Should a pastor that spends most of his time preaching and teaching get paid for what God has him to do? I know what the scriptures says about this, but would you pastor for free?

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Ashley writes:"For me, it amazes me how we will compensate and provide for everyone and everything besides God's people."
Why is that? Yes why do we hate the Jews and reward the Charlitins that have raped those who only wanted to find love in g-d? As you indicated The so called 'church" is out of alignment with the Marital-contract,[ Ketubah] established at Har Sinai after the exodus. First thing is the Rabbi known as Yeshua, Stated very plainly to follow the instructions and rulings of the Sages of Israel~The so-called -church has violated to the highest degree the Torah that the Man Yeshua followed:
And instead followed the twisted and often hard to understand writings of Paul who choose Not to go up to Yerushalayim (Jerusalem)and learn from the Main Talmidim(disciples) of Yeshua...

So Go Figure who the so-called-church follows: Yes you are right,... Next time in church, note how many references are not of Yeshua...and how many lean to a Hellenistic theology spouted by Paul or misconstruction over the 1700 in the hands of Rome to fit the Anti-Judaism and antisemitism in the NT..

You may have not noticed as I do that the Sages and Hasidim Like Yeshua was, are the poorest of the poor, yet they serve a mighty/ Elohim who always rains upon them Hesed (Mercy) for their obedience

The six-day war was won because The REBBE of Chabad instructed them to all Don their Tallit's( payer-shawl ~the 'tent's Paul was making)) and wrap Tefillin and then YHVH would give them the Victory: Obedience is the Key to unlock that which is lost~ the victory is the Masters.

Enjoy your journey: shalom
Satan I rebuke u in the name of jesus. Leave this site now and never return
The man is worthy of his hire
iam bless to join your group thank you evangelist pastor susie houston
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CW Whitaker
CW Whitaker don't delay get your Snake oil right away come on down and get fleeced by a pro...
Oh please more Flesh is what this place needs
iam bless to join your group thank you evangelist pastor susie houston
Preachers should be paid. It's not what man thinks that matters. GOD's word is what matters and the scriptures are very clear that preachers should be paid.
Mr. Phelps writes~"GOD HATES AMERICA!
Actually Fred, My Lady Terry, hit the nail on the head~~~YHVH is tired of the Debauchery of humanity ---Period.

I am a serious student of G-d join me in deep study and learn~and stop monkeying around

Remember try to get in some deep calleth unto deep study-time as well...let me know if I can help you find the higher-Shekinahlife:...
In a word "muzzle not" the ox that treads the corn. The corn treading preacher has the right to eat of the corn as he continues to tread day in and day out, hour by hour, and moment by moment. That yoke we bear as CoLaborers with Messiah Yashua our Lord (Jesus Christ) is easy and the burden is light, and He supplies our needs. Not ever preacher depends only on ministry to earn his keep. Some of us work have secular vocations and diverse professions which we use to earn our keep. Either way the LORD supplies the need Blessed be HIS NAME. The choice is the preacher's choice according to the will of G-d.
Mr. Jackson writes:"The choice is the preacher's choice according to the will of G-d."
In Reality,...we have 'No choice'. We either act as Son's of G-d using the very precepts of Torah and the Sages advice of the eons of time,...or we are as rebellious children of Amalek.
In either case we have succeeded in advancing the agendas of Ha'Shem.
Co- labors with YHVH That is who we are and the essence of G-d is with-in everyone...The Kingdom of YAH( Psalms 68:v4)- or in the Real Tanakh YHVH) is within you!~Your Rabbi of note Yashua/j-sus said that:
Really too bad the church of Rome did not tell her wayward daughters the truth, or even for that matter teach them how to READ the Bible with clarity..yet sadly the blindness continues in the 23,000 variations of Xianism on the planet and the now over 600 registered Demonations that Amerika spouts as truth.
I think that violates the very teaching to his Talmidim/ disciples when Yeshua stated 'I pray that you become One with the Father( Who is Yeshua speaking of-YHVH) I am one with the father" ~~~
To become One with the Master creator is to become a full Son of YHVH and rightfully so for anyone who obtains that level of intimacy with the Divine creator: Bunch of Roman-Socialized religion in the first place.
Rome once ruled with the Sword and now rules the planet with Religion.

Same difference.
Same NWO crap: control mechanism is all Religion is: The Judaic version on the other hand is the Life-breath of Adonai living and flowing in every fiber of your being. It is the Only non-religion that is based upon direct Intimacy ~~~Shema-Israel [Deut.6:v4-9] ~~
Come up to the ShekinahLife of YHVH and become the Sons and the Bride of Israel once again...Come to the Afrikan Redemption: Those who were raped, killed and tortured for their stand to the G-d of Abraham, Issac and Jacob...need to return to who they were Torah Observant Yeminite./Hebrew / Isralite / Jewish Sons and Daughters...270 years of slavery in the NWO crap has erased your memory of just who you are ..Time to do Teshuvah= Return-- To Return"back to your Taddy, your ABBA ,your true self.

Run from the paganism of Rome and run to Daddy YHVH the essence within will lead the way...

( Teshuvah) All that Yeshua taught regarding a salvation principle is what all Jewish Sages teach Return Teshuvah Return to G-d and go and study...The Prodigal Son story is just that a story of the Guelah // the Redemption...
...............Not what Xianism teaches- do this and do that,.. and,......???
Time for the ShekinahLife to come forth...
James Lee Hamilton~Shalom...Shavuah Tov Have a good week)


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