There are many Christians that come against abortion and in the same breath can speak that the death penalty is ok.

If the issue is the santity of life? why is the death penalty considered godly(of all things) rolleyes.

For the record I do not believe in abortion and I do not believe in the death penalty as well. I do believe that some individuals should never leave prison, however it is not our right morally or SCRIPTURELY to take a life that God gave.

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You gotta play Tai Chi Chuan with Bro. Watson. He throws hard hits, and I use his own energy against himself.

HaShem takes the foolish things of this world, and shame people such as yourself. HaShem loves those who are obedient to His Torah, and hates those who are not.


I am all grown up. Its too bad that you cannot see pass your ivy league education. I ask you again. I want YOU to define entirety on how YOU understand its relevance to the Torah????? Come on Mr. Yale aka skull and bones.
Skull and bones,

Know your role. I am gonna dodge you like Floyd Mayweather dodges punches, and hit you real quiet with this: Define, in YOUR understanding, keeping the Torah in its entirety?
Skull and bones,

Know your role, and here we go in round 2: I am gonna dodge you like Floyd Mayweather dodges punches, and hit you real quiet with this: Define, in YOUR understanding, keeping the Torah in its entirety?
Here's a question from Queen Analytical herself....

Why do we tend to disect rainbows instead of beholding its beauty?

More like Ba Gua Zhang lol

I am agaist the death penalty how can you take something you cant give and that is life who is without sin cast the first stone . God will do the pushiment. the lake of fire is a lot worst the the gas chamber or electric chair for they will get relief form that but not form the lake of fire
Waston yes luke 6:27-45 v
Glad you can join us Pastor!! So, are you saying that the saints aren't to judge anything or anyone?

Have you any answers on my response to the "eye for an eye" statement?


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