Should a pastor that spends most of his time preaching and teaching get paid for what God has him to do? I know what the scriptures says about this, but would you pastor for free?

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I don't think we are debating tithing on this forum but any way I disagree with your view on tithing but I stay with my conviction.
But we are to be a cheerful giver and tithing rebukes the devour. I believe if the word is preached in Spirit and Truth one will want to give. The bible does talk about sowing seed, some folks have allowed the Spirit of GREED to over take them and they become selfish and some folks have a poverty struck mind and think in a little baby box. Yet we all know the promises of God; there is good success in the ministry and the wealth of winning souls is wise.
I would just like say to my brother in agreement with I am 100 percent woman. I am your sister not bro ford lol....but God bless you any way He see's fit to the highest of high.
It was an oversight. Stay bless
Clarification, I have Officially Pastored 4 churches but Pastored Five (1 Interim)
Will this subject ever end?
Never will it end Until the Students finally go and study...which is exactly what Yeshua told his disciples= (Talmidim). to do.

George Santayana Stated "those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it"

...Kids we are in a chemical holocaust...this is not just coming for the Jews It is coming for everybody if we do not Heal this land from all the arrogant harlotry of the heart" the Master is going to allow the continuing of the fall of AmeriKa.

Perhaps it is too late The Famine is soon to be here...prepare your family..prepare your heart ...
You know, this is all too confusing to me on just a simple statement asking about should a pastor, pastor a church for free. One saying no, another saying yes, then another saying something waaayy off the subject about we should know the deep truth. I mean can someone say something simple about the question at hand instead of going off into a deep answer. If I wasn't saved, santified, and filled with the Holy Spirit, I will just go back to living the world's rules of living.
I say change the subject. That is what is wrong with the body of Christ, some Baptist, Pentecostal, Lutheran, Lukewarm ect.... but not sticking to the matter at hand and that is winning souls. If your called to preach then preach, if your called to teach then teach, pastor pastor, prophecy don't prophet lie, Apostle don't lord just do what Jesus did he went out among them. That's why I thank God for Outreach I'd rather preach to a dead man watch him live again then the holy of holy folks who have gotten way off of just living saved; that is an action word, something you practice. I never thought coming to Christ would be like this. It is almost the same as when I was banging in the streets. Red, Blue what you gonna do that was divided, but my bible says a house that is divided will fall. What happen to equipping the saints to go out? What happen to LOVE. You know what is so sad, today's current events are lining up with the prophecy of the bible and folks are so busy trying teach a soft word that no longer cuts, no longer is transforming lives, water down gospel, scared they going lose a member who is faithful tithing to God, worried about who got the most members, worried about image and the real gospel isn't popular it makes folks mad and look at themselves and I have made a vow if I got to be on this page I am doing what I am called to do set order and the church is so far out of order I am disappointed in some of the leaders on this site I only been on for one day and this is what I came across. The system makes it seem like this site is good and the named it Black preaching, can you imagine how many folks from another mother come to this site and call us fools for we are so busy tearing one another down while the devil is building up his Kingdom, Ali is rising, Jehovah Witnesses is rising, Mormons rising what is wrong with my family? Stop and pay attention to your call, Get in order and use this site with wisdom one of the greatest revenues you can have for wisdom is principal. Relationships another revenue, then maybe so many folks won't have so many revivals for money, but revivals for restoration, salvation, come on this is crazy and I don't care if you don't like me I came to far to have to see, hear this madness over who got paid, if your doing your job God said I will provide it's HIS anyway wake up and look at the spirit of distraction that has crept in on a page that could be used to win souls to Christ and have praise parties with one another. I love you all and this is maddness.
That's all I am saying. You have hit the nail on the head. It is all about Jesus who is the Christ!!!!!
Mrs Ford writes: with much dissatisfaction as to how the church is was I...
It is arrogant foolishness of the blind following the blind...Go to Bible school for a year or real good and the elect of your Demonation or whatever,... will exalt you to lead the little sheeple
Interesting reply...Your heart is in the work of G-d... Now you just have to understand that G-d is everywhere .That G-d is in everything ...that G-d is everything including me and including You.

Much truth within...however let us take it in Moshie went to the Mountain type...What type of man goes up the mountain to Meet face to face with G-d?

NOT any I have seen on this site for the last three years...No one wants to it really true what the comic states about the arrogance and lack of reading desire in the Afrikan peoples???~..if so it is time to get over Mental Laziness..and do as you allude too: IT IS TIME FOR THE MEN TO GROW UP!!!

Time for the Harlotry from the pulpits of Amerika to stop!

Idolatry has to Stop.

And Mr. Rabbi J-sus which is not any Hebrews mans name EVER!~ That is a name from Hellenized Rome)
Is Not the Moshiach according to the historical archives of Rome.

They refute the Virgin Birth as a first century doctrine that the gods (plural as in many gods-Romes misconstruction)- could come and impregnate women.
The Linage of Mariam does not work ..It only is used to connect this man to a Jewish women.

The Moshiach has to come out of the Sperm Donor..t( read your Bible with clarity) that would have been Yoseph...after he and Mariam went out to the field and knocked boots or did a wild Cajun monkey dance was done and condoned by the leaders of Israel at the time of the second Temple...(Study your biblical history)
~~~~~It was later, not condoned)

But Rome blew off Yoseph because Sex to the catholic church is dirty( Look at their history on the subject)~
Simply Yeshua is a CAUSER of your Redemption ~IF you walk as he walked..(Yochannon refered to this in 1st John 2:v6)

Mrs Ford If you follow the links and reply's back on this forum that I have put on here Ther is no fluffy bunny stuff It is all designed to awaken the people to read or listen to what is actually taught weather it is about tithing..or Study it has been either from the heart as you wrote...or it has been a deeper look at the original scrolls...The Children do-not want to learn..that is all there is to it..T

hey want the Money --power of Ego---or status..However to go and study as a Wise man...That I have not seen on BPN...Ever.

What I have noted is contention..and arrogance and just plain this race of People...

Before Slavery You were the Masters pride of the Sephardi..Yemenite...Ethiopian peoples...Now this is just plain Harlotry and arrogance..with a thick layer of Pride without humility...IMHO>

TD Jakes and all the other Masters you follow have not a clue as to the real walk of a Pious is all about Adonai..has nothing to do with Romes version of antisemitism( Proved in WW2 historically ~They still refuse to open up their records to what was going on during the war and why Rome stayed out of it)
Time to study your rich History...Time to come out of her Much like Avraham.
I have spent the better part of forty years serving the Master...It is all about the Marriage at Mt Sinai desert..when HaShem came down to earth and Married the Hebrew people~AND~ The stranger with them...It was then that the Ketubah( marital-contract EG Torah or the Ten Mitzvopt) was signed...and contrary to Romes and the prostestant daughters version..ther is no divorceand therefore there is no need for the Replacement theology of Rome..and all the Misconstruction and historically inserted fabrcation over 1700 years at the hands of Rome:

Simply Rome is the NWO chosen is simply obvious all the Elite illuminate types bow at her alters therefore it has nothing to do with us a s men growing up in a household of Torah observance....

observing the seven feasts unto the L-rd as is in the scriptures.( I put all the scriptural references to this a few posts back~~for those interested..

Enjoy your YOM KIPPUR~~~
Shalom Aleichem

Until all is a Shabbat~~~Yom Shekulo Shabbat~!



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