We've got a lot of messed up "in the head" saints out there, is it our fault?

Satan has really attacked the minds of the Children of Yahweh.  Most of my time spent as a new and young pastor has been invested in helping people through mental struggles.  I think to myself, no wonder we can't advance the kingdom though productive and effective outreach, it is because most of the people in our church are so confused and distorted.  And yes I know many of you are gonna say, "teach the word, preach the word," but you can teach and preach until you are blue in the face but if the Children of Yahweh never apply what you teach and preach, it's like casting your pearls before swine. 


Registration is what we need in the church today.  Not member registration or convention registration, but mental registration.  We need Yahweh to help us register his word in the minds of the peole.  Not just say the good words all of us pastors are capable of saying, but we need to register those words.  How can we begin to fight spiritually when the peoples minds are so mixed up.  If we hope to restore honor to the house of Yahweh, if we hope to reaffirm power in the house of Yahweh, we better start dealing with the sick, depressed, wicked and evil minds of the people that call themselves the Children of the most high God. 


One way we can help register His Word in the minds of the people is to stop preaching one hour sermons.  This is half the reason people can't be renewed in their mind, it is because we don't know how to retain their mind.  When we preach long messages and deliver long prophecies, it's like a brain overload to the people.  Oh sure, we maybe saying good things, even great things, but because we give them so much, they can't ever hold on to one thought long enough to actually do something with it before we have moved to the next thought.  We've got to stop this.  We are the cause of some this mental crisis the Children of Yahweh is facing.  We throw over 10 different scriptures and/or points in one sermon and think they are gonna be able to connect the dots, well they are not and it shows.  We must take a thought, take a scripture text, and drive that baby home.  We must compact that thought into 10 or 15 minutes and then let the Holy Ghost do the rest.  If we don't, these great sermons that we have will be lost forever in the minds of the people.  And the people will continually face the same life and lifestyle without a true change.  Isn't that what Holiness is, one changing into the ways of Yahweh. 


Preachers, we must see this as a true threat to effectiveness of our job.  We must begin to see a change in our people through the registration of our teaching and preaching.  If not then we will end up in spiritual battles that come to the church alone because the people will be unable to draw enought strength spiritually to help us because they have been so distracted in their mind.  We've got work to do.

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