So many have reduced Pastoring to the above statement. Declaring, if I can’t get paid, I will not Pastor God’s people. It should be an honor to BE CHOSEN to lead God’s flock. My guess is that many who pastor or seek to Pastor were not called by God at all and have simply sought to have a meal ticket in the name of religion. I have heard many on this site say that they would not Pastor for free. Jesus freely gave his life for our sins yet, some would not freely give service to his flock.

How could any so called child of God fix their mouths to say that they would not pastor for free. I have seen both brothers and sisters declaring this. Has the Lord not proven that he would take care of his servants. Also, no one seems to be willing to set up a church in the way that the Lord had the Apostles set up his church to begin with. People are just too greedy to do things the way the Apostles did. Everyone is so busy saying gimme, gimme, gimme and ignoring the scripture that says, it is more blessed to give than it is too receive.

The church assemblies are looking less and less like anything that the Lord had established and more and more like the businesses of man. I don’t want ANY PARTS OF MAN’S INSTITUTIONS. That you can take and shove it.

This is said in love for all of those who are loading up your religious pistols. Can we try going back to the old land mark. LOL

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Matthew 10. (all)

I do not recall anyone here declaring that ministers to the flock should not receive support for their physical needs.The concern is when ministers are expecting to live (physically) better than the ones they are "called" to serve. Yes, the laborer is worthy of his/her hire.

In today's culture, however, it is often the amount received - not the proportion given. No minister should receive from those he is to serve, more than they can afford to give. Nor should he seek to live high in society just because some within the congregation are wealthy.

If any believer finds his rewards in the wealth of the world,m then that minister has received his rewards, indeed. The allure of social status and "comfortable living" has taken its tole on many committed ministers, and has been to their undoing.

Gone are the days of committed ministers who use to travel by mule (or by walking) from town to town and living off what was given to them. Such commitment is frequently accounted as unworthy of a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Even so, there are thousands who live and minister in such conditions - all over the world, and even in our cities. They live off donations and the giving of those who are willing - not required. We seem to forget that Jesus hand his disciples (the 12) were street people. They slept in parks, under bridges, in open fields, the side road, on mountain sides, and sometimes in a spare room of a friend - while on their travels. Who, today is willing to minister under such conditions?

Yet, when the disciples were sent out, dispersed throughout the land, they "turned the world up side down". They went out to the people - they did not call people into their little buildings where a hireling taught them how to find Jesus (salvation). . Consider, it is often said among preachers that, "Show me your check book and I'll show you where your heart is." Well, my friends, the same is true of ministers - with one small exception, i.e., when ministers put money into church accounts that they ultimately control, the giving is somewhat tainted, isn't? However, the real point is this: When we put more money into facilities (buildings, utilities, etc) than we do into the families of the assembly and into the hands of those outside of the congregation, then we have publicly confessed where our spiritual priorities are. We look good in the world - but our witness within the kingdom of God is lacking.

Provide the prophet his room, table and bed, so when he comes by he will have a place to eat and rest - and we will be blessed.
We love to use Matthew 7:1 for saying not to judge people. They use it so no one will judge them also. This scripture is not talking about judging anyone but talking about condemning anyone. There is a difference in judging and condemning. This is saying not to condemn anyone without knowing what you are condemning them for or doing it falsely. Now 1Corinthians 2:15 tells us we that are spiritual judgeth all things. We have to do this in order to know if it is from God or not.
Just make sure that you are spiritual when you judge and not taken aback by the flesh.
That's the only way it can be righteous in God's eyes.


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