In 2 Thes.2:1-8 Paul gave a summary of End Times events in sequence. A careful reading reveals that Paul identified three specific things that will have to happen before the Day of the Lord (Great Tribulation) can come. There will have to be a falling away, a rebellion against the truth. This is when the believers in name only will be drawn out of the true Church into one of the various apostate movements we see springing up in our midst. The restraining force that’s holding the secret power of lawlessness back will also have to be taken out of the way. That’s the Holy Spirit contained in the Church, a reference to the Rapture. Then the man of lawlessness will be revealed and will stand in God’s Temple proclaiming himself to be God. That’s the abomination of Desolation that kicks off the Great Tribulation, and that’s when the world will know for certain just who the anti-Christ is.

For us it’s enough to know that the signs pointing to the End of the Age are appearing all around us. This is not happening so that we can hunker down and prepare for the storm. It’s happening so we can begin making preparations for our departure. Whether it’s several months or several years is also immaterial. The sooner we act the better prepared we’ll be. No one on Earth will be able to tell you in advance when we’ll be leaving. There will be no specific warning. One moment we’ll be here and the next we’ll be there. Jesus said we won’t know the day or hour, but He had Paul tell us that we should not be taken by surprise. Fore warned is fore armed, they say, and we’ve been forewarned. You can almost hear the footsteps of the Messiah.

Which makes me wonder, why aren't more pastors teaching about the church's rapture and the signs that lead up to it? I was talking to some kids over the weekend and it was the FIRST time they had even heard of the warning signs in the bible. And for them, "rapture" sounded like the name of a drug or music group. It was totally a foreign term for them.

What do you think about this?

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I think many pastors are becoming aware of the fact that the "pre trib" rapture doctrine doctrine is relatively new, and is not accurate. The doctrine of the pre trib rapture originated around the 1830's, and was preached by Edward Irving. It was also preached by J. N Darby, and C.I Scofield, for where the Schofield reference bible comes from.

John Walvoord, and renowned pre tribber, once stated that there is no single verse that actually proves that the rapture will happen before the tribulation period. That makes you think. If a pre trib scholar says the bible really doesnt teach it, then why are many churces teaching it?

Maybe, its a paradise of escapism. The feeling of escaping harm, and persecution. Ohh, that would get anyone moving. But, I would rather have truth, and suffer, then to have a lie, and escape. Accurately, from scripture, Jesus shall return only a second time, and at the second coming, he will gather his church. There will not be some secret escape before his second coming. That'll make and additional 3rd coming. Not accurate at all.

Billy graham's wife, Ruth Graham, once said that she rather be ready for the trib FIRST, and the rapture last, then to get ready for the rapture first(the escape), only to find out that she has to endue the trib. Most churches are so ready to leave. Their bags are packed, and they are ready to hit the highway to heaven on a rolls royce. But, Oh the day when they find out that they are dressed up to go nowhere, and they are not prepared to face persecution, and possible death for their faith. God help us Christians in the United States!

In regard to 2 Thess 2:1-8, the one who is taken out of the way isnt the holy spirit, because if the tribulation is gonna come, and people is gonna get saved during that time, then they will need to the spirit to convict them of sin. And we know that Jesus said it is the spirit that convicts the world of sin. If the spirit is taken out, then who will convict them, when thats the spirit's job? How can he do it if he's not home? Ravi Zacharias, a world renowned christian apologist, and philosopher says," Let my people think!"

Paul said concerning the second coming, and the day of the Lord. These are both on the same day, because when Jesus comes back, He will destroy his enemies. From what we read in the prophets, thats exactly what the day of the Lord is about. Its a dark, gloomy, destructable, fearful day for the wicked.

I must say that Christians will have to endure the great tribulation, but will be saved, and relieved of persecution when our Lord comes. He will translate us into immoratality, and we shall posses the kingdom, and reign forever on earth!

God bless


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