The false teaching is that Jesus taught tithing in Matthew 23:23 which, they say, is clearly in the New Testament.
The problem here is the arbitrary division of our Bible. The New Covenant did not begin at the birth of Jesus, but at his death. Tithing is not taught to the church after Calvary! When Jesus discussed tithing in Matthew 23:23, he was only commanding obedience to the Old Covenant Law which he endorsed and supported until Calvary. In Matthew 23:2, 3 Jesus told his followers to obey the scribes and Pharisees "because they sit in Moses’ seat." There is not a single New Testament Bible text which teaches tithing after Calvary – period!

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You do not read Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy?

Being that you do not read the Torah, you cannot claim that "healing" is working on the Sabbath. To give you the real answer, healing has nothing to do with a job. The Sabbath is to rest from your job.

We dont have to stop talking. We can continue to reason, and that is what I will be doing. Also, Galatians never said He healed on the Sabbath. That is in John 5. I think you yourself need to heed your own words about bible reading.

Yes I do read all those up there...okay so I missed quoted I will admit that, I got distracted I ment to say John 5:17 -28 talked about it...I read the Bible and the verse says Jesus calls it work do you deny this?...but I ment to state that Galatians spoke about us being equal, you claim that the Torah has one for male, female etc...that was my point,in what you practice there is separation how then can you follow God if He is about us being one, I guess I was so hasty in typing my opinion that I messed up, I am still not sure if I can reason with you any longer because we are not going anywhere,our beliefs are different you read the Torah and I read only the Bible so I do not see how this would work 2 Corinthians 6:14-16 so its basically useless you also believe that there are no more temples, However I believe what the Bible says and its relevant all of it, that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit,and we are the believe in religion I believe in relationship with God...if you want to talk about something else I will think about replying but as of now I am not sure.
Shalom Peper and All Others!

I hear your heart, but I think that you have read the is the first 5 books of the Bible. You are right God's Word is Truth and all of it is profitable as spoken of in 2 Timothy 3:16

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."

All was Yahweh 'Breathed.' I think what James is saying to you is that if we take one part of Yahweh's Word and not all of it then we fall in the category of being a hearer and not a doer of the Word as Yahshuah (Jesus) said.

1700 years ago we were bambusled into believing that sunday is the Sabbath and that Paul changed the Sabbath and that it's ok because we are living under 'Grace' and that some of the Laws of Yahweh are not pertinent to us today, but this is such a plan of the enemy that he has lied in the Face of Yahweh, and because we all grew up in those lies we beleive that we don't have to do certain things, but we do have to do others.

The Sabbath is mandated in 19 books of the Scripture and the 7 annual Sabbaths are spoken of all through the Tanak which are the first 5 books and all the Prophets and Writings of the Scripture that you read. This is not taught in the church because the modern church was birthed from the Roman Catholic church which is guided strickly by their traditions, so during the council of Nicea 325 AD under Constantine and Eusubius (that probably not spelled right, sorry:)) they decided that the church looked too 'Jewish' and that they were advent sun worshipper so they wanted to git ride of the things that separate the 'Jees' from everyone esle.....all the things that they took away the church right now defines as 'Jewish tradition; and we don't have to do them, but I want to challenge you and other readers of this post:

1. If we don't have to keep the things that Father Yahweh says keep, then what difference does it make if we pay tithes or not?

2. Tithes were completely agriucutural as they related to the people in that time giving of their grains and flocks and herds for the keeping up of their 'community' not pastor's mercedes benz and $3 million dollar homes while people in their churches are on welfare and not fairing very well living from pay check to paycheck.

3. The tithes were for 5 very specific reasons stated below:
a. The Levitical Priest - becaue they had no land inheritance and they
were kept by these tithes so that they could maintain the temple

b. The wdiows - they had no husband and therefore they needed to be
taken care of.

c. The oprhans - they had no father therefore they needed to be provided

d. The Strangers - they were 'newbies' to the camp had come given up
their way of life for the' Hebrew' lifestyle...they did not have land
inheritance so they needed to be taken care of for a time.

e. The Feasts - the 3 pilgrimage Holy Days which are Passover,
Shavuot and Succot or Tabernacles...all of theses required travel and
celebration once you arrived in Jerusalem, so money needed to be
put away for them.

Now, at Melo HaGoyim Learning Center we teach abouth tithes and explain what they are for...we do give money for the rent/utilities on the place where we worship and meet, we also give funds to needy families in our area throughout the Triad, and we minister to our elderly at a nearby nursing facility. And finally, we put money away for the Holy Day clebrations as prescribed in the Scriptures. My husband and I get no part of those tithes or monies, as a matter of fact we help fund the learning center with the jobs that Father Yahweh has Blessed us with.

Finally, I think that it is very interesting that church folks get themselves all tide up in knots when it comes to tithes and the understanding, but when it comes to keeping the mandated Sabbath....the times that Father Yahweh God said, 'you shall guard throughout all your generations'....that really concerns it a small thing to commit adultery on your wife/husband? Is it regarded a small thing to murder someone or to covet what is someone elses to the point that you sin....I say no to all...and just like it is not righteous to break those that I mentioned it is also not righteous to break the 4th Command of Yahweh.."Remember the Sabbath and set It apart."

The Sabbath is our Messiah, the Scriptures states clearly that He is LORD even of the Sabbath Day...Matthew 12:8, Mark 2:28 and Luke saying this Himself He is declaring Who He Is and What day is set apart to Him....example. Prince Charles of the United Kingdom is also the Prince of Whales, but if you get rid of the providenc of Whales so that it does not exist any more, can Prince Charles still be the Prince of Whales? NO...Whales is no more...same appies to Yahshuah (Jesus) and the Sabbath....if you get ride of the Sabbath then what is Messiah Yahshuah 'Lord' over? If you break one part of take any part of Him away how can that be. I am going tosay something and it will sound very strong but:

Either He is ALL Truth or He is all lie.....if there is one point of evidence against Him it nullifies everything else....look at the atheist web site they try to nullify Him all day my opinoin the church does the same thing when we say any part of Yahweh's Word is null and void.

The tithes took care of the Temple, but as James said the Templ was destoyed in 70AD so there is not Temple 'work' we can not do sacrifices because the Tenple is gone, but the things that we can do like honoring our parents, loving our brothers/sisters, not stealing. not coveting and yes...keeping the Sabbath on the 7th day and seting that day apart and making it different from every other dya of the week...we can do those things...When Messiah returns to retrieve His bride then we will know all that we need to do to be in 'right' standing with Him because He is our husband, but we read and identify right now...we should do.

Jeremiah 16:19 states:
"O LORD, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit."

This is us!!!!!! It's not your fault that you don't know, but once you know seek that path of Yahweh and not the inherited lies of our fathers.

Sincerely, Blessings and Shalom!

I agree with you to a certain point..I have been thinking about the Sabbath for some time now I will not lie, I have questioned it when speaking with my parents about it some people say our calendars are different though through those times I have been observing it on Sunday every since I have still been blessed compared to what happend when I didn't even care to honor it thats what I have one said tithes should be used to buy things of the such for the pastors at my Church there is outreach we help the needy, the poor, the broken etc that is part of doing God's work helping His people is it not?...however I am not Catholic I do not agree with a lot of the things they stand by, I believe they practice religion I don't,not to mention I love the Jewish people Jesus is Jewish if I didnt love them I would contradict myself and everything would be pointless because the Bible is written by Jewish people, God inspired of course..also what I do not understand is why some of you keep telling me I have to look at the whole picture and fail to yourselves..while yet are contradicting yourselves in the process by saying no this is this way and that is that, when I already said that we have to go with all that the Bible says from my earliar posts... even so some of you are saying that some things are no longer relevant and you guys are trying to pick and choose what is...I do not agree that its up to you guys to state what is or is no longer useful,unless you hear God actually say it I refuse to hear any of it.. that is what I am trying to say for example you believe that the temple is only a building and that has been destroyed how long ago Jesus stated in John 2:19-22 about Himself being the temple and also 1 Corinthians 3:16 does state that we are God's temple..the things I point out right there gets ignored I do not know why though if some of you are to tell me we have to read all of it but fail to take into account all the Bible says yourselves are you not a hearer instead of a doer in that case?, don't get me wrong I am not perfect, I do not know everything but out of the deepest respect neither do a lot of you and some of you seem as though you are trying to interpret it by your standards...and tell me I cannot, I am not trying to I am just stating what I have read and posting verses to back it up if I had none I would keep silent but I do and I am sorry but I refuse to keep silent.

Post the scripture actually showing Yeshua saying that He was working on a day He was commanded not to work???
Jesus kept the Sabbath (Luke 4:16). Was he teaching us how to observe the Sabbath properly so we could follow his example (1 John 2:6)?

Jesus lived sinlessly under the old covenant requirements (Hebrews 4:15). He was born under the law, while the old covenant was still in force (Galatians 4:4). He observed old covenant customs such as participating in the sacrifice of Passover lambs, tithing to the Levites, telling cleansed people to make offerings as prescribed by Moses, and he observed cultural customs such as Hanukkah.

Because of Jesus' historical context, Christians should be careful about using his example in specific cultural circumstances. We do not have to follow his custom, for example, of going to synagogues.

Jesus never told anyone to keep the Sabbath. Although we are told various things that he did on the Sabbath, we are never told that he rested. According to the Gospels, what he did and taught on the Sabbath was consistently liberal. Let us examine the Gospels to see what the writers were inspired to preserve about Jesus' teachings regarding the Sabbath.

Matthew 12:1-12: "Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them. When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, `Look! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath.' "

We know that Jesus did not sin. He did not break the Sabbath, and presumably he did not permit his disciples to break the Sabbath, either. We must conclude that the Pharisees were wrong. However, Exodus 16:29 told people to stay in the camp on the Sabbath and not to pick up food off the ground. Exodus 34:21 says that the Sabbath applied to harvest season.

The Pharisees could claim good scriptural support for prohibiting grain-picking on the Sabbath. But their strictness was excessive — the old covenant rules were not meant to be complete prohibitions of all activity. But Jesus did not try to argue that his disciples were abiding by the biblical law and violating only the pharisaic tradition. Rather, Jesus went to the Bible to show that the biblical law itself can sometimes be set aside.

The Pharisees were not interpreting the Scriptures in the right way. Jesus pointed out this out by mentioning the example of David: "Haven't you read what David did when he and his companions were hungry? He entered the house of God, and he and his companions ate the consecrated bread — which was not lawful for them to do, but only for the priests" (verses 3-4).

The law said that showbread was holy and was to be eaten, without exception, by priests. And yet David did it and was presumed innocent. It was not lawful according to the letter of the law,14 and yet it was permitted in the purpose of God's spiritual law. Jesus' point here regarding the Sabbath is that the letter of the law is not a reliable guide to holiness. People should be judged on the heart, not on superficial actions.

Jesus gave another example in verses 5-6: "Haven't you read in the Law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple desecrate the day and yet are innocent? I tell you that one greater than the temple is here." Jesus says that the priests "desecrate" the Sabbath day. They are, according to the letter of the Sabbath law, doing something that is not lawful. But yet their work was permitted because it was temple work. Something was more important than the Sabbath, and that something was the temple. The temple and its sacrificial rites were more important than the Sabbath and superseded it.

Jesus, however, is more important than the temple and its sacrifices. The logical conclusion is that he is also more important than the Sabbath. Even before his death and resurrection, he was more important than the Sabbath.15

The Pharisees, instead of worrying about a little activity on a holy day, ought to have been concerned with how they were treating the Holy One of Israel, who was standing before them. They should have worshipped him instead of looking to old covenant holy places and instead of using old covenant holy times to judge the Giver of those times. The Sabbath was holy only because God had designated it so, and here was God himself. They should have accepted without question whatever he did, and they should have followed his example!

Jesus then summarized his argument about the Sabbath and about his own identity: "If you had known what these words mean, `I desire mercy, not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the innocent. For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath" (verses 7-8).

Jesus is telling the Pharisees that love for humans is more important than sticking to worship rituals. Holy bread can be given to ordinary people when they are hungry. Holy time can be used in an ordinary way when people are hungry. If the Pharisees had understood the intent of the law, they would not have been criticizing the disciples. They would have been merciful, not judgmental.

Jesus ends the discussion with his claim to be Lord of the Sabbath — someone who had more authority than the God-given Sabbath did. It is not just that Jesus claimed to have a more accurate understanding of how the day should be kept — he claimed to be more important than the day itself. It was a stupendous claim, and it is no surprise that some Pharisees thought he blasphemed and deserved to die (verse 14).

Jesus' next activity gives a practical demonstration not only of his authority over the Sabbath, but also the proper use for the Sabbath in the old covenant. "Going on from that place, he went into their synagogue, and a man with a shriveled hand was there. Looking for a reason to accuse Jesus, they asked him, `Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?' " (verses 9-10). The Pharisees seem to be baiting Jesus, confronting him with a situation to test him. Healing was one of the types of work they said was unlawful.

But Jesus again pointed out the hypocrisy in their approach. They would rescue a sheep on the Sabbath (verse 11) — thus even a sheep was more important than resting on the Sabbath — and yet they were so strict that they didn't allow human needs, whether hunger or healing, to be taken care of on the Sabbath. Their rules were a terrible distortion of what the Sabbath should have been. "How much more valuable is a man than a sheep! Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath" (verse 12). This is what Jesus taught about the Sabbath. Don't worry about prohibiting work — be more concerned about doing good.

So Jesus healed the man, and the Pharisees wanted to kill Jesus. They thought the holy day was more important than the One who had made it holy.
The Torah = first 5 books of the BIBLE
Tanakh = Old Testament

miraculous healing = not work
MARK SAID: We know that Jesus did not sin. He did not break the Sabbath, and presumably he did not permit his disciples to break the Sabbath, either. We must conclude that the Pharisees were wrong. However, Exodus 16:29 told people to stay in the camp on the Sabbath and not to pick up food off the ground. Exodus 34:21 says that the Sabbath applied to harvest season.

The situation of Ex 16:29 is only applicable for the situation of manna falling from heaven. Normally, you can go out of you dwelling on the Sabbath, just like Yahushua and the Apostles did.

MARK SAID: The law said that showbread was holy and was to be eaten, without exception, by priests. And yet David did it and was presumed innocent. It was not lawful according to the letter of the law,14 and yet it was permitted in the purpose of God's spiritual law. Jesus' point here regarding the Sabbath is that the letter of the law is not a reliable guide to holiness. People should be judged on the heart, not on superficial actions.

Jesus gave another example in verses 5-6: "Haven't you read in the Law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple desecrate the day and yet are innocent? I tell you that one greater than the temple is here." Jesus says that the priests "desecrate" the Sabbath day. They are, according to the letter of the Sabbath law, doing something that is not lawful. But yet their work was permitted because it was temple work. Something was more important than the Sabbath, and that something was the temple. The temple and its sacrificial rites were more important than the Sabbath and superseded it.

It is clear that David violated the Torah here. He was not a high priest to take part in the showbread.. whether the bread was old or fresh. David as never innocent, and Yahushua was not declaring David innocent. The Priests were allowed to work on the Sabbath. I am not sure why Yahushua used "defamed", IF He actually said that word. But, all in all, this is a situation of Ethics.

The Pharisees accused Yahushua and His followers of picking grain on the Sabbath, and yet does not accuse David for eating bread not lawful for him to eat. Or even the Priests for working in the temple on Sabbath. As far as David being permitted by Yahuah's spiritual law, well, that is not scriptural. David sinned, and that is scripturall fact.
False teachers want us to think that all tithes were formerly taken to the Temple and should now be taken to the "church storehouse” building.

Nehemiah 10:37b and Second Chronicles 31:15-19 make it clear that the people were to bring the tithes to the Levitical cities where 98% of the Levites and priests needed them for food (also Num 18:21-24). And Nehemiah 10:38 makes it clear that normally only Levites and priests had the task of bringing tithes into the Temple (also Num 18:24-28).

The “whole” tithe NEVER went to the Temple! According to Numbers 35, Joshua 20, 21 and First Chronicles 6, Levites and priests lived on borrowed land where they farmed and raised (tithed) animals. (Also 2nd Chron. 11:13-14; Neh. 12:27-29; 13:10; Mal. 1:14.)

POINT #13: MALACHI: Malachi 3 is the Most Abused Tithing Text in the Bible. The “whole” tithe never was supposed to go to the Temple!

The false teaching about tithes from Malachi 3 ignores important Bible facts.

A. CONTEXT: Malachi is Old Covenant and is never quoted in the New Covenant to validate tithing (Lev. 27:34; Neh. 10:28-29; Mal. 3:7; 4:4).

B. CONTEXT: In Malachi 3:10-11 tithes are still only food 1000 years after Leviticus 27.

C. LAW: Malachi’s audience had willingly reaffirmed the Old Covenant (Neh.10:28-29). The blessings and curses of tithing are identical to and inseparable from those of the entire Mosaic Law. The rain in Deuteronomy 28:12, 23-24 and Leviticus 26:1-4 is only obtained by obedience to all 600+ commandments. Galatians 3:10 (quoting Deu 27:26) “For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continues not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.” Trying to earn God’s blessings through tithing only brought curses for failure to keep all of the law. See also Galatians 3:19.
I would like to really call it the New Covenant. You are right. Here are three key features to tithing;
1. Tithing did NOT involve money!!!( only if you were too far away to carry your tithe to where Yahweh's(Lord God's) Name was.
2. Tithing only were to be received by the Levites!!!
3. Tithing, with the other offerings(sacrifices) were to be brought to the place where Yahweh's(Lord God's) Name was; the tabernacle in the wilderness and the Temple in Jerusalem!!!
Yahshua has redeemed us from the curse of the law. What law do you ask?? the Mosaic law because the the curse of death was applied to it. You either obeyed or you died. He brought a new and living way. The way of the Holy Spirit!!!


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