Can someone please show me in the Bible where this is permitted and explain the text?
Truly, I have been inspired by all of the comments and insight that have come from many of you!! I wanted to open a discussion that would stir the hearts and minds of many and I did. I can see that it is man vs woman and should not be. My question still remains,,,about Women Bishops!!!! The Bible does not co-sign this. I really believe we all are hung on titles. Whatever you do,,,do it all in the name of Jesus. I wanted to make some points and say some things, so that it would stir your knowledge up and cause you to proclaim what you believe. I can say,,,I have walked into many churches,,,and without sayiing a word or opening my mouth,,,,how can these men detect, discern, or sense that God has a call on my life. AND,,,WHAT, call is that? Glory be to God,,,you see many of us should make sure that our scripture references that we are using to back up your point,,,is not contextual customed to fit in your box of beliefs. My statement to this was about,,,women Bishops,,,and I for one don't agree with the TITLE,,,but I believe that a woman can teach the Gospel,,,and if the HOOP is naturally in her when she delievers,,,then hoop. Whether you want to call it style,,,whatever,,,,we all have our style. So,,if I come to some of your churches,,,I can get turned off by even the way some you hoop or TEACH. Everyone is voicing their beliefs. This is a very sensitive topic,,,and women we must make sure we are wise virtuous women,,,one thing is for sure,,,we are MASTERs at multitasking. If God,,,called you to Sunday School, Evangelist,Prophet, then you must remain a help at home. Men,,,i believe if your wife works, has to take care of kids,,,and does servant service to her local Ministry,,,it just WONT kill you to assist her at home. This is one statement that needs constant understanding and research. Our prayer should be that the LORD will enlighten and reveal to us his truth,,,NOT YOUR OPINION or CONVINCING. You see,,he that wins a soul is wise. We must make sure we ALL speak wisely. God Bless You All And thanks for the replies and the most of all THE WORD!!

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Sis. , if you don't follow a hermeneutics and homiletics process then you're not exegete the text... (Please tell me you're just kidding...) and for you to be an evangelist... if anybody's to hermeneutic the text surely it's you... if you're not exegete then you must be isogete... proper handling of God's (Yah's) Word is not left for the educated but for all saved children of God (Yah)...

(Hermeneutics is a process to shift out all heresy from arising in the church… many today are giving over to error because they fail in using hermeneutic approach to the Word) Paul said, “There are many given to new doctrines which are another gospel… even the elect are being fooled by these seducing spirits…“

We’re to always be ready to give an account of our faith... without using cliché’s...
Just your assertion that God (Yah) is permitting/allowing it is a cliché’ in itself… there are homosexuals, child molesters, liars, adulterers, fornicators, lovers of money… all preaching today… and from the carnal eye it looks like God is permitting/allowing them because of the following they generate…

I asked the question before and I’ll ask it to you again, "My dear sister, are you asking the question for instructions, correction, for reproof… or are you just engaging in unprofitable dialogue?"

This is why our foundation for all teaching should be in the Torah & The Prophets first. That way, no one can shake our faith, or sway us away into error of doctrine.
BEFORE you had hermeneutics, you had something called "discernment of spirits", or is that out of date? I am well versed in the word, but my strength and foundation is built on my Apostolic and Prophetic ability and gifting, for this is where the Word of GOD derived from in the first place, not the Teachings and techniques of Wesley, Calvin, and the like.

Paul NEVER said that the elect are being deceived, brother, unless you can clearly show chapter and verse. And why have you not responded to my question yet concerning the Deaconate office?

ONCE AGAIN, with all the mention of Sola Scriptura, hermeneutics, and homiletics, you still have yet to respond to the key issues. Lets face things head on for once. The Deacon were suppose to be the husband of one wife also, so why on Earth was Phebe counted as a Deacon by Apostle Paul himself? Did the meaning of that Greek word change for her simply because she was a female?
and while we are on the topic, lets go back to the beginning, the foundation,

Gen 1:27

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Gen 5:2

Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.

Do you see that THEIR NAME? she was Adam the life giving one, not until sin came did ADAM call her Eve, mother of all living, speaking faith to a dead situation.

God never intended the mannish or feminist attitude, male and female have always been mankind.


The word "Adam" primarily means "man". They were both called Adam, because they were both "mankind".
because they were both "mankind".

Thank you very much!!!! glad you agree
I think I should put my 2 cents in here. Its my respectable opinion that Paul himself had an opinion about why women should not teach over a man. I believe it dealt with the culture around him, rather than what Yahweh said.
Trevor, I'm glad you asked... the first thing that must be established is who Phoebe was? It is uncertain as to who she really was... some suggest that she was the wife of a deacon... some suggest that she was the widow of a deacon... and after the death of her husband she committed her life to the service of the ministry...

New Testament Greek did not have a special word for “deaconess,” but it used the same word with masculine endings to refer to both male and female helpers (Rom 16:1, where Phoebe is described as a diakonos).

Phoebe responsibility was to carry the epistles from Paul to the various churches... unlike the postal system today... during the time in which the epistle was written the postal system was only used for govermental agents... therefore, Paul often used friends/servants of God (Yah) to deliver his epistles...

Perhaps Paul’s failure to use a more specific title for these women was due to the fact that there was not one in use at that time. Paul’s use of the term “wives” or “women” implied that these were women who helped the church in some manner.

The early church did have women whose special responsibility was to work with women and children (Titus 2:4 for an indication of the beginning of this task).

If you compare Scripture with Scripture you'll come to understand that the word diakonos simply means servant... The Greek language often had one word with various meanings... that's where hermeneutics come in at...

To answer your question, Phoebe was a servant of the church... (Not a preacher, not a bishop, not a evangelist as it's used today)...Every believer is a servant of God (Yah)... It was proper to thank/send greetings to Phoebe for her service rendured...

Paul sent personal greetings to no less than 26 Christian friends living in Rome. The list included both Jews and Gentiles, men and women, rich and poor—showing the gospel’s universal appeal.
Now the office of Deacon is watered down by you also? WOW! The Deaconate ministry was not as simple as you placed it. The Bible was always clear on if a woman was the wife of a Prophet, if she was a Prophetess herself, or both. Why now is it a confusing matter to whether she was the wife/widow of a Deacon? If a person is apart of the ministry of the Kingdom, their actions speak loud and clear for them, whether you want to recognize them as a Minister of the Gospel or not.
Brother Trevor,
Humility is the key... I read your post and all I can say is low is the way to understanding... you have some good questions but you must humble yourself to get understanding... Heb. 5:12 "For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God (Yah); and you have come to need milk and not solid food..."

you said you're well versed in Scripture... I say to you... go back and start over... the last thing you want to be is a false teacher... When you study, compare Scripture with Scripture... when it comes down to Interpreting Scripture... you can't just rely on discernment... because discernment can be clouded by doctrinal influence... that's why Paul said, "Study to show thyself approved unto God... a workman that need not be ashamed...but rightly dividing the Word of Truth..."


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