in which he embarks to preach. Far too many are preaching without having a conviction of that which they preach. We have to not only know the Word but we must also believe and be convicted of the Word. God’s Word is a double edge sword. It’s one thing to say, “God would make a way…” but it’s another thing to know and believe that, “God is going to make a way.” Far too many today are teaching and preaching what they don’t believe. Far too many are making a living off the Gospel instead of the Gospel living in them…
3. Logos: God’s Word. This is one of the most erred parts of sermons being preached. Many are taking God’s Word out of context. There is too many who are trying to teach when they need to be taught… I’ve seen and listened to many sermons that were preached out of personal feelings and opinions instead of God’s Word. Paul told us, “Study to show ourselves approved workmen that need not be ashamed but rightly dividing the Word of Truth.” Yes we have people dividing the Word and adding their own thoughts and dogma. Many are taking one word out of context and building doctrines.

“Our Gospel came to you not simply with words, but also with power, and with deep conviction. You know how we lived among you for your sake.” 1 Thess. 1:5

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Man this is good, and full of truth. I find it very difficult to hear a word from preachers when I know something is not being dealt with in there own lives. And the Pathos, wew! Reading that was a eye opener for me to check myself next time I go to stand. I heard this from a brother named Frances Chung he said what keeps him in check when he stands before a people to preach is he asks himself "Do I truly love the people of which Im about to proclaim God's Word to?" Because if all your doing is preaching just because you have gotten an oppurtunity, then you missed it. But if your preaching because your going fishing for men then your sermon must be packed with conviction that what the Word says you know it to be true! Great Post!!!!


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