New Pastors: Advice for the New Pastors: The what "to do's" and not "to do's" on Day One

I remeber my first comments on the BPN was under Min. Lockett discussion regarding "My First Sermon." At that time I was like him "An associate minister, faithful, patience, prayerful, hard working, and preparing for the day when God's will would allow me to pastor a church. You hear the discussion all the time, "When I am a Pastor, I will do this and that. We dont covete the position but we see ourselves preparing for the opportunity. Well, my season is here. After prayer/fasting/listening I recently accepted the Letter from a church to Psator. Words can't describe how I have been feeling. I'm careful to request to stay in God's mercy, remain humble, listen twice before speaking once, trying not to fix things that are not broken, (that is another discussion) learning names, praying frequently, and teaching/preaching. Every Pastor who I know has called, emailed, & texted congrats but I'm looking for advice from some of the experience members of BPN to begin a discussion of advice to new Pastors. I would rather learn from others mistakes than make them. School can prepare you but on day one, life experinces re-train you. by the way, all those ideas you had racing through your mind before you became a Pastor seem to exit on day one. I would like to hear your advice to New Pastors. I have always been one to recieve advice and learn from it.

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Excellent info Pastor I find that to be very true "having church" and growing a church is totally different,and my advice to the young Pastor is to learn how,when and what to delegate and to gleen as you are doing now from more seasoned people and do not be afraid to fellowship with those who have excelled in their call.
I have made the mistake of fellowshiping with only churches who are on our same level and you cant get greater growth that way.
Thank you so much!
I loved you synopsis of it all...from beginning to end. My husband and I planted a ministry in a very dry area...the PNW. You have described our ministry in every phase. We are now in our 6th year...growing into year 7, and wow what a journey. We have grown as the ministry has, but even through the challenges we still stand.
I founded the ministry that I pastor, and the Lord has blessed. Been pastoring for 14 years. I agree with Pastor Selena. It is much harder to go into an established church. I oversee 9 churches. One of them, the church hired the pastor. He went in and began to change things quickly, and they didnt like it. After two years they asked for his dismissal. First you must get to know the people, find out the vision of the house before you got there, find out how they treat pastors, prayerfully select your board members, because they hold your pay check (sorry to put it that way). Many hold the power and say if we hired him, we can fire him. Make sure you get a pastoral agreement, that's crucial. You must protect yourself and your family. Also, get a job description, so you will know what they expect of you. All of this goes with a pastor that inherits a church. Make sure you dont have a buddy system. Stay close to your family. Lift up your wife at all times. Preach the word in season and out of season.
Just a few pointers. We will be praying for you. I tell anybody its easy looking from the outside. But when you take on that responsibility, you got to know that God is with you. If God be for you, He is more then a whole world against you.

Bless you son!

Overseer, Dr. Bonnie Hunter
Amen! It is hard to set vision in a ministry that is already set in their way!
Nice testimony and i we are believing God for a building also and we were using a house for threshing floor prayer meeting and then God asked us to establish his church, then we moved into a poultry and now we seen a warehouse and i going for it by faith, because is word said he will give us houses we did not build! Please share your testimony with me and also challenges. Rev. 12:11 they overcame by the blood and words of their testimonies. Peace
To everyone who has responded, let me say thanks to you for sharing. In a world of people who think more of self-accomplishments than Kingdom builders, it is good to see hope in the world. We are being blessed at the church as God is leading us to new levels. We have transitioned with ease, which is due to prayer, fasting, trusting, and listening to God. The members are growing individually and we are now focus on reaching the community. The impact has been tremendous as people are returning to the church or coming to church for the first time. I dont want to mislead you in thinking all is well, but in the midst of it all, I have learned that true leader is determined by not great you are but are those who are your entrusted members are empowered by you to do their very best for God. I realize that it is not about me but it is about God. Keep praying for us and we will the same for you.

Pastor C
Many Blessings to both of you in building Gods kingdom, you truly are an encouragement to me. I am currently a pastor of a small group of people in my home. After almost a year of pastoring, we are slowly growing . I am focused and sticking to the vision God has given me, and humbly seeking and walking in His will and purpose. My desire is to be able to move in a building soon but I am waiting on the go ahead from our Father. this has definitely been a year of revelation, information and application. Thank you and God bless, you are truly appreciated.

Pastor C.
My encouragement to you is to follow God by listening to Him for direction and don't be afraid if the leap of faith is extreme and near impossible in your scope. Many times we as Pastors look at God's Vision through a Periscope meaning the image we see is limited because of the vehicle used to view the Vision. You are only able to see based on the capability of the Periscope, which is limited just like our minds are limited. However when we look at the same vision through the eyes of the Lord or in the case of the Prophet's servant where the Prophet prayed that his eyes be opened. We see things not as what they are but what God can make it become.

Be Blessed
Pastor C
One of my unfortunate experiences led me to revisit what Nehemiah did when he returned to rebuild the way. He took time to first inspect the entire situation in an inconspicuous way. In short, don't be in a rush to announce your plan or initiate a ministry-altering action. Take 6 months or a year to inspect and pray. Of course, you should be on your best preaching so people won't accuse you of being lazy.
This is a very interesting subject and I will pass on the advice that was passed on to me: PREACH GOD'S WORD AND LOVE GOD'S PEOPLE!!!!
Man of God test all things that pertain to the Words of God. Do what He says, live your life His way which is righteous. Know that His Son, Jesus Christ was sent to us (for God so love the world He sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believes Him shall not perish but have eternal life). The reason He was sent to us was to teach us the Words of God and how God want us to live and also He was the POE for us so that we could pray and ask for forgiveness from God in the Name of His Son, cause of course in order to get to the Father you must go through the Son.When we repent we must also name our sins in prayer to God Almighty and yes of course turn away from sin.
Always live your life as you teach the people nothing contradictory in you or the Word of God. Do not be afraid to tell the people the Words from God. Have true fellowship with God, do His Ordinance it is required and you shall know all things that He wants His people to know.This I feel is some of the things you need to know and please feel free to read the Words that God has for His people in these times on


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