For the past few days I have been in several "heated fellowships" surrounding this issue of rights for homosexuals vs. heterosexuals. My questions: should citizens of the United States who are homosexual have the same rights as citizens of the United States who are heterosexuals? Should Christian belief be forced upon an individual? Is it or should it be an issue of just basic civil liberties?...i.e. they have the right to marry simply because they too are citizens? What about the United States will change if same-sex marriages are legalized when there is so much other sin abounding in this great country of ours? Should it only be look upon from a christian viewpoint?

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Brotha, are you a victim of adultery?, if you are, You need to forgive her!!!! If you don't God will not forgive you your sins.
forgive her yes, but being a sucka' no.....LOL
"Brotha, are you a victim of adultery?"

Need one be a victim of rape to speak out against rape? Need one be a victim of theft to speak out against stealing? If the answers to those questions are no, then why would you assume that I am a victim of adultery simply because I spoke against that sin?

To answer your question, no I am not a victim. I am just pointing out the hypocrisy surrounding this issue, and apparently, I have hit a nerve.
Quite honestly I can kind of see your point in the hypocrisy in the issue because divorce can hurt the fabric of the family also especially when there is no replacement given i.e. step-dad or mom, but you must truly understand that one is not an out right attack on the family and God's design for it, and one is. One is totally against God and his word and the other while God does not like he gave an option out of the hardness of our hearts. And lastly and quite honestly one is easier to judge according to the word and the other is more difficult because we don't know the hearts of the individuals getting the divorce. A lot of times we think just because the people attended a church they were part of the church, sometimes the divorces would be biblically justified. While many are not so don't get me wrong it needs to be addressed and in many ways it is, but now I have a question what do you suggest the church do?

"One is totally against God and his word and the other while God does not like he gave an option out of the hardness of our hearts."

How can any sin be partially against God and his Word? I believe that all sins are totally against God and his Word.

Besides, the Bible talked more about the sin of adultery than the sin of homosexuality. One of the Ten Commandments was not to commit mention nothing about homosexuality. Even Jesus repeated that Commandment twice in the Bible, but he never once mention anything about homosexuality.

In the Bible, adultery, like homosexuality, is also considered to be an abomination. And like homosexuality, those caught in the act of adultery were to be killed.

In the Bible, adulterers who were friends of the world were considered to be an enemy of God....Regardless of how one try to twist it, that cannot be a good thing. So if ever there was a sin which is totally against God and his Word, ADULTERY would be it.

Also speaking of the "option out", Jesus said it was Moses who gave men an "option out" because of the hardness of their hearts, not God. Because he stated from the beginning(meaning God) that "option out" was not so.

"And lastly and quite honestly one is easier to judge according to the word and the other is more difficult because we don't know the hearts of the individuals getting the divorce."

Neither do we know the hearts of individuals engaging in homosexual activities. There are many homosexuals who said they were born that way. There are some homosexuals who said they were made that way by other people. And there are some homosexuals who said they are just experimenting with that lifestyle. Unless we really know their hearts, who are we to say any different? Besides, this is exactly how Jesus described the eunuchs in Matthew 19:12.

"A lot of times we think just because the people attended a church they were part of the church, sometimes the divorces would be biblically justified. While many are not so don't get me wrong it needs to be addressed and in many ways it is, but now I have a question what do you suggest the church do?"

I grew up in the church, and all my years of attending, I never heard one sermon in church about divorce and remarriage. NOT ONE!!

Maybe it is too late for the churches to do anything. Many are so full of sin and hypocrisy; I don't think they have the moral authority to take a stand on anything. They can't talk about fornicators...too many in pews AND in the pulpits. And they can't talk about the adulterers for the same reason....HYPOCRISY. You see hypocrites want to condemn everyone else’s sins but their own. I think the main reason many churches are condemning the homosexuals because they are a safe target.

With the black community at 70% Out-of-Wedlock births, and black women making up more than half of the congregation, I like to see a preacher have the nerve to condemn fornication.

With the divorces, separations, and remarriages after divorce in the churches outnumbering those outside of the churches, I like to see a preacher have the nerve to condemn adultery.

NOPE..."It ain't gonna happen."

So I guess the homosexuals are going to have to do for now.

How can any sin be partially against God and his Word? I believe that all sins are totally against God and his Word.
I was not trying to make it seem as if God was partial to sin, and if it came across that way I aplogize and retract the statement.
In the Bible, adultery, like homosexuality, is also considered to be an abomination. And like homosexuality, those caught in the act of adultery were to be killed.
According to the letter you are correct, but Jesus said

John 8:7-11
So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. [8] And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. [9] And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. [10] When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? [11] She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

So it is possible to repent! No one in here said that a homosexual should be put to death, so I dont really know were that is comming from.
Neither do we know the hearts of individuals engaging in homosexual activities. There are many homosexuals who said they were born that way. There are some homosexuals who said they were made that way by other people. And there are some homosexuals who said they are just experimenting with that lifestyle. Unless we really know their hearts, who are we to say any different? Besides, this is exactly how Jesus described the eunuchs in Matthew 19:12.
How they got caught up in the act of homosexuality is not what is being questioned, what is being questioned is there "right" to marry, we may not know how they got caught up in it but we know they got caught up in it and need to come out of the lifestyle.

Dont make a case for one to try to prove your case for the other. If you have a problem with divorce and remarriage within the church well CRY LOUD AND SPARE NOT!! But if you believe that homosexuality is against God make sure you stand on that to or you are just as much apart of the hypocrisy that you claim others to be apart of. Or better question may be do you believe that homosexuals have the right to marry?

I grew up in the church, and all my years of attending, I never heard one sermon in church about divorce and remarriage. NOT ONE!!

Maybe in your church, but I've heard many!

And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

"So it is possible to repent!"

Jesus said, "Go and sin no more." To repent, one must turn away from the sin. How can divorced Christians who remarry turn away from their sins of adultery while remaining in the new marriage? Can homosexuals do the same? Can they marry, then repent and remain in their sinful marriage?

"No one in here said that a homosexual should be put to death, so I dont really know were that is comming from."

I was just showing the similarities of the two sins. However; here on this site, it has been said that homosexuals should be put to death.

"How they got caught up in the act of homosexuality is not what is being questioned, what is being questioned is there "right" to marry"

According to the title of this post, what is being questioned is 'Should Homosexuals Have the Same Rights as Heterosexuals?'

I simply asked if heterosexuals have the right to live in a sinful marriage, then why the homosexuals cannot have this same right?

Apparently, some of you would rather question my motives than answer my question.

There is hyprocisy about a gorilla of issues, you have focus in on just this for some reason, and no you haven't hit a nerve, I married in the world, and remarried in Christ, and I know my Lord has forgiven me, because I repented.
Just read this article that is aim at children at grades from kindergarten and above in accepting the homosexual lifestyle as normal and decent and then tell me that their is no gay agenda.....

They are forcing children to learn about the gay lifestyle and parents are not allowed to remove their children while they are doing it, with a church on every corner...LOL Unbelievable while we are more concerned about whether its good or not for a man to wear long hair and for women to wear pants in church...Am I high?
This was started back a decade ago, check out the books then as well. I'm with you on this, I just don't see how making laws to modify behavior changes hearts?
The lord of Host made all that is
ALL THAT IS if you Believe the Bible as you should

THE Gospel Of Thomas 1945 Egypt?

So You mean to say no-one knows about this find?
You Mean to say " The Alpha and Omega"
I am that I am has not lead you here?
Hello Brothers and Sisters, The Sharers of "The WORD"
What sup" Lord God, Father God: Heavenly Father God
In The Holy Name of Jesus, who is willing to die for the truth?
Or does it matter any more~ The Lord Our Father~ Who Lives in each and everyone who believes
Jesus I call you to send down thy spirit site and all that dare risk there eyes to this reading
and have a ear to listen to the message...Hear God speaking to you has he has me
Jesus you deserve the truth be known ... all knowledge of the ages appear now
Eat that which is the meat?


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