Have church has become worst than dogs? Gallup an internet polling website reports that 69% of those who attend church weekly say that premarital sex in morally acceptable. What is going on?

I think there is a problem in the teaching that's going forth concerning sexual addictions. It's being swept under a carpet instead of exposing and dealing with it. The leaders aren't taking this sin serious enough and some are even telling the people it's okay, God still loves you. Esau was a fornicator, a profane person who did not take the spiritual things of God serious enough, he even sold his birth right for a morsel of meat. He was a habitual fornicator that could not repent even though he sought it with tears. God gives every man and woman space to repent of their fornication, and if they wait and allow the space to run out they will become reprobate. Unable to repent or break the habit of lust and fornication. How can one get free from this sin? What they must he do? I want to here your answers.

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That is all Yehwah wants. He wants a man and a woman to be committed for life!
what is the problem James with voicing that committment, in front of witnesses. Stating that they are making that vow to YHWH,

Why would a couple not want to do that?

I never stated any problems with voicing commitment in front of witnesses. The problem I have is that when people make it "Halacha"(practice). When people make it Torah to have a ceremony, and call it sin when they do not... THAT is what I have a problem with.
What about the ceremony in the garden?

God(authority) presented Eve to Adam, and Adam spoke his vow, "this is bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh" he was saying she was one with him.

LOL LOL!! You cannot be serious! If thats not "adding to the scriptures," then I do not know what it is. There is NO WHERE in there did it ever say ceremony, or even hinted at one. That is YOUR ASSUMPTION, which is utterly false. Let go of traditions, and cling to the WRITTEN TRUTH
James, I know the word "ceremony" wasn't mention, but there has to be more than just saying "we are committed" now lets look at the Hebrew marriage CEREMONY,

it is in two stages the eurism(bethrothal) and the ketubah (contract) that is later signed and given to the wife and displayed in the couples home. James, they don't even live together during this time.

Not until the nisuin, the actual marriage CEREMONY, today the eurism and the nisuin are done on the same day.

The Kidusshin CEREMONY santifies the bride and the groom for each other.

Now I took a class on this, just out of interest but I know you will honor the Torah, and it states the chatan (groom) will present his bride with a ring in front of two witnessess (edim) and declare, "behold you are bethrothed unto me with this ring ACCORDING TO THE LAWS OF MOSES and ISRAEL.

Now you might come back with all of this is tradition, but think about it, in the beginning, that was why I brought it up, Adam and Eve, and the Trinity, Elohim, were present !

Thats tradition rather than THE WRITTEN TORAH. Show me a chapter in the WRITTEN TORAH, backing up your claims, and I'll study it.
I modify my last phrase, and I'm going to call my friend about the Torah

Is your friend Messianic, or orthodox. I say this because they often refer to the Talmud and Mishna for their interpretation, instead of what's ACTUALLY WRITTEN, big sis. By the way, Im not yelling at you :)
Oh I know it, we just discussing (O_O) she is Messianic, and I will bring that point up to her.
Well James you are correct, she stated that there is nothing written in reference to it in the Torah, however she also stated that being filled with the Holy Spirit, one would not be led to display an appearance of evil.

In our society where ones make short term committments, it would be better to humble ones self and voice a committment in front of witnessess no matter how informal the ceremony was, just to display an obeidence to God.

Ones still being wrapped in flesh, could easily become frustrated and walk away from a commitment with the excuse "I have no legal contract restraining me from doing so" yes, ones do it that have the contract, but not as easily as ones without it.

Many things that we do are considered evil in the eyes of Yeshuah's enemies. I think we should read that "appearance of evil," scripture in context. Torah is the foundation for all teachings.

I do not knock anyone for holding a ceremony, but to them that call it sin, they are in the wrong. It is better to adhere to Yehwah's word, and be called evil, than to adhere to traditions of man, and be called good.


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