Living in the 4th maybe the 3rd largest city in the nation. What do you think about a single woman owning a gun? Living so close to every crime known to man, gangs on the increase, prisons being filled beyond capacity. Home invasions, daytime, major store parking lot crimes, day time bank robberies. By no means am I fearful or scared, just wanted your thoughts.

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Good question. I remember years ago when I used to have hair and went to the local barber shop that at one time was filled with men taking their sons to get their proverbial haircut, which was a man's oasis away from wives and girlfriends to be around a friendly environment of men talking about sports, politics, religion, women, etc, etc. Now in the many local black barbershops it is not men and fathers taking their sons to get their hair cut, but single women bringing their sons. There goes the sacredness of the men's barbershop..:) Anyway, back to the farm. So one day at the barbershop that was filled with young and older black men, a young brother walked in and sat in the barbers chair and asked all of us men this question, "Anybody know where I can get a gun?" Me being in the NOI (Nation of Islam) at the time (well they were the ones who went to the hiways and biways to get me) so I asked the young thug brother, "what kind of gun do you desire a six shooter?" He smirked and laughed and said, "No maaan, I don't want a six shooter, I want a glock automatic, you know or a AK, a street sweeper" I responded, "A street sweeper and AK-47? For what? Who do you wanna kill?" I asked. He responded, "I don't wanna kill noone, they trying to kill me" he said. I responded, "Kill you? Why would someone want to kill you?" He retorted, "I"m a black youth living in the hood where black folx killing other black folk and I need to be PROTECTED so I won't DIE". I responded, "So you need a gun to make you feel protected or give the appearance of being protected" He said, "yes". I continued, "So you want a gun or a street sweeper to kill folx based on your fear, correct?" He said, "yes". I then said, "So the real reason you need a gun is because your fearful of DYING"
He said, "yes". Then I asked, "Do you think the other ones who you think desire to kill you are just as fearful of dying as well?" I continued, "so in your mind a gun and a street sweeper will give you a sense of power over the other who may just have a six shooter?" "So the real issue then is that you need a weapon to continue this fear based terrorism aimed at your very people to terrorize your own neighborhood for fear of death?" So I get a gun and you get a gun and everyone is suspect and when we feel fearful how easy it will be to just pull out our "street sweeper" to kill those demons that lie within us all? I guess the answer that Dr. Martin Luther King when threatened with his very life daily in confronting evil men who was hell bent on assassination should've been to kill those who persecute them, instead of the commandment of Christ to love and pray for those who seek to kill you........Thought there was an appointed time to die? And as my father would always say, "Christians always talking about heaven, but scared because the only way to get their is that you have to...DIE!

They tried to kill Jesus many times by stoning and pushing him off a cliff, but each time God rescued Him and made a plan of escape, for He wasn't prophesied to die by stoning or by knife or by falling off a cliff. He had to go to the cross and wasn't murdered or killed, but layed down His very life for us. Really the biggest miracle and wonder that Jesus did was not walking on water or turning water into wine, or making the dumb speak or healing the cripple and the blind. To me the greatest miracle was that He lived as long as He lived speaking what He spoke. The charge was blaspheme! Not breaking the sabbath or feeding the multitudes or helping a man at the pool of Bethesda.

I refuse to buy a carnal weapon used to kill another, our weapons aren't carnal but spiritual. If folx who are believers would start acting like believers and doing the continuing works of Christ by going out to the harvest of the dead to bring God's light, love and deliverance to the streets of the wicked as the first Christians did and become the light and salt of the earth and to engage them with the sword of truth to reconcile Junebug and Tyrone and go and hug and thug, those same thugs and gang bangers would see you as an angel and be powerfully stirred to move from being dead in their sins to alive in Christ and move from being a terror to our neighborhoods to being the guardians of it.

I'm secured in my walk with Christ in going to the hiways and biways as our Lord and Savior Jesus did whom reconciled us all back to the Holy Father through His sacrifice on the old rugged cross. I even instructed to tell my wife, that if I'm killed for proclaiming the Good News of Christ, do not look to have the offender put to death, but instead use that oppurtunity to bring him to know the free gift of salvation, cause you know where I am, grave where is your victory, death where is your sting? I'm like Paul who said:

Php 1:21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.


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