is it biblical for women to be pastors, or the senior pastor in churches. or is it unbiblical. your input would be appreciated.

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My friend, you're back! I see that you're still confessing you sins. Good job, Your almost there. Now you just need to believe in Jesus Christ. He will forgive your sins. I'm still praying for you.....
Well I will Be looked @ like that But God loves You and So Do I .. Be Blessed Brother Fred.. If I am a Fag I will be that if it wins your soul.. Sticks and stones May break my bones But Names will never hurt Me ....
Fred I love you with the Love of Jesus ...
My good friend, stop calling yourself names, try very hard to see youself the way that God sees you. He (God) loves you....
Friend I not on any thing, I'm just sad that you keep calling yourself by these names. I just can't help you, but I must!
fred please do not post comments like the ones you do on my topics. its inmature, and has no place here. im glad people are trying to reach you in a christ like way, but id rather you not post anything if its going to be very negative. if you want to contribute to the conversation thats fine, but please do so in a mature non-offensive way. thank you GOD bless.
Why do you not need an education? I just don't understand!!!!
iam glad to join your group thank you evangelist pastor susie houston
iam bless to join your group thank you evangelist pastor susie houston
iam glad to join your group thank you evangelist pastor susie houston


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