Would You As Pastor allow Homosexuals To Frolic In Your Church?

Vermont has just okayed what they call "same sex mariages". It is very sad that we humans who are supposed to be the most intelligent creatures on earth, dont even understand or appreciate the sacred purpose of marriage. The reason why God instituted marriage is for reproduction, plus nothing, minus nothing. The sole reason why we are created male and female, or exibit some form of sexuality is to reproduce. If we didnt have to reproduce after our kind, we wont have any devices for sex. Angels dont reproduce and as such are sexless beings. Everything else God put on earth comes in pairs of male and female. Even birds know this. Have you ever gone bird-watching and seen two male birds weaving a nest and trying to raise a family?
You dont have to be a rocket scientist in order to understand that another man's behind was neither designed by God nor evolution for sex. The anus is not a sexul organ, period. So that if you want to use a body feature designed to accomplish one task for a completely senseless one then there is something wrong with your perception. You are like the man who sees a deer and calls it an elephant. Something is wrong upstairs!! What is the purpose of a so called same sex marriage. Sexual pleasure so they speak. But pleasure is not the purpose for sex.The pleasure part is secondary. God made sex pleasurable, why? Because if it had felt like surgery, you would have to hold a gun to your partner's head to have children. Homosexuals have taken the "purpose" out and are going gang-ho after the "pleasure".WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY ABOUT PLEASURE-SEEKING IN THE LAST DAYS?
As A pastor the only way I would allow a homosexual in my congregation if they understand that homosexuality, just all other deviations , is wrong and they came to church to seek help like all of us do. But if a homosexual shows up in church all cocky and full of gay pride and trying to peddle his ware in the church, I will chase him out with a baseball bat!!! lol!
You just said "wow, he hates homosexuals!", right? Wrong. As a pastor you cant hate anybody because of their sin.It will be like a Doctor hating a patient because the latter has a form of cancer the Doctor dreads.But if the patient tells the Doc, "Leave my cancer a lone. I was born with it, and I am proud of it." Well, then get out of the hospital! I dont hate homosexuals, I hate homosexuality. You dont hate the sinner, you hate the sin. You have to hate the sin enough to be able to help the sinner. On the other hand if you love the sin, you yourself might just get caught up in it.I consider it a disgrace to the human race that we allow behavior that even some animals shy away from.

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I don't see where anyone talks about you. But I can say that when one continues with anger on here, there is no need to reply to it. That is my opinion anyway. It just brings more anger and nothing else that is concrete.
This is apparently someone who knows me PERSONALLY and I can about guess who it is. But NOTHING you do, have done or will try to do will stop me. YOU have been after me for over 11yrs don't you think it is time you let it go and moved on? All you know about me is what you read on my Blackplanet page and from what you got from that s*ssy that plays the organ at the church I go to (and yes I'll be at church on Sunday so make sure to email him AGAIN and tell him I said that) so what you need to do is get off me.
You continue to search me out and try your best to sling my name in the mud because I will not give you what you desire of me. You spend hour, after hour, after hour looking for me online; searching for anything to destroy me because I won't deal with you. You showed how messy you were in the "other" forum we were in together and now all you are going to do is do the same here.
Even if I was not trying to be right before God I YET would not give you the time of day. Your name is all up and down the east, west, south and north of this country for the nasty and vile things you have done with preachers, leaders, bishops and young boys in COGIC. You are a disgrace to your father's name and a disgrace to the work he has done in this church.
You are a sad case for a man.
You want to come on a PUBLIC website and try to "out" me because I rejected you???
And have continued to reject you since 1997???
You are definitely a sad and miserable excuse for a man.
I don't deny my past NEITHER will I allow you to try and use it against me.
You will NOT use that as a weapon of destruction against me.
You can do and say as you please but it won't phase me none.
You will only prove to all here who YOU truly are and WHY you are doing as you are. Remember, we know some of the SAME people so I have proof of how messy you are.
Get over me.
It will NEVER happen!!!
Lol am I supposed to be scared now???
Hahahahaaaa yea I'm shaking in my boots.
My God the TRUE and living God didn't tell you NOTHING so what you need to do is stop lying trying to make yourself bigger than you are.
I already know you not from Jersey but your father has a jurisdiction here and honestly who knows where you from as many places you've traveled and many lies you've told.
Oh, are you still Bishop Brown's boy toy???
Dudes like you are a mess. You get rejected (and continue to get rejected) then you "create" profiles wherever I am and tell lies about me.
Get over me dude. It won't be happening!!!
You got NOTHING from this site because I have NEVER said anything on here about my past.
NOT ONCE and I made it my business NOT to so I wouldn't have to deal with people like who claim "God told me to tell you" crap.
So, what did your god tell you about me again hahahaaaa!!!
You funny REEEEEEEAL funny.
Your god told you what again???
Got anything else your god told you cuz the God I serve didn't tell you ANY of that foolishness.
How many times I got to tell you that your scare tactics don't work on me???
I guess you think posting that scripture would anchor your lies hahahaa!!!
Wow, I'm on my way to WORK- A REAL JOB so when I get back home from WORK I'll expect to see more foolishness for you.
I can't wait to see what you post next.
Let's see what else your god is going to tell you.
Remember Moreh What this discussion is about.

Would You As Pastor allow Homosexuals To Frolic In Your Church?

This is a congregation of believers so to speak, all seeking truth. So why like it states, would I let a Homosexual frolic here. The principle is still the same.
So here are Your stats Marqueise "bishop" Smith.

Account deleted by the owner and not by the Black Gay Chat Administration

Reason For Deletion: Well people my time here is up. I am working on a couple projects, starting school and also trying to concentrate on a budding relationship [but we'll see how that works out..LOL...so if you want to stay on contact with me just email me [marquiesesmith2007@yahoo.com] or IM me [same yahoo screen name] and we can chat it up from there. I'll miss you guys!!!
From: MarQuiese Smith
To: ClubFrottageNYC@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Tuesday, January 6, 2009 7:28:21 PM
Subject: Re: [ClubFrottageNYC] Re: Why are African-American Guys into Frottage

I agree.
I have been "approached" to meet guys but they have ALL been white males and I have always told them I am not attracted. One git upset and said that I was being mean but the truth is the truth.
This is a black group for men who like black men- plain and simple.

--- On Tue, 1/6/09, mr who really knows wrote:

From: mr who really knows
Subject: Re: [ClubFrottageNYC] Re: Why are African-American Guys into Frottage
To: ClubFrottageNYC@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 7:59 PM

why can't people be with whom they want to be with?
why isn't it normal for someone to be attracted to another person of the same race?
that seems normal to me.
and i don't think a gun is being held to anyone's head.
they can leave the group if they want.

From: MarQuiese Smith
To: ClubFrottageNYC@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Tuesday, January 6, 2009 7:28:21 PM
Subject: Re: [ClubFrottageNYC] Re: Why are African-American Guys into Frottage

Andrew12, are you saying that any black male who ONLY frots with black men are limiting themselves?

Re: [ClubFrottageNYC] Why are African-American Guys into Frottage

This is a very interesting question. It is an observation that I made when I first began coming to the meetings.It is true that frottage has nothing to do with race, but people do have sexual and yes sometimes racial preferences. I certainly can appreciate the experience with anyone that turns me on but I personally know what I like. It is also interesting to me that this is even an issue for the person asking the question.....it seems somehow hard for some people to believe that there are black men who celebrate, enjoy, get off on.... the touch of another black man, the feel of his skin, the texture of his hair, his scent and who do see color (there are those who claim they don't, but unless they are blind, that is an impossibility). So we have friends and we envite them into the fold..I certainly would hope that the number of black people would not prevent people of all races from showing up....and if it does then that requires a moment of introspection on their part. I personally am elated by the number of men who look like me that are interested in connecting with each other on this level...ergo not buying into the myths of anal bliss.

marquiesesmith2007@... wrote:
It could be that the majority of black men in this group who are black are attracted to black men.
Personally I am not attracted sexuallyto white men.
Re: [ClubFrottageNYC] It's Me Again.The Bad Guy!


In a message dated 2/2/2009 2:51:50 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, marquiesesmith2007@... writes:
Honestly, it sounds to me like this dude has a serious deep issue with anyone who does not do frot.
That is ridiculous and utterly ignorant to me!!!
What anyone is doing in their bedroom is NONE of my concern however when I am in the bedroom (whether mine or some else's) that is when it becomes my issue.
The name-calling, belittling and negativity is not productive in any way, shape or form.
There are many things sexually I don't do and much more sexually I am confused about (for example- fisting) but why would I judge someone else negatively?
If you don't like anal sex then you don't have to have anal sex plain and simple.
If someone comes at you like that then decline and move on.
Its really not that serious.
These days no type of sex is 100% safe.
The safest sex is NO sex- period!!!

--- Original Message ---
Sent:Mon 2/2/09 1:16 pm
Subj:Re: [ClubFrottageNYC] It's Me Again.The Bad Guy!

Wow. Let me find out we're making it a discussion about STD's and not social networking of guys that are into knowing people with the same likes sexually such as frottage.
Hey fellas 30yr old black male in Newark, NJ [5'10, 165, 32w, dark
skinned, full lips, brown eyes and low cut] looking for other black
men who into the "frot" game. Older or younger is not an issue- I
honestly prefer older. I don't have an issue with weight/height as
long as it is well put together. If you overweight AND sloppy that is
where the line is drawn other than that we are good.
I am a very down-to-earth person, genuine, mellow and intelligent. I
do not deal with liars, deceivers nor illusionists so please be a man
about whomever you are, whoever you are or whatever you into. We are
ALL men here (I hope because I don't mess with boys) so just be about
something real.
When I first started dealing with males I was very young and it was
called "bumpin' and grindin'." I never had an issue with it and it
wasn't until I was in my early 20's did I realize what penetration was
about and started doing that. Like I have seen and heard many other
men say it is HARD to find men [especially in this day] who are into
"bumpin' and grindin'" as we call it, or "frottage." But when you do
the experience can be good. I had one frot partner, an older guy and
whoooaaaaa he showed me some stuff man and took me places sexually I
had ever been before. His favorite thing to do with me was jack me off
[or give me head] to watch me cum. He loved it and I enjoyed it
completely. We never did penetration and I never left his presence
unsatisfied. On the other hand I always left tired, drained and ready
to eat...LOL!!!
The door is open fellas for real men to come through but proceed with
caution- I'm no fool.
I know game when I see game.
If you want real- BE real!!!

Tue May 13, 2008 10:38 am
"MarQuiese Smith"
Send IM
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here is Marquises' profile address on. www.ebonymale.com/connections/personals/profiles/marquiesesmith2007... -

By the way i chose messages you cannot erase if someone wanted to look at the truth for them selves.

Sin leads to death. Confess. I asked you a long time ago to don't you think its time?
Hahahaaaa you funny dude.
I already KNEW you were going to do this you did it in the COGIC group. The majority of that stuff you made up and I can prove that but why would I?
These people already have JUDGED ME AND CONDEMNED ME TO HELL and with you coming in here NOW telling these lies (as truth) AS YOU DID IN THE COGIC YAHOO GROUP you have made these weak-minded people even more convinced I am some reprobate.
However, as you, they will have to stand before God for believing these lies AGAIN that you have posted here concerning me.
Are you going to next place a message here saying that I tried to get with you like you did in the other group?
The part that has me laughing the most is that these people believe you and honestly believe that God has done this.
That is hilarious to me lol!!!
You are a grown man following me around on the internet because I rejected you in 1997 and I am the one with the issue hahahahahaaa???
Go ahead Tim and continue on in your foolishness.
YOU will have to answer for every lie you told on me.
I can't wait to see this next message from you lol!!!
This is getting good.
You know saints love gossip.
You really made Moreh happy with this one you know he is going to go to his mosque and tell people how YAHWEH revealed something to him- different church same game!!!
Where I am right now I could care less what you or anyone else says about me. As long as God sees that I am making strides to Him that is ALL I am concerned about.
You will hear those lies again you wrote here again when you stand before God.

"Confess. I asked you a long time ago to don't you think its time?"

My grandfather always said the devil can't hide his tail and I (and anyone else who is intelligent enough and not clouded by the judgment and condemnation they have placed on me) will see that you just told on yourself.
What is a long time ago?
I've never heard of "Red Letter Scribe Levi" a day in my life so when was this "face to face" with me supposedly have happened?
Your lies are falling apart again Tim.
When was this "face to face" have happened?
Another question I searched this site pretty good and unless I missed it personal email addresses are NOT on our pages so how did you get my email address?
I guess this will lead into you telling everyone AGAIN how I sent these messages to you trying to "get with you" on that level.
I saved the last one you sent to the other group so you'll have to make up another one this time to place here.
The more you talk the more your mask comes off and its going to be so good to see all the apologies I am going to receive when people see who they've given their ears and hearts to.

NO Marquise Obviously you have not read my page, cause my name is on it!! Go look me up you will find me. Yeshayahu Azariah Levi. Whereever you want and anyone else for that matter.

Your Name is all I needed to find those pages. Google gave the rest but i told you I did this after a few months of your slander.


No one told you to write those posts or be on two gay chat lines recently or a hook-up site with your pic and email. I would know if i were on a site as that. No one needs to degrade you or call you out. I JUST CALLED YOUR BLUFF!


i can deal with a homosexual. But a liar, cheater, murderous, adulterer, I feel like YHWH i have no parts of for they will not see the Kingdom of heaven. So my question is : Do you want to see the Kingdom. By your own hand and mouth you are a liar and an abomination. So far by your own doing you are headed to Hell and the Lake of Fire.

Repent and be Delivered unto Salvation from your iniquity. Realize there are those who would see you saaved and lifted on high than this road that you take.

Oh yeah for the record if I had your email and wanted to talk to you dont you think it would be better to send you one than here. This is not how you win a lover by open humiliation that would push someone away, right?
But In the Reprobate mindset you are in, you are indulgent in the attention and you try to stir it to argumentation but I Still have the same word from page one REPENT!
That's wrong. How do we learn or understand but by communication. It won't always be warm and fuzzy but it doesn't mean you still can't have love for that person because you don't agree on something or because you were told something that convicted you. Lord knows I've been on the end of many non warm and fuzzy conversations but that's why I'm here. It's like churches that people go to and all they want it for the minister to make them feel good instead of convicting them so they repent and do what is right. Sad!
My only comment to you is your last statement:

and for all those years you think what you believe is right…something is wrong with that.

I agree with this statement but do you not believe what you have now learned from your former Christian walk, is right? You stand because you feel what you have learned is truth and right and some man told that to you, am I right or wrong? So then how do any of us know if we have been provided real truth since man has his hands in it?
Thanks for your answer.
Response to "Brother Seeking the Truth, April22" .See I failed to see this red ink and just point to you where you miss the point. Sure if you "put away your wife and marry another" you are an adulterer.NOW read this from your own posting " And if a woman shall put away her husband and be married to another..." Let me ask you, do you have the logical ability up to that of a 5th grade child? If so tell me what the Word is saying here.Who is the adulterer in the situation where they werent the party that put away the other inorder ro run wild playing the harlot? See, the problem is there just too many of us reading the Word like newspaper. The Word of God is not the Boston Globe, I suggest you seek the infilling of the Holy Ghost. Why do you think the Lord promised the Holy Ghost before his ascension? Without the Holy Spirit scriptural interpretation is up for grasp. The reason why a Chinese, an African, an American and someone from Papua New Guinea could read and have the same interpretation of scripture is if they all are filled with the Holy spirit. He opens eyes and gives illumination into scripture. The reason you homosexuals dont understand scripture or read it like a holliwood piece of crap is becos you dont have the Holy Spirit.
Brotha seeking Truth, some on this sight might need to study with you.

He (king james) also had sex with his mother.........


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