Matthew 18:19-20 "Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."

We all are faced with Adversities in life and the Word of God tells us to pray for one another and to bear one another's burdens. All Prayer Warriors and praying friends, let us set aside a time each day to pray for our Nation, Leaders, Family, Friends and all people who have been affected by the Economy and those who are in Crisis. The early morning time that I've set aside is between 5-6 AM before you start your day. No matter what part of the world you reside in, please include this time in your daily agenda. When we all come together in unity and prayer for world peace, we can move heaven in our behalf.

Most of the time our lives are filled with chaos from day to day, trying to accomplish what needs to be done daily, but where does God fit in? We must remember to take out a few minutes of our day to pray and reverance God! He commands us to Praise and Worship Him in Spirit and in truth..Amen! No matter what religion or faith you're a part of, we all serve the one and only, true and living God! If you have Prayer Requests, write them below, so that we all can come together daily and pray over this prayer list and you all will be exceedingly and abundantly Blessed in Jesus' Precious name! Your Sister In Christ, ~EarthAngel~

enjoylittle.jpg prayer world image by pinkjizzie


As Intercessors, we come together in Prayer & unity, from Nation to Nation & Sea to Shining Sea!  God is no respector of persons and it is my Prayer that we will all be able to come together and Pray daily; all creeds, colors and Ethnicities, all around the world and this is the Vision that God gave to me.  As I'm just starting out and learning how to Pray, most of you that join this Group, already know how to Pray and reach God.  I can learn from you and that's why I need your input.  I need you to contribute whatever knowledge that you have to this Group and commit yourselves to come here and Pray for the needs of others all around the world, not just one time but at all times; any time of the day or night because these doors will always be open, as someone will always need to be Prayed for and uplifted before the Lord.  Just contribute your knowledge of Prayer to this Group, so that we can all learn  and benefit from each other.  We need to Pray for our Families, Friends and Loved Ones daily!  Pray for our President of the United States and the high elected Officials all across this Country.  Pray for our leaders in Government, in our Cities and in our Neighborhoods.  Often times, we as Christians and Saints of God do not Pray enough and I have been guilty of that myself.  We need to get in the habit of Praying all during the day, until it becomes a part of us. It reminds me of how Daniel Prayed..............
Daniel 6:10 Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime.
I found this Resource on the Internet, that has a lot of helpful information available for Prayer Warriors, so please take advantage of it because there's  a lot of helpful & inspirational readings and teachings on this Site.  Plus, it shares a lot of amazing tips for Prayer Warriors as well.  Click Link below to access.  Enjoy!

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a) Those that are separated and not divorced.

Prayer that every bondage be broken and release of the oppressed from the position of neither being here nor there.

b) We will be praying that broken marriages will be restored and brought back to the foundation that God Intended it to be. ie. To be fruitful, multiply, subdue, replenish and have dominion over the earth.




Lord, we stand in the authority of Jesus Christ and we take a stand against principalities and powers, spiritual wickedness in high places, the rulers of darkness of this world, foul spirits and demons that are out on assignment to destroy this marriage in the Name of Jesus. We pray that this marriage will not suffer abuses: emotional, physical or verbal, in the Name of Jesus. We bind the spirit of lust; we bind the spirits of Jezebel, Delilah, misunderstanding, resentment, and strife from this marriage in the Name of Jesus. We bind the spirits of boredom and lack-of-interest in each other; we bind the spirits of confusion, strife, malice, jealousy, unfaithfulness, and selfishness in the Name of Jesus. We bind spirits of laziness, sickness and disease from us in the Name of Jesus. We bind spirits of homosexuality, pornography and all sexual immorality that would try to destroy our marriage. We bind the spirits of divorce, rebellion and disobedience to the word of God. We bind spirits of adultery and fornication; we bind spirits of pride, insensitivity, financial lack and poverty. We bind familiar spirits and spirits of distraction. We bind spirits of hatred and negative interference from family members in the name of Jesus.




a) To bind and rebuke counterfeit partners in the form of Jezebels and Delilah's to destroy the people of God.


b) To Bind and rebuke Incubus and succubus spirits, spirit husbands from the people of God.


Holy Ghost we call upon you today for wisdom knowledge and understanding and a sharp spirit of discernment to rest upon your people to detect the counterfeit spouses that are on assignment by the devil to bring destruction in the life of your people.


We continue to bind and rebuke counterfeit partners in the name of Jesus. Lord we pray that you will expose every Jezebel man/woman and Delilah controlling spirit and spirits of destruction in the name of Jesus.


We cut off every attraction now in the name of Jesus. We cut off every soul tie, in the name of Jesus. We cut every spirit of familiarity in the name of Jesus. We cut the cord of every needs be filled by the counterfeit partner in the name of Jesus. Destroy every connection oh Lord. Expose their evil works and intention in the name of Jesus.


We cut off and expose every false love. We bind and rebuke every spirit of falseness in the name of Jesus. We bind and rebuke the spirits of usury, we bind every spirit that come to exploit, use, steal, destroy and kill your people from accomplishing your purpose in their lives in the name of Jesus. You spirit that comes as the angel of light we bind and rebuke you today in Jesus name. Amen


Thank you Jesus. Lord we thank you today that your desires for your people will come to pass for Godly spouses. Father we pray that every counterfeit spirit, every incubus and succubus spirit husband and spirit wife, that the devil as assigned to possess and destroy the lives of your people will be bound in the name of Jesus.


Lord we ask that you dispatch mighty warring angels on the behalf of your people to stop the way of the enemy. We pray that every angel of light be exposed now in the mighty name of Jesus.



a) Prayer for Healing; emotional, spiritual and physical healing for persons, especially those in Marriage.

b) Prayer for the sick and afflicted.

c) Prayer for those hooked on drugs, gambling, alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, and pornography.



a) Praying for salvation for all unsaved spouses and children. Also to include extended family members.




SWEET HOLY Spirit, we pray that you will bring conversion to the heart of spouses and children that are not save. Please touch their heart cold and hardened heart, create in them a heart of flesh and save their souls we pray in Jesus mighty name. Amen


Holy spirit, move like never before in our loved ones, or spouses, all lost souls! That they be moved now to seek You Father more than ever before! In Jesus name.


Heavenly FATHER, we pray for spiritual growth in our lives and our family members. Lord we pray that our desire for the fruit of the spirit to be developed in our heart will be granted in the name of Jesus. Holy Spirit give us the power and the grace to walk in LOVE because you told us to Matthew 22:38-40 (King James Version) 38This is the first and great commandment. 39And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.


Holy Spirit we ask you for increase power to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy in Jesus mighty name AMEN

Lord God Almighty, How we bless You today! We give You glory! We magnify your name throughout the earth! What a mighty God we serve! We honor You today! With the fruit of our lips we offer up a sacrifice of praise unto You O Lord! We worship You! Thank You for Your goodness, mercy, love and faithfulness towards us O God! You are beyond good, You are great! We thank You Lord for another day! We thank You this day has already been established in and by You! We exalt You Father! We bless You for Your Sovereignty! For You are ALL KNOWING! NOTHING ever takes You by surprise O God! Father we release ourselves into Your hands today! Lead us by Your Spirit! Guide us with Your truth! Father we trust You! For You know the plans You have ordained for us! We walk in them O Lord! Order our steps in Your word O lord! For we follow You God! We walk according to the Spirit so we will not fulfill the lust of our flesh! Move us from complacency Lord! Take us from our comfort zones! We walk by faith and not by sight! Regardless of what we may see in the natural, we see through the eyes of our spirits and the lens of faith! We shall have everything You have promised us! Be it unto us according to our faith! We call those things that be not as though they were! We walk in the power and the authority of who we are in You through Christ Jesus! Every promise, we believe! All of our inheritance, God we receive now! We are grateful to be Your children! We shall be obedient unto You O God! We declarer You are Lord over our lives! Give us to hear Your Spirit! Open our eyes so that we may truly see! Father we separate ourselves from every evil thing! We refuse to make ourselves one with unrighteousness!Create in us a clean heart, Renew within us a right and a steadfast spirit! Father we desire to be more like You!!! As we go through our day, may we clothe ourselves in the full armor of You!!! I bless You God that every attack from the enemy is already null and void! Every plan of his is dismantled in the name of Jesus! We go forth today in and by Your Spirit!!! We declare VICTORY today, in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!!! Amen!!! Amen!!!
Father, We thank You tonight for the all you have blessed us with today! You hedged our going outs and coming ins with Your divine protection! Lord, we bless You for life tonight! Thank You God!!! Father, I ask You to watch over us, our families,and our love ones! God may we rest in Your presence tonight! father, we cast our cares upon You for it is You who sustains us! Thank You for Your peace that surpasses all understanding! We release all doubt, worry and fear to You. We choose to trust You! We will not lean on our own understanding , we acknowledge You in all of our ways and we know You will direct our paths! Father, we thank You that Your word says, we can call on You and You will answer us! You said we can come boldly before Your throne and obtain mercy! Thank You for being a way maker when it seems like there is no way! Thank You for being our Source, Our Supplier, for meeting our needs and giving us the desires of our hearts! My God how I bless You tonight!!! I thank You that when the doctors speak death Your spirits speaks life! When the bills speak lack You speak abundance! When our bodies speak sickness Your Spirit speaks health! When our lies speaks brokenness Your Spirit declares wholeness! God I pray, we will begin to live from our spirits! We will begin to speak into the atmosphere, Your word O God! May we declare Your Truth over our lives! May we truly begin to believe You are God more than from our head knowledge, may our spirits know You God! Glory!!! God awaken us more to Your Spirit! Lord, begin to shake us in the midnight hour, stir our hearts, let the fire of Your Holy Spirit begin to burn within us! may we ease out of our beds in the wee hours of the morning and steal away into Your presence O God! May we desire the sweet communion and the fellowship with You Lord! Fill us Master!!! Lord we are available to You! Surround us with Your glory! Fill us with Your presence! Chasten us with Your love! Endow us with Your power so we may live for You O Lord! Father, Comfort those who are mourning! Dry their weeping eyes! Lift their heavy burdens and let them know You are God! Strengthen them now Lord! Provide their every need! Lord I thank You and I declare it is so, in the name of Jesus, Amen!!! Glory!!!Thank You Lord!!!
Lord, Thank You for another day! Thank you for allowing us to wake this morning, Lord we know it wasn't the alarm clocks, it was Your hand of mercy. Father, we are grateful, Everything we needed, God You have already provided! God I pray for every person that is connected to this page that You would bless us beyond measure! I pray that empty cups will be filled with Your power. Those who are laying in parched places, God I pray for Your living waters to out pour on them! Refresh them in Your word! Quench their thirst with living water this morning God! Lord I pray for those that are fighting a battle in their minds, faltering between two opinions, Let the mind of Christ be in them! Lord we who are struggling between our flesh and spirit, God I pray we will walk in the Spirit of You so we won't fulfill the lusts of their flesh! Father I pray that the power of the Holy Ghost be made evident in our lives today! Father manifest Your power and glory in our lives! Move us beyond comfort and complacency, stretch us God to seek You the more! Thank You for being the Lifter of our heads! Those who are cast down in their spirits, those who feel like they've lost hope, those who can't see their way out, those who are afraid to trust You God, BE THE LIFTER OF THEIR HEADS! LIFT FROM SHAME, LIFT FROM DEPRESSION, LIFT FROM LACK, LIFT FROM SADNESS, LIFT FROM RUIN, LIFT FROM HOPELESSNESS, LIFT FROM REJECTION, LIFT FROM RAPE, LIFT FROM DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, LIFT FROM MOLESTATION, LIFT FROM BACKSTABBING, LIFT FROM CHURCH HURT, LIFT FROM ABANDONMENT...LIFT US FATHER FROM EVERYTHING THAT HAS ENTRAPPED US AND CAUSED US TO BE A PRISONER TO OURSELVES!!! I PRAY FOR A "SUDDENLY" TO TAKE PLACE IN OUR LIVES GOD! SUDDENLY OUR PRISON DOORS SHALL BE OPENED! SUDDENLY OUR CHAINS WILL FALL! SUDDENLY OUR SITUATIONS WILL CHANGE FOR THE BATTER! SUDDENLY REPORTS OF HEALING SHALL SPRING FORTH! SUDDENLY WE WILL DEBT FREE! SUDDENLY OUR FAMILIES WILL BE SAVED! SUDDENLY THE POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST WILL OVERSHADOW US!!! SUDDENLY GOD! SUDDENLY!!! GIVE US A SUDDENLY OH GOD! WHEN WE LEAST EXPECT IT, SUDDENLY!!! FATHER WE DECLARE A "SUDDENLY" KIND OF DAY! FATHER I TRUST YOU TO DO IT AND THEREFORE I GIVE YOU PRAISE IN ADVANCE AND I THANK YOU NOW FOR THE PRAISES THAT SHALL COME FORTH UNTO YOU! GOD WE THANK YOU! WE LOVE YOU LORD! IN THE NAME OF JESUS I PRAY! AMEN!!! AMEN!!! AMEN!!! THANK YOU LORD!
Father God, We bless You this day! For your goodness, Your mercy, Your grace, Your loving kindness towards us God we say, "Thank You"! Lord we ask forgiveness for our sins collectively and individually, forgive us where we have fallen short of Your glory! Forgive us God for the lust of our eyes, lust of our flesh and the pride of life! We thank You that it says in Your word, IF we confess our sins You are faithful to forgive us! Thank You for the blood of Jesus that washes our sins away and places us in right standing with You God! Lord I come lifting us up before you Father as we lay ourselves on the altar before you. God I pray today that we will BE STILL AND KNOW YOU ARE GOD. Lord many of us are in a wandering wilderness in our minds O God! Some of our minds have become the devils playground, Some of our minds are battlefields God where a war is raging between good and evil, between flesh and spirit but God we take authority now over every thought that is exalting itself against the knowledge of You! We cast down every stronghold and every false imagination! For we know that the weapons of our warfare is not carnal but mighty in the pulling down of strongholds! God we take those illusions captive and we destroy the works of satan by the fire of the Holy Ghost and we decree that our minds will BE STILL AND KNOW YOU ARE GOD!Our emotions will BE STILL, Our bodies WILL BE STILL, Every chaotic movement in our lives will BE STILL and KNOW THAT YOU ARE GOD! WE decree REALIGNMENT! We decree a SHIFT! We decree CHANGE, In the name of Jesus!!! Father God, REARRANGE, REALIGN, REINSTATE, RESTORE, REBUKE, REVIVE, RESTART, REMAKE, RECHARGE, REKINDLE, REFORM, RECONCILE, REDEEM, REFUGE, REFUSE, REJECT, REPAIR, REPAY, RESERVE, REVOKE, REWARD, REVERSE, RETURN, RETRAIN, REVEAL IN OUR LIVES TODAY! GOD WE CRY OUT! LET THERE BE A "RE" IN OUR LIVES, A DO OVER O GOD! GLORY!! GLORY TO YOUR NAME! WE REPENT AND WE REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE FOR YOU ARE GOD ALONE! MAKE US OVER, REVIVE OUR LOVE FOR YOU GOD, SETTLE OUR MINDS, HEARTS AND SPIRITS IN YOUR PRESENCE AND GOD WE SHALL BE STILL AND KNOW...YOU ARE GOD! IN THE NAME OF JESUS, LORD I  PRAY, AMEN!!! AMEN!!! AMEN!!!
Here we are again God praising You for another day! A day that we have never seen or experienced, a day that we will never see or experience again. Today is a NEW day filled with new mercies, new expectations! Father, we thank You for granting unto us This Day, for this is the day that You have made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! God thank you for making all things new! Lord, as we go about our day, let us take off the struggles of yesterday! Father may we see through new eyes this morning! We see Your handiwork displayed! We see Your love! We see your divine protection! We see Your glory! O God we see beauty for ashes! We see ourselves through the blood of Christ, Redeemed and reconciled back to You Father! O magnify the lord with me and let us exalt His name together, For HE is worthy to be praised!!! Lord we bless You this morning for Your faithfulness to us even when we've been unfaithful to You! Your mercies are NEW every morning and Great is Thy faithfulness towards us! God as we go out today, I pray your hedge of protection around us! We dispatch the angels who You have assigned to us! Lord we call every trick, plot, plan and scheme of the enemy NULL and VOID in Jesus name! We thank you , No weapon formed against us shall prosper and every tongue that rises against us, You shall condemn! God we thank You for the blessings of You O Lord maketh us rich and You add NO sorrow to it! Father we decree today: We walk in the Favor of You! We are the head and not the tail! We walk holy and upright before You! Men shall give unto our bosom! We are blessed beyond measure! Our enemies are our footstools! We are joint heirs with Christ! We are the sons of God in the earth! We manifest Your glory! We are obedient to you! We shall eat the good of the land! we walk in the authority You have given us! We tread over serpents! We scale over walls! We speak to our mountains and say, "Be thou removed"! We shift atmospheres! We change spiritual climates by Your presence reigning in us! We cast out demons in Jesus name! We move by Your Spirit! We discern! We hear! We walk by faith and NOT by sight! We are Holy and Acceptable in Thy sight O God! We are new creatures in Christ Jesus! We can do ALL things through Christ which strengthens us! We are victorious in You! We declare it is so O Lord! Whatever we face today, we STAND in the POWER OF YOU GOD! WE STAND IN THE AUTHORITY OF YOU! WE STAND AS YOUR CHILDREN AND IN EVERY BENEFIT, ALL POWER AND AUTHORITY OF WHO WE ARE IN YOU! WE SHALL NOT WAVER, SHRINK BACK, OR RECOIL BUT SPEAK YOUR WORD, TRUST IN YOU AND BELIEVE IT IS DONE! GOD YOUR WILL BE DONE AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!!! LET THE EARTH MANIFEST WHAT YOU HAVE ALREADY DONE FOR US IN THIS NEW DAY!!!!! GOD WE BLESS YOU, WE GLORIFY YOU, WE PRAISE YOU, AND I DECREE IT SO IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!!AMEN!!!AMEN!!! AMEN!!!

O Mighty God, We come before You to give you praise, to give you reverence, to honor You God for being God! We bless Your name today! To be in the presence of You O God, there are no words in our limited vocabulary describe how much we love and adore You! You are great! Magnificent are Your ways O God! Thank You for providing for us God! When we were separated from You, dead in our sins, God thank you for providing for us eternal life through Your Son, Jesus! While we were YET sinners, Christ died for us! Thank you Jesus!!! Thank You for calling us out of darkness into your marvelous light! Thank You God for sparing and not letting us die within our sins! Thank You for the gift of life! Thank You for looking past our faults and seeing our needs! The suffering, the shame that Jesus endured for us! The stripes that was laid upon Him for us! The nails that pierced his hands and feet, The love that kept You Jesus on Calvary's cross!! Lord Thank You! For the Death, the Burial, the Resurrection God we cry, "Thank You"! Thank You for Christ being seated at the right hand of You Father! Thank You for the intercession that is being made for us today God! O God You have done so much for us and you giving flows continuously! Thank You for being our well that never runs dry! You are our living water, You are our daily bread! We feast at Your table Lord! Thank You God!!! We lift our lives in Total praise unto You! Father You are our SOURCE, everything else is just resources! You are our SOURCE! Thank You God! We thank You for the many blessings You have prepared for us before hand that we may walk in them!Lord, order our steps in Your word today! May we move in complete unison with Your Spirit! May our obedience to You be evident in our lives today! May our love for You be expressed in our love one for another! May a triumphant, "YES" to You resound from our spirits today! God move us from empty lip service and vain repetition, from a form of religion into a TRUE RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU, O GOD! GOD WE SEEK YOU THE MORE! WE DESIRE THE FULLNESS OF YOU! WE LONG FOR THE WHOLE COUNSEL OF YOU! WE EMPTY OURSELVES! FILL US GOD!! FILL US WITH YOUR SPIRIT! FILL US WITH ALL THAT YOU ARE! GOD, WE DECLARE THAT OUR STORAGE IS EMPTY TODAY AND WE ARE AVAILABLE TO YOU!!! WE WILL GO WHERE YOU SEND US, WE WILL SPEAK WHAT YOU DECLARE , WE WILL DO WHAT YOU HAVE PURPOSED FOR US TO DO, FOR WE WANT TO PLEASE YOU MORE THAN OURSELVES! OUR LIVES ARE NOT OUR OWN1 WE BELONG TO YOU O GOD! OUR STORAGE IS EMPTY AND WE ARE AVAILABLE TO YOU, IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!! IT IS SO! AMEN!!!!

God we thank You tonight for the day we had in You! Father we give You thanks with a grateful heart, For you are worthy to be praised! God,We bless You for Your word how it never returns unto You void! How it accomplishes that which You sent it forth to do! God I thank You for the good reports we hear and have in You! I praise You for the miracles, signs and wonders that are being manifested in the earth to Your people! I thank You for change, transformation, and how You are renewing our minds! O God continue to a work in, through and upon us! Search our hearts O God and see if there is anything in us unpleasing to You for we want to be a pleasing sweet aroma unto You! Circumcise us now!!! Cut away those things that are keeping us bound to the lust of our flesh, the lust of our eyes and the pride of life.Create in us a clean heart O God and renew a right and steadfast spirit within us our God, our Strength and our Redeemer! God we pray for more of You and less of ourselves! We thank You for the outpouring and the indwelling of Your Spirit, who leads and guides us in all truth! Thank You God Lord we pray for those who are in need of BREAKTHROUGH tonight! Lord we release a BREAKERS ANOINTING to break through every barren place in our lives that is to produce and bear fruit! God we breakthrough our barren lands, our wombs, our spirits and we decree and declare our barren wombs are OPENED and they shall BRING FORTH YOUR HARVEST! GOD WE BREAKTHROUGH EVERY BLOCKAGE TO GET TO YOUR DIVINE STRATEGIES, CREATIVE CONCEPTS,INSTRUCTIONS TO POSSESS THE LAND YOU HAVE GIVEN US! GOD DIRECT US IN OUR LIVES, INSTRUCT US IN OUR HOME! WE THANK YOU FOR WISDOM, UNDERSTANDING, KNOWLEDGE AND POWER! WE LAY HOLD OF EVERY ASSIGNMENT YOU HAVE GIVEN US TO DO AND WE DECLARE WE SHALL WALK IN THOSE LANDS! WE THANK YOU FOR A GOOD REPORT! MAKE EVERY CROOKED PATH STRAIGHT! BREAKTHROUGH IN OUR HEALTH, BREAKTHROUGH IN OUR SPIRITS, BREAKTHROUGH IN OUR HOMES, BREAKTHROUGH IN OUR MARRIAGES, BREAKTHROUGH IN OUR SINGLENESS!!! GIVE US BREAKTHROUGH IN OUR MORALITY, IN OUR CHARACTER, IN OUR ATTITUDES, IN OUR OBEDIENCE! GOD WE NEED A BREAKTHROUGH IN THIS NATION, A BREAKTHROUGH OF YOUR POWER, A BREAKTHROUGH OF YOUR ANOINTING, A BREAKTHROUGH OF YOUR SPIRIT, A BREAKTHROUGH OF REPENTANCE TO HIT OUR NATION O GOD! FROM THE WHITE HOUSE TO MY HOUSE TO THEIR HOUSE TO OUR HOUSE! LET BREAKTHROUGH OF YOUR SPIRIT REIGN IN THIS LAND! REIGN IN OUR HEARTS! REIGN IN OUR MINDS! REIGN IN OUR SPIRITS! FATHER WE CRY OUT FOR YOU BREAKTHROUGH! PLOW UP THE HARDEN LAND OF OUR SOULS O GOD!!! BREAK UP THE FALLOW GROUND! FATHER WE PUT OUR HAND TO THE PLOW AND WE WORK THE WORKS THAT YOU HAVE GIVEN US TO DO! FOR THE EARTH IS GROANING IN EARNEST EXPECTATION FOR THE SONS OF GOD TO BE REVEALED!!! WE CRY OUT FOR BREAKTHROUGH, IN OUR BARREN LAND! YOU SAID GOD,IF MY people, who are called by MY name, will humble themselves and pray and seek MY face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land!GOD WE NEED A BREAKTHROUGH IN OUR LAND! FATHER MOVE BY YOUR SPIRIT ON BEHALF OF YOUR CHILDREN, AND I DECREE AND DECLARE NOW WE WILL BEGIN TO SEE A BREAKTHROUGH FROM YOU MADE MANIFEST IN OUR LIVES! IN THE NAME OF JESUS, AMEN!!!!!!!
Lord, You are my LIFE GENERATOR. Should I shut down in my own strength, You're able to keep me going in Your own strength. Wherefore I fear not the vicissitudes of life, expecting change as decreed by Your infinite love and effected by Your eternal power. I've no reason to panic, but every reason to praise You in the midst of it all. The devil may be in a corner somewhere laughing at me, but I know Thou art with me, to deliver me out of all my distresses. Lord, You're my everything. Love You so much!!!!


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