Gen 39:11

And it came to pass about this time, that Joseph went into the house to do his business; and there was none of the men of the house there within.


And she caught him by his garment, saying, Lie with me: and he left his garment in her hand, and fled, and got him out.

Rom. 6:11
Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

I've always noticed in that part of the scripture that there were no other men in the HOUSE when Joseph was approached by Potiphar's wife. He understood that it was not man that he had to be concerned with but with God.

Romans says that we as Christians, believers, those of us that are endowed with Power from on High, are to consider ourselves dead to the sins of this world.

Why in the church today, do we still have to hear excuses such as the way a woman dresses? (men too) but we hear this in reference to women more.

Should we not rejoice to see the prostitute come scantly dressed into the house of the Lord, just as she is, to be transformed by the Holy Spirit . without worrying about the brothers losing their minds in Christ? (I know that's extreme, to some)

Where are our Josephs?

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Amen to that....One of the reasons why I had to leave this one particular church, when a scantily clad sista' walked in the door of the church and it seemed as if every evangelist got up and threw 'rocks', I mean sheets on her to let her and everyone know in the 'building' how 'wicked' she was....I knew from that instant after that very ambarrassing situation occurred that she would not be back. What a shame. Since it was by the Holy Spirit that she walked in and probably would have given her life to Christ, if it wasn't for the atypical 'aunt esthers' who quenched the spirit of this sista'

The next day we had our "mens" meeting and the pastor made a comment about how some men looked at her when she came in, insinuating that the men were lusting after her. Really the men that I were with that Sunday weren't lusting but very glad she came in, since most of us saw her many times in the street parading her wares. I stood up and proclaimed, "I wouldn't care if she walked in buck nekked, I was just glad she was bold enough to walk in this church". Well after that I knew my time in that church was coming to a quick end.

That's when I started doing street evangelism and almost 6 years later am still out in the hiways and biways proclaiming freedom to the captives through the blood of Jesus the Christ. And through that, God opened the door for me to move into prison ministry, then to being a chaplain at a juvenile prison, now going to the nations as a missionary for the next 7-10 years. We are called to be light and salt in this dark world to bring the Good News of the free gift of salvation, deliverance and hope to a dying world, to seek and to save that which is lost. Jesus didn't come but for the sick not the self-righteous.

Everyone deserves to hear the simple Gospel of Christ in a clear, concise and bold manner to bring those who hear as sheep to the true Sheppard. How is the sheep going to hear the voice of the Sheppard if they are out of ear shot? Doesn't faith come by hearing, and by hearing of the Word of God? Maybe I have a different Bible than others.. Mine says, "Go Ye Therefore....." Mine says, "Be Fishers of Men", how you gonna fish for the valuable tuna, swordfish, King Crabs unless you go to the deep, dangerous and dark waters and drop your line. You can't fish for those God is drawing while sitting in your bathtub. In order to walk on water, you have to get out of the boat.

If Jesus the Christ is the Good News, then what is the bad news? The bad news is that apart from Christ, they...PERISH!

So yes agreed, come as you are, even if you are buck nekked...The Holy Spirit will teach you all things. I don't expect those who are dead in their sins, to look like those who are alive in Christ. The dead can't awake the dead, only those who are alive can.

Preach on sis......Welcome to the harvest, cause its ripe for the reaping once we get out of the monasteries as monks.

God Bless You mightily

hallelujah!!! A Joseph you are indeed my brother!, " how you gonna fish for the valuable tuna, swordfish, King Crabs unless you go to the deep" I love that!!!

My husband was delivered off those streets, God used vessels that were not afraid to go deep sea fishing, and ones that saw testimonies in drunkards, addicts, homeless, .... delivered through the Gospel of Christ. Be Blessed my brother! be blessed


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