Would You As Pastor allow Homosexuals To Frolic In Your Church?

Vermont has just okayed what they call "same sex mariages". It is very sad that we humans who are supposed to be the most intelligent creatures on earth, dont even understand or appreciate the sacred purpose of marriage. The reason why God instituted marriage is for reproduction, plus nothing, minus nothing. The sole reason why we are created male and female, or exibit some form of sexuality is to reproduce. If we didnt have to reproduce after our kind, we wont have any devices for sex. Angels dont reproduce and as such are sexless beings. Everything else God put on earth comes in pairs of male and female. Even birds know this. Have you ever gone bird-watching and seen two male birds weaving a nest and trying to raise a family?
You dont have to be a rocket scientist in order to understand that another man's behind was neither designed by God nor evolution for sex. The anus is not a sexul organ, period. So that if you want to use a body feature designed to accomplish one task for a completely senseless one then there is something wrong with your perception. You are like the man who sees a deer and calls it an elephant. Something is wrong upstairs!! What is the purpose of a so called same sex marriage. Sexual pleasure so they speak. But pleasure is not the purpose for sex.The pleasure part is secondary. God made sex pleasurable, why? Because if it had felt like surgery, you would have to hold a gun to your partner's head to have children. Homosexuals have taken the "purpose" out and are going gang-ho after the "pleasure".WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY ABOUT PLEASURE-SEEKING IN THE LAST DAYS?
As A pastor the only way I would allow a homosexual in my congregation if they understand that homosexuality, just all other deviations , is wrong and they came to church to seek help like all of us do. But if a homosexual shows up in church all cocky and full of gay pride and trying to peddle his ware in the church, I will chase him out with a baseball bat!!! lol!
You just said "wow, he hates homosexuals!", right? Wrong. As a pastor you cant hate anybody because of their sin.It will be like a Doctor hating a patient because the latter has a form of cancer the Doctor dreads.But if the patient tells the Doc, "Leave my cancer a lone. I was born with it, and I am proud of it." Well, then get out of the hospital! I dont hate homosexuals, I hate homosexuality. You dont hate the sinner, you hate the sin. You have to hate the sin enough to be able to help the sinner. On the other hand if you love the sin, you yourself might just get caught up in it.I consider it a disgrace to the human race that we allow behavior that even some animals shy away from.

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what do you actually do besides sit at home and read your bible?.....jesus showed in the story of the good samaratin that religious people were hypocrites....applying that to todays situation, it's the religious people that are having gay marriage protests, judging everyone and condemning them to hell while helping nobody...and the non religious that are helping people in need and more accepting of others....the church only helps members of the church...it's sad...i guess if they helped anyone that wasn't a member they would go to hell....
i highly doubt that you would help a homosexual getting beat up.....highly doubt....
i don't just mean you personally i mean a lot (but not all) of the church population don't do anything to help anyone, especially if that person is not a church member. and if they do help them, the end goal is really to convert them....much too often, all religious people are doing is preach scripture....the fact that their would even be a discussion questioning pastors and church leaders if they would how homosexuals to "frolic" in their church is sickening....just a hint, the whole act of preaching scripture and telling people they're going to hell actually turns people away from the church....i believe in god, but i don't believe in organized religion/the church because of judgemental and hypocritical people like you....i have my own beliefs that don't match yours and that does not mean that i'm going to hell.
um....ok....i don't see how a person of god could even post a discussion like this....but ok...what does it even look like when homosexuals frolic?
so now we're commanded to judge? never heard that one before....
i highly doubt you would help a gay person in need...HIGHLY doubt...
"Not only did Jesus and the Apostles judge, they told us to judge. We already saw where Jesus said take the speck out of our brother’s eye after we have learned to examine our own life by the same standard (Matt. 7:5). In Luke 17:3 He commanded us to rebuke a trespassing brother: “If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him.” Likewise Paul said to rebuke sin. In 1 Timothy 5:20 he says, “Those who continue in sin, rebuke in the presence of all, so that the rest also may be fearful of sinning.” In Titus 2:15 he tells Titus, “These things speak and exhort and reprove with all authority. Let no one disregard you.”

I agree to all this HOWEVER why is this done to some and not all?
You can't place this scripture here for Maria and you allow those in the CHURCH ITSELF to do wrong because then you become as guilty as they are.
If you are going to throw scriptures out make sure you are doing these scriptures completely and not picking and choosing whom you will lash these on.
These scriptures deal with those in the household of faith NOT those who don't know an better.
Why is the church being hypocritical and inconsistent in their judgment?
MarQuiese I just want to ask this one question, please dont blow up or get offended by it I really just want to know the answer. I've seen where Maria stands now I'll ask you plainly Is Homosexuality a sin in the sight of our creator?
I think you need to go back and read my posts where I have said MORE THAN ONE TIME THAT HOMOSEXUALITY IS WRONG. I even had to type it in bold letters like 5 times just to get the point across.
Instead you decide to listen to that arrogant imp and judge me because I choose not to use the Bible or spiritual authority to beat up on people. I REFUSE to use the Word of God to beat up on people. That is spiritual abuse and even worse can lead to spiritual murder and we fail to realize that when we stand before God if we are not careful we will stand before Him with our hands dripping with the blood of those we have killed with our tongues using His Word as a weapon. That is NOT of God and I will not partake in it. No one here knows me personally and those that do KNOW I have a heart for people. I don't care who it is I love all people and will show them through my LIFE that there is a better way. I don't need to beat them with scriptures and my words of condemnation. When did Jesus ever do this? However, He did get on those "church folk" who called themselves doing right when they were doing nothing but making things worse. This WHOLE thread is a bunch of religious, arrogant and hateful men with their own personal issues with homosexuality belittling and demeaning a group of people however when the issue of divorce is brought up everybody get the hush mouth.
If you want to call out somebody's sin let's get it ALL on the table.
Arrogance and pride are also sin and we have that all in through here but who has said anything about that???
I am called bitter but how many people who KNOW me personally can say that about me?
So do you honestly think I care what some internet preachers got to say about me lol!!!
Come on men. I've stood against worse jacklegs than these I grew up in COGIC!!!
I got one fool on here who follows me in EVERY THREAD I go to and always has something negative to say about me but I am the bitter one???
I am the one with the issue but I he is a grown man who must AT ALL TIMES say something about me or to me just because I won't let him indoctrinate me into whatever "religion" he is?
I am only labeled negatively as bitter because I choose not to follow somebody's foolishness and bow to every doctrine that some fool places on here because they have given themselves some title and claimed that God has given them some "new revelation."
Be serious.
The problem does not lie in me.
You most likely have been sent a personal email concerning me as well so before you judge me and risk your soul going to hell following behind some foolishness you need to get an understanding about me.
But believe me when you do get to know me you'll be labeled just as negatively as I am.
"R U serious? Someone is sending emails about you in a negative light? I agree....that is wrong!"

Yes, emails have been circulating about me since before I came back to this cess pool of religiosity lol and when they really get upset with me or I have them in a corner they love to tell me that they have received these negative emails about me like it is some initiation into BPN.
This is how it happens:
A thread is posted.
I respond.
I don't give the typical "religious" response and then a certain person comes along and says something negative about me.
The thread creator or the person I directly responded to then says, "I was sent an email about you so I already know about you."
You have got to be kidding me lol!!
You get an email from a biased individual and you KNOW me???
It just shows the immaturity of people.
It's funny to me.
Servant, I hear your heart! help me out with something. now this is my belief, you know how everyone says "there are other sins in the Bible, (and there are) Why does everyone want to attack the homosexual's", my belief is that because this spirit is running so rampant in the church as well as the world, and its so obvious, i believe that we should deal with what we see in the natural (because its so obvious), and the hidden sins that we dont see, we deal with them in the spirit. What do you think? thats just my thought.
Servant, I agree with you on a lot of things, but the thing that i want to point out is the fact that a lot of these people that are engaged in this sin are free very expressive, thay dont mind letting you know that they are proud of the life they live, while like you forestated, a lot of these people dont want to be in this lifestyle, im well aware of that. as a youth Pastor, im confronted with a lot of spirits, and in this present day, this spirit has gotten bolder than ever, even to the point where these people are going from church to church trying to see who they can pick up, they don't care about Jesus, they don't care about getting a word and they dont want deliverance!!! All some of them want to do is carry out their own agenda. is sadden's my heart to see so many youth turned out by this foul spirit. it even anger's me that we have these WEAK-BACK, PUNK preachers that won't cry loud on sin as a whole! Fact of the matter is we who carry the Gospel must take a stand, In Paul's writings, "shall we continue in sin that grace may abound, GOD FORBID!!!!" We must take a stand and fight for our children because the enemy stays on his job, we are the one's taking a lunch!!!!!!!
There are PLENTY sins we can see in the natural sir.
Men having babies with women that are NOT their wives.
Abortion- yes IN the church.
Divorcing your husband or wife then marrying somebody else- that is adultery right there.
Tax evasion.
Yes, these are ALL sins that can be seen with the naked eye.
However, we choose to turn our heads until a homo comes walking in then all of a sudden we want to become "warriors" for the Word.
Utter foolery.
thank you, you're back:) the only one that's on my side on this issue of treating everyone equally.

That's the point I made to you yesterday. You are stuck on your own beliefs. It's all what God says, not what the pastor, minister, preaching or teacher says. It's God's way or no way. What sends you to hell is not obeying God, now if your beliefs are different than His, I'm sorry, but you have judged yourself and then God takes care of the rest. No man can judge you, but God will. And that's the fear you need to have. I'm also sorry, but God says that homosexuals, if they don't repent and turn from their ways will go to hell. Not my words or judgement, but God's Word and judgement. It's up to you to believe.

God Bless


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