Should a pastor that spends most of his time preaching and teaching get paid for what God has him to do? I know what the scriptures says about this, but would you pastor for free?

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How does one know who is called..and who is sent? Jesus said you shall know a tree by his fruits....Is he bearing good fruit from the walk of his life in Christ. That does not mean a large church or congregation...It should be in his works....Just like Paul said that a man is to work and pray and care for his wife like Christ died for the then the man of God must be SOLD OUT TO JESUS! Not just preaching in the church!~ Where are all the street PREACHERS AT???? I only see ministers who preach inside in the pulpit...but the people that need to be reached are on the the highways and byways! I am and Gospel Singer...and I would love to sing on a street corner about the risen Savior Jesus Christ ...Amen!
Mrs Wittiker writes:"and I would love to sing on a street corner...
and so you should...Only remember the man Mar Yeshua Ben Yoseph always Pointed to the Master of the Universe YHVH (Yod Hey Vav Hey) so I might suggest you do the same.

Enjoy your Shabbat
I agree with you, they are inside with the door shut....i remember when they use to put speakers on the outside of the churchs and have the door wide open ...i remember when they use to put the chairs outside of the church and have service on the outside of the churchs .....they can talk about Jehovah witness all they want however they are putting the foot work in for what they believe so are the Isrealite believers, and muslims ok, just to name a few. They visit the hospitals and jails and homeless shalters; they knock on doors and they don't care if you answer or not they still knock on doors, they go after the young people and the childern, while most so called christain hide behind close doors while they seek government grants to get food to give to the poor and get paid from the government for doing it all the while most of them steal it for their own familys and church friends . Getting over like fat cats behind close door. How can they expect for sinner's to believe when they are robbing the God they serve and not putting any works in their faith; all they can cry about is more money more money more money filty money having they read the root of it is evil....NOT ALL PASTOR OR PREACHER ECT... IS LIKE THIS HOWEVER MOST OF THEM ARE!!!
Every pastor would pastor for free but it would be unbiblical and out therefore, out of God's will for his church.
Praise God for this discussion. Should a Pastor be paid? YES. As a matter of fact, if you look at the book of Numbers 18:21-the end of the chapter you will be amazed at what you read. The priest (Levi Pristhood) were commanded to live off the tithe of the people. "And, behold, I have given the children of Levi all the tenth in Israel for an inheritance, for their service which they serve, even the service of the tabernacle of the congregation." Num 18:21

This is the verse that God said in Malachi 3:7 "Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine ordinances, and have not kept them. Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the LORD of hosts. But ye said, Wherein shall we return?" In fact God has said you have gone away from mine ordinances. Isn't it amazing that when we teach tithing we fail to teach this part of Malachi? This is why people think the Pastors should do it for free. Who gave people the right to change Gods ordinances where His ministers are concerned? Pastors should live off their giving, and the God of all comfort will speak to the people to give back into his lap, good measure pressed down and shaken together, and running over! If the church did as God told them then when they come to the altar for healing and deliverance they would not be guilty of choking the man of God from the provisions His servant needs. What would you do if your son comes home from work, and never got a check? Yet the job kept asking him to show up week, after week? What would you do about that? Selah.
Paul and Loretta of KingdomTime Ministries
Shalom, You might trying to Read the entire Proclamation of Malachi and together with all the historical and relevant material,... Learn to teach correctly..

Malachi - Chapter 3

Chapter 3

1. Behold I send My angel, and he will clear a way before Me. And suddenly, the Lord Whom you seek will come to His Temple. And behold! The angel of the covenant, whom you desire, is coming, says the Lord of Hosts. א.
Behold I send My angel: to put the wicked away. :
and he will clear a way: of the wicked. :
the Lord Whom you seek: The God of justice. :
and the angel of the covenant: who avenges the revenge of the covenant. :
2. Now who can abide the day of his coming, and who will stand when he appears, for it is like fire that refines and like fullers' soap. ב.
Now who can abide: This is synonymous with; וּמִי יָכִיל :
and who will stand: Will be able to stand. :
and like fullers’ soap: Like soap used by the fullers, which removes the entire stain. So will he remove all the wickedness. :
and like soap: It is an herb which removes stains, erbe savonijere in Old French, probably soapwort. The word בֹּרִית signifies a thing that cleans and purifies, as in (Ps. 73:1), “to the pure of heart.” :
3. And he shall sit refining and purifying silver, and he shall purify the children of Levi. And he shall purge them as gold and as silver, and they shall be offering up an offering to the Lord with righteousness. ג.
And he shall sit refining: He will free himself from all his affairs to be like a refiner, who refines and purifies silver. :
4. And then the offerings of Judah and Jerusalem shall be pleasant to the Lord, as in the days of old and former years. ד.
5. And I will approach you for judgment, and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers and against the adulterers and against those who swear falsely; and also against those who withhold the wages of the day laborers, of the widow and fatherless, and those who pervert [the rights of] the stranger, [and those who] fear Me not, says the Lord of Hosts. ה.
6. For I, the Lord, have not changed; and you, the sons of Jacob, have not reached the end. ו.
For I, the Lord, have not changed: Although I keep back My anger for a long time, My mind has not changed from the way it was originally, to love evil and to hate good. :
and you, the sons of Jacob: Although you die in your evil, and I have not requited the wicked in their lifetime :
you have not reached the end: You are not finished from before Me, for I have left over the souls to be requited in Gehinnom. And so did Jonathan render. And you of the House of Jacob, who think that whoever dies in this world, his verdict has already ended, that is to say, you think that My verdict has been nullified, that he will no longer be punished. Our Sages (Sotah 9a), however, explained it: לֹא שָׁנִיתִי - I did not strike a nation and repeat a blow to it; but as for you, I have kept you up after much punishment, and My arrows are ended, but you are not ended. :
7. From the days of your fathers you have departed from My laws and have not kept [them]. "Return to Me, and I will return to you," said the Lord of Hosts, but you said, "With what have we to return?" ז.
8. Will a man rob God? Yet you rob Me, and you say, "With what have we robbed You?"-With tithes and with the terumah-levy. ח.
Will a man rob: Our Sages explained this as an expression of robbery, and it is an Aramaism. :
With tithes and with the terumah levy: The tithes and the terumah - levy that you steal from the priests and the Levites is tantamount to robbing Me. :
9. You are cursed with a curse, but you rob Me, the whole nation! ט.
You are cursed with a curse: because of this iniquity, for which I send a curse into the work of your hands; but nevertheless, you rob Me. :
10. Bring the whole of the tithes into the treasury so that there may be nourishment in My House, and test Me now therewith, says the Lord of Hosts, [to see] if I will not open for you the sluices of heaven and pour down for you blessing until there be no room to suffice for it. י.
so that there may be nourishment in My House: There shall be food accessible for My servants. :
11. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sake, and he will not destroy the fruits of your land; neither shall your vine cast its fruit before its time in the field, says the Lord of Hosts. יא.
And I will rebuke the devourer for your sake: The finishing locusts and the shearing locusts, which devour the grain of your field and your vines. :
12. And then all the nations shall praise you, for you shall be a desirable land, says the Lord of Hosts. יב.
a desirable land: A land that I desire. :
13. "Still harder did your words strike Me," says the Lord, but you say, "What have we spoken against You?" יג.
14. You have said, "It is futile to serve God, and what profit do we get for keeping His charge and for going about in anxious worry because of the Lord of Hosts?" יד.
“It is futile to serve God”: We worship Him for nothing, for we will receive no reward. :
in anxious worry: with low spirits. :
15. And now we praise the bold transgressors. Yea, those who work wickedness are built up. Yea, they tempt God, and they have, nevertheless, escaped. טו.
And now we praise the bold transgressors, etc.: We worshipped Him and kept His charge, but now we see that the wicked are prospering - to the extent that we praise them for the wicked deeds. :
Yea, they tempt God,: saying, “Let us see what He will be able to do to us.” :
and they have, nevertheless, escaped: harm, and they have not stumbled. :
16. Then the God-fearing men spoke to one another, and the Lord hearkened and heard it. And a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who feared the Lord and for those who valued His name highly. טז.
Then the God-fearing men spoke, etc.: I retort upon your words then, when the wicked commit evil and the good go about in anxious worry because of Me. The God-fearing men spoke to one another not to adopt their evil deeds; and, as for Me, their words are not forgotten to Me. And although I do not hasten to visit retribution, I have hearkened and heard, and I have commanded that a book of remembrance be written for them. Their words shall be preserved for Me. :
17. And they shall be Mine, says the Lord of Hosts, for that day when I make a treasure. And I will have compassion on them as a man has compassion on his son who serves him. יז.
for that day when I make a treasure: that I have stored and put away, with which to pay My reward. There I will show you what the difference is between a righteous man and a wicked man. :
a treasure: a treasure; estouj, estui in Old French. :
18. And you shall return and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him who serves God and him who has not served Him. יח.
19. For lo, the sun comes, glowing like a furnace, and all the audacious sinners and all the perpetrators of wickedness will be stubble. And the sun that comes shall burn them up so that it will leave them neither root nor branch, says the Lord of Hosts. יט.
For lo, the sun comes: This instance of יוֹם is an expression of sun, for so did the Sages state that there will be no Gehinnom in the future, but the Holy One, blessed be He, will take the sun out of its case; the wicked will be punished thereby and the righteous will be healed thereby. That is the meaning of what is stated (verse 20): “And the sun of mercy shall rise for you who fear My Name, etc.” :
neither root nor branch: Neither son nor grandson :
20. And the sun of mercy shall rise with healing in its wings for you who fear My Name. Then will you go forth and be fat as fatted calves. כ.
and be fat: an expression of fat, as in (Jer. 50: 11), “as you become fat, like a threshing heifer.” :
as fatted calves: [the calves] that enter the team to be fattened; kopla, cople in Old French: animals tied together. :
21. And you shall crush the wicked, for they will be as ash under the soles of your feet on the day that I will prepare, says the Lord of Hosts. כא.
And you shall crush: and you shall press. This is an expression of pressing, similar to (Ezek. 23:8) “they pressed their virgin breasts.” :
22. Keep in remembrance the teaching of Moses, My servant-the laws and ordinances which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel. כב.
23. Lo, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord, כג.
24. that he may turn the heart of the fathers back through the children, and the heart of the children back through their fathers-lest I come and smite the earth with utter destruction. כד.
that he may turn the heart of the fathers back: to the Holy One, blessed be He. :
through the children: lit., on. He will say to the children affectionately and appeasingly, “Go and speak to your fathers to adopt the ways of the Omnipresent.” So we explain, “and the heart of the children through their fathers.” This I heard in the name of Rabbi Menahem, but our Sages expounded upon it in tractate Eduyoth (8:7), that he will come to make peace in the world. :

Shavuah Tov...Have a great week of Study

Shalom Aleichem
HALLELUJAH to King of Kings. Finally someone with some Knowledge of the bible its because the people has forsaken god is why they say Pastor's shouldn't be paid. How can you change what God has already ordined? Praise God. This is why its important to attend Bible Study!!!!!!!

I have pastored the "Church on the Streets" of Tampa bay for free for over 2 years. Reaching hundreds of homeless weekly under the trees in downtown Tampa. A blessing. God has given me a kingdom business of selling aircraft world wide to support my family. I love just giving out the word without charge. Gives me a certain freedom.

Jerry Brandt. check out our world ministry at and kingdom business USA Aircraft.
Please check out our Kingdom Life University for Free online teaching through the Bible book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. We have remote KLU campuses in Egypt, Uganda, Nigeria, Pakistan, India, Haiti and other nations. Raising up pastors for remote village churches. Please check out our vision at
Mr Brant If the Children really wanted to know the Bible,... They would turn from there superficial understanding and sit at the feet of the Sages of Israel.
~ Why? Because the Sages and Hasidim of Israel wrote the Bible WITH UNDERSTANDING and Really do know their Scrolls far more than the Gentile court has taught.

Sages and Rabbis Lay there lives down for the protection of Israel and that is TORAH INSTRUCTIONS plain and simple.
Above are ~Just some starter places for those wanting to come out of 'The Imperial Church of Rome's' Misconstructed dogma and embrace the real Halachah of Israel inclusive of all the days understandings.
The Torah, Prophets and writings and qabbalah(= received traditions / tree of life teachings) Tanya ( psychology of the Soul/heart) that Yeshua taught from.
Simply Yeshua was a product of his generation with all the trappings and persecution from Rome.

Trust me in that the teaching is like night and day and the revered KJV has some serious discrepancies which are the reason of the leading astray.

Simply if people want to know the Set in Stone rulings regarding Tithe or anything all they have to do is STUDY and OBEY the sages as Yeshua taught them to do...But Sadly they refuse to go back to there heritage and walk the walk.

May HaShem bless your study~
Thanks for this, Yes i Have Pastored a Church in Doha-Qatar for 17 Years for Free. Cauz i was working part time to support my family. Here in USA i have started a Church 09/09/09 but I am not receiving a Salary from Them. I hope i shall receive some money as the Chruch Grows, so it depends on the Pastor. Now i am not working for Three years but God is supplying my Needs.
Is the Pastor Serving God for Money?
If he is Called by God then God is the Provider not the Church Board or any Human.
I have seen mighty Financial Miracles in my life when God sends money from an unknown source and supplies our needs.
Paid or Not Paid, If you are Called you must Serve God in all the Circumstances.
But still these are my Personal Convictions not Commandmets. Thanks for Reading this.
God Bless You.
Amen...Some were sent But many just went...into the Pulpit!
It is not hard at all to tell the difference.


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