Theologian;a person(not religous) who is learned in theology,the science which studies GOD,AND ALL THAT RELATES.
Christian;a person who believes in the doctrine of JESUS,and acknowledges HIS divinity.
Religous sites such as this one,sets in motion the life long question who is who?The challengers of the Word are able to express their views and questions,in a well-rounded,non agressive manner,and it's usally against those that think or have acted superior to other believers,so now the door is open.

Not speaking of the ones,who just say I'm for the Lord,and forsake all others,but the ones that run into that brick wall or the person that can go a bit deeper than they can,because it's their job to put the believer on trail.The theologian has studied and bring up controversal,reading and writings that some refuse to deal with or have just written off.Both sides have points depending on what side of the isle you're on,do you believe,why do you believe.I don't understand why the christian,even worries about the theologian,if the BOTTOM line is just to serve the Lord!(1 Peter2:6)

There is a place for questions,especially when ego takes over in christianity.So many have removed themselves from their calling,and are trying to fit into this thing we call church,[the big building,the famous leader,the tv,the radio etc.]
And when they are called on some of these things,thats when the followers choose sides.(not the followers of Christ,but the followers of man.) Then the theologian has a way into their discussion.One thing I know to be true,a newcomer to faith,don't give a dawn,if the converter is an apostle,revern,minister,prophet,bishop,man or woman,they are seeking the Lord.But they see that those who elevate themselves over others,as smarter or deeper,get torn down by a theologian,and say forget this.
We're losing to many newcomers,and to many that tried to evangelize on a level they were'nt scheduled for.So a suggestion to the wise,there different levels of christianity,as i wrote in HYPOTHESIS,WOULD WE DARE!,if you need to debate the O.T,women preaching,titles of men,denominations have at it,just remember there are people that would love to debate you,just don't make the rest of us who just want to serve God look bad,PLEASE! I know in the end,it's only one question,i'm worried about,it's the one HE'S going to ask me,WHO DO YOU SAY I AM!

HE won't be asking me if I figured out all HIS parables,HE will be asking me what have I done for the KINGDOM!
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Yet another breath of fresh air!
Thank You,enough said!!

Endless genealogies don't matter. What matters is Who Jesus is. Able to heal, deliver, set free, destroy or redeem.
God Bless,My point exactly,doesn't matter how much you know ,conferences attended,books read,speakers heard,the relvelation of HIS word is all that counts,and what you do with it.Some believe it's who side you take,and you can you denouce,but to me,it just encourages me when you think yuo've made a friend in Christ,then end up treated like job,because you don't agree.Thanks for the Commissioned feed.
Hope your inlaw had a safe trip when visiting you guy's and the Baptism,holds all the grace of God,for him and his family,again,
Well just returning from State Convocation all I can say is HALLELU'YAH
Well said Minister... well said!
Thank you Sir,just trying to find a way to slow down the words we share with each other,all of our opinions are important,just know who you're talking with,and know who you have to answer too!
Thanks Brother Agnew,
The man that my husband is baptizing isn't scheduled until this Sunday. He isn't our family that visited but a young man we met through my Husbands Ning network. We conversed with him through email, then phone and he said he'd drive 6 1/2 hours to be baptized.

He said the Lord told him one day to get baptized and every church he went to said he didn't need to and that it was for back then. He couldn't shake this feeling and asked us to take him too, a river, lake or pond if you have to. His story is a lot more complicated in which I can't get into now, but We are trusting the Lord to heal this guys hurt (He is definitely hurting) save his soul, and set him free.

Also, another young lady we met through youtube is convinced that she is going to hell and no one can help. She feels that she is spit out and unredeemable. Her name is Freda so please say her name in prayer and we will continue to try and reach her and give her a spiritual resurrection in Christ.
Ok must have misunderstood,but i knew you guy's had some Kingdom buisness on the agenda,and i will,right now pray for Freda,and keep her soul on the prayer list.
I know this question wasn't directed at me but I thought I'd ad my 2 cents.

Jesus nor the Apostles were seminary trained, nor did they study in a classroom setting. I know lots of Pastors, church leaders and ministers who have been to seminary but have never come within an inch of a revelation from God. Many have the knowledge that puffs up, but lack divine revelation, Godly wisdom and knowledge. Some don't even have his Holy Spirit.

Such knowledge proves nothing other than man's approval of your qualifications to teach the bible but has no bearing on the revelation of Jesus Christ. The knowledge and understanding comes from the Holy Spirit himself and not from man's perspective. That's all seminary is (some man's perspective of God being taught to others) Seminary is fine if one wishes to do this but it is not a biblical necessity. And does not disqualify a true man or woman of God (maybe in the sight of men but not by our Lord) He will send who he wishes.

Galatians 1

1. Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;)

10. For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
11. But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.
12. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.
15. But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace,
16.To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood:
17.Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus.
I just love the Word of God! And the scripture says what.... "For i neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ"...Studying the word outside of revelation is just information. We need the wisdom of God and not of man..You see I'm a graduate from theology school but i must say that it was very informative and inspiring but without divine revelation I was left with just information (Knowledge ).. which can lead to frustration. so we must add wisdom as the bible states it is a principal thing therefore we must get wisdom and in all your getting get understanding... Prov. 4:5-7 Thanks for the word! Be blessed in Jesus name.


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