Over the years, I have heard many men and women in the holiness denominations say that women shouldn't wear pants in the church.

Were is the scripture to support the ideology that women shouldn't wear pants? If it is in scripture then I would have to ask why are men wearing pants? Did men wear pants in biblical times or did their wear something that covered their loins and then long robe like attire? I mean isn't that what you depict in your biblical plays? So why aren't the men being asked to wear similar apparel in the church to maintain a outward appearance of holiness? Why aren't they asked to not cut their hair (both facial and head)

What are the clothing designations for men in the holiness denominations.

After all, without holiness NO man/woman shall see God.....

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What the scripture specify is modesty.Once nakedness is covered...the rest is settled.

Rev(Dr) Sola Adetunji


 What of if nakedness is not covered. That is my concern! What do you have to say about those who are half naked?

Praise God,I can remember in days of old when a female,or male would come into the,Church with the ofence of clothing.The elders of the Church would call them to the back to have a Spiritual talk with them.

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I Would to wish everyone a very merry christmas & A safe happy new,    Have a wonderful christmas. see you in "2012"

 The bible said we need not to do anything that  will lead others to sin.Clothing that will lead another to lustful sin  should be avoided.

Amen,Elder Denny,God bless you.

 You are right Rev. Anthony, however, we need to still emphasize the need for our women to dress decently.It will help save those who are not yet strong to resist the temptation of lust . Devil is crafty, in such kind of negligence evil seed can be planted.

 Am not teaching ''dress code'' but am trying to help those people who preach the gospel of ''it doesn't matter'', that whatever we do as long as the kingdom of God is concerned ''it matters.''

 We are saved to propagate holiness. And it has to do with our conducts and the way  we dress too.

I feel like God looks at the heart of men not what he got on....

     Proverbs 23:7, "For as he thinketh in his heart, so [is] he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart [is] not with thee."  The question is, "What is in your heart?"  A man will become whatever is in his heart.  Lude, lasciviousness, etc.


Yes , the lord that looks at the heart also looks at what we put on. If what we put on  will make a weak brother or sister fall away from the faith what is the gain?

True beauty is with in. God's word says I'm not looking at the outer appearance , Im looking at your heart


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