Name it, claim it, is a false gospel and was never promised by God
These preachers use other phrases to describe “Name It and Claim It.” They also say, “What I confess, I possess.” They also preach, “Say it; do it; receive it; tell it.” They correctly say that God is obligated to do what He promises to do for us.”

(The “Name It and Claim It” Theology was begun by the late E.W. Kenyon and has been further developed by Kenneth Hagin, D.R. McConnell, Benny Hinn, and Joel Osteen.)

Regarding this topic, the important question to ask is this: “What has God promised to do?” Nowhere in Scripture does it say that, if you act like a spoiled brat by making demands for physical blessings, God will give in to you as would an indulging parent. We can only claim what GOD names—not what WE name!
God promises that, when we are born again we are given the free gift of eternal life.
the only thing God owes us is hell, but he chose to be merciful,you would think that would be enough.

It is important that, during tough economic times, Christians do not resort to gimmicks such as Name It and Claim It. The Bible is full of admonitions regarding working hard, dealing honestly with others, and not being deceived by false teachers. If a Christian wants to succeed in life, these are the things that he should do while avoiding erroneous teachings such as Name It and Claim It.

the bible teaches us to work hard, and be content with what we have.

God Bless

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Yes and no. The Bible does say in Job 22 "ye shall also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto you". The prosperity message is NOT a Gospel, but a doctrine taught based on Kingdom principles.
Yes, that scripture is true but how can you "decree a thing" if you are not worthy of this "thing?"
We have alot of people giving to their "god" their leader and not as unto God and then trying to invoke God's name on their foolishness.
They are twisting the doctrine and making money off of people which is WRONG in every way.
Amen, the prosperity Gospel is full of falsehoods and deceit at best. Its putting the gift over the GIVER...Of course I'll accept Jesus if the PRICE is RIGHT...Its called...HERESY!
"The LOVE of money is the root to all evil".....


"Money answers all things"
"The blessings of the LORD makes one rich and addeth no sorrow"
"Give, and it shall be given unto you good measure, pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give unto your bosom"

and there's MORE.....!

Prosperity messages are NOT heresy unless you replace GOD with money.
Hoarding is.........And like I said, unless one puts the Gift over the Giver.... And what is the definition of being "rich" or "poor"? Isn't it all relative? Guess whether we are comparing ourselves to Donald Trump in terms of what rich implies, compared to whether we are comparing ourselves to those in Haiti which is the poorest country on earth. So different perspectives from what you see or covet which would determine whether or not if your "rich" or "poor".
true, very true. You can be rich and abundant in wisdom, health, love ect.

Why is it, however, the saints would be so soon to condemn the riches of gold and silver, land and servants? Why is it that when a scripture is literally speaking of riches in substance, we will quickly run to try and translate it to spiritual riches in an attempt to not sound like a lover of money? Lets be real, the Gospel message is EXPENSIVE to fund and launch out!

Printing Bibles- $XXXX.XX
printing tracks-$XXXX.XX
monetary needs for ministers-$XXXX.XX
feeding the poor-$XXXX.XX
buying buildings for ministry needs-$XXXX.XX
flying and funding Missions (the LEAST of our money is sent here by the way)-$XXXX.XX

Obeying GOD and funding the vision- PRICELESS

There are somethings you can't buy, like Salvation, spiritual growth, ect.....FOR EVERYTHING ELSE,THERE'S MASTER CARD!! (Ecclesiastes 10:19; 1st Corinthians 9)
I agree.
Why is Matthew 6:33 not preached like all those other "prosperity" passages are?
You know why?
This is because it means suffering for the cause of Christ.
It means not being able to buy those shoes, suits, hats, cars, SUV's, homes, mansions and all that other mess that these preachers say you have to have or you not saved enough.
It means GIVING TO OTHERS and forsaking yourself.
It means feeding the hungry.
It means clothing the naked.
It means not giving the pastor that $1,000 suit but taking that money and giving it to the homeless shelter.
See, they got it backwards.
Jesus gave MORE than he received.
Do not, in your usual zeal, miss out on some important points, Mr. Smith. You obviously don't understand the prosperity doctrine.
I don't believe in the "prosperity" doctrine however I do believe in Matthew 6:33.
I believe in the doctrine of GIVING and not just RECEIVING.
Why is the church a billion dollar business and we have homeless shelters that can't feed the people that come to them because of our economic crisis?
Why is the church a billion dollar business but we have families going without food?
Why is the church a billion dollar business but we have our children struggling in school financial while your gods are riding around in Bentley's?
Tell me, where is the God in that?
But I assume you'll say they don't have faith or enough faith and that's why they're poor and struggling right?
I can't always blame these pimps for how they pimp you can't pimp without tricks!!!
When judgment hits the church I feel sorry for those who have served and worshipped their god instead of the true and living God.
We ALL are going to see who got it and who was just in it for the mighty dollar!!!
So with that said, Job 22 still stands:

21 “Now acquaint yourself with Him, and be at peace;
Thereby good will come to you.

22 Receive, please, instruction from His mouth,
And lay up His words in your heart.

23 If you return to the Almighty, you will be built up;
You will remove iniquity far from your tents.

24 Then you will lay your gold in the dust,
And the gold of Ophir among the stones of the brooks.

25 Yes, the Almighty will be your gold
And your precious silver;

26 For then you will have your delight in the Almighty,
And lift up your face to God.

27 You will make your prayer to Him,
He will hear you,
And you will pay your vows.

28 You will also declare a thing,
And it will be established for you;
So light will shine on your ways.

29 When they cast you down, and you say, ‘Exaltation will come!’
Then He will save the humble person.

30 He will even deliver one who is not innocent;
Yes, he will be delivered by the purity of your hands.”


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