Learned and pious men have trifled egregiously on this subject, making that of importance which the Holy Spirit, by his silence, has plainly informed them is a "non-factor" 

     Fabricius gives a catalogue of no less than 136 different opinions concerning the Year of Christ's birth: and as to his birth Day, that has been placed by Christian sects and learned men in every month in the year. The Egyptians placed it in January - Wagenseil, in February - Bochart, in March - some, mentioned by Clemens Alexandrinus, in April - others, in May - Epiphanius speaks of some who placed it in June - and of others who supposed it to have been in July- Wagenseil, who was not sure of February, fixed it probably in August - Lightfoot, on the 15th of September - Scaliger, Casaubon, and Calvisius, in October - others, in November - but the Latin Church, supreme in power, and infallible in judgment, placed it on the 25th of December, the very day on which the ancient Romans celebrated the feast of their goddess Bruma."   

     Why do you believe that the bible is silent concerning the birth date of Jesus?                                                                 

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     To the shepherds, the first notice of Christ's birth was given; not to the princes and chief priests, and learned men at Jerusalem, but to weak, mean, and illiterate men; whom God is pleased to choose and call, and reveal his secrets to; when he hides them from the wise and prudent, to their confusion, and the glory of his grace: and this was a presage of what the kingdom of Christ would be, and by, and to whom, the Gospel would be preached.

     Luke's Gospel is the gospel of the poor and lowly. This revelation to the shepherds acquires additional meaning as we remember that shepherds, as a class, were under the Rabbinic ban, because of their necessary isolation from religious ordinances, and their manner of life, which rendered strict legal observance well-nigh impossible.

Greetings Bro Pitbull....I think...well it really don't matter what I think...smiling, but because In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things (even birthdays) were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life (His Birth and the Birth of others) and the recording of the vehicle in which He manifested Himself to man and through man was not as important as reconciling man back to his rightful place with God.  Anyway....who's birthdates are recorded in the bible...I don't know of any...do you?


Just inquisitive right about now...


In Love, Sister Denise

Sister Denise,

     The only mention of bithdays that I am aware of are the Pharaoh of Egypt on his birthday killed his baker (Genesis 40:20) and King Herod on his birthday killed John the Baptist (Matthew 14:6).   Both of these men did not worship God. 

     John 3:5, "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and [of] the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."  Some Christians recite the date that they were born again?  I do not have a date to give you.

     Good reply.  It is in line with my answer that is found in Luke Chapter 2. 



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