Would You As Pastor allow Homosexuals To Frolic In Your Church?

Vermont has just okayed what they call "same sex mariages". It is very sad that we humans who are supposed to be the most intelligent creatures on earth, dont even understand or appreciate the sacred purpose of marriage. The reason why God instituted marriage is for reproduction, plus nothing, minus nothing. The sole reason why we are created male and female, or exibit some form of sexuality is to reproduce. If we didnt have to reproduce after our kind, we wont have any devices for sex. Angels dont reproduce and as such are sexless beings. Everything else God put on earth comes in pairs of male and female. Even birds know this. Have you ever gone bird-watching and seen two male birds weaving a nest and trying to raise a family?
You dont have to be a rocket scientist in order to understand that another man's behind was neither designed by God nor evolution for sex. The anus is not a sexul organ, period. So that if you want to use a body feature designed to accomplish one task for a completely senseless one then there is something wrong with your perception. You are like the man who sees a deer and calls it an elephant. Something is wrong upstairs!! What is the purpose of a so called same sex marriage. Sexual pleasure so they speak. But pleasure is not the purpose for sex.The pleasure part is secondary. God made sex pleasurable, why? Because if it had felt like surgery, you would have to hold a gun to your partner's head to have children. Homosexuals have taken the "purpose" out and are going gang-ho after the "pleasure".WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY ABOUT PLEASURE-SEEKING IN THE LAST DAYS?
As A pastor the only way I would allow a homosexual in my congregation if they understand that homosexuality, just all other deviations , is wrong and they came to church to seek help like all of us do. But if a homosexual shows up in church all cocky and full of gay pride and trying to peddle his ware in the church, I will chase him out with a baseball bat!!! lol!
You just said "wow, he hates homosexuals!", right? Wrong. As a pastor you cant hate anybody because of their sin.It will be like a Doctor hating a patient because the latter has a form of cancer the Doctor dreads.But if the patient tells the Doc, "Leave my cancer a lone. I was born with it, and I am proud of it." Well, then get out of the hospital! I dont hate homosexuals, I hate homosexuality. You dont hate the sinner, you hate the sin. You have to hate the sin enough to be able to help the sinner. On the other hand if you love the sin, you yourself might just get caught up in it.I consider it a disgrace to the human race that we allow behavior that even some animals shy away from.

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Thank you Mr. West.

I won't be surprised if someone from this site throw out the often used "If God Can Use A Donkey" card in an effort to justify using a book commissioned by this sexual deviant.

They always doo,doo LOL
Brother West, so you have found something better than the KJV now? Say it ain't so. LOL and if so then show me what you read and study and believe in now. God bless. By the way if you tell me the NIV or something you got to give me your address so I can do a drive by. LOL I am from LA.
I'm serious as a heart attack, yall can talk about the KJV as much as you won't to because it don't bother me. I've said that KJ was all those things but it wasn't about him with the KJV. It had to be his approval as King to allow them to do what they did and all that was done by God. Everyone knows KJ wasn't about nothing.
Because He wants us to come to Him of our own free will but do you think He would allow man to give us His Word? Now you know as well as I do, He can control us to do what ever He wants if He chose to do so. You can't use that scenario with me. LOL It's not a write but a translation is what I'm saying though words in English that means as much in English as it does in Hebrew was used. I still want you to tell me the name of the Hebrew Bible you told me about that is in English but translated by Hebrew speaking people. Thanks my Brother.
Now you know sticks and stones with me by now dont' bother me. I dont' cop out I speak what I know to be truth as you do. I have done studies though not as intense and complete maybe as you but none the less I have and why I don't take those from the Alexandrian line as good references. I know there were about 12 bibles from the Apostles to the NT KJV with the last before that the Bezas Greek NT in 1598AD, I'm aware and can't have any problem with them. I have problems with those from the Alexandrian line as I've said. I don't even have a problem with your Hebrew lines as long as it was God inspired and you can't tell me just because a man writes or translated they were done so by God because Satan can inspire also and has. Do some study on lines from Alexandria lines and since I know you to be highly educated I'm sure you have and what do you take on those compared to the KJV? Hey thanks for the links and you know I'm going to check them out. Much appreciated and as alway you know I thoroughly enjoy our talks and challenges to seek truth no matter what we say. Talk soon Brother Moreh.

Mr. John, it is currently called the King James VERSION.

So I take it that this title to the Word of God is a lie?

Some people even call it the King James Bible.

Isn't naming a bible after a known homosexual, a little like naming a restaurant after Jeffrey Dahmer?

I don't think so Brotha. It had to do with the era and who was the ruler not about him so please keep things in perspective and don't let the title make you sarcastic just understand why it was done during His rein. Now why would you call it a lie? Then my question to you is, what bible do you study from? Thanks. And please you dont' have to call me Mr.

It wasn't called the "King James Version" until the late 1800's. If the title is not a lie, then it is very, very misleading because it is really not his version.

I try to study all the bibles I can get my hands on.

I don't believe one can find the truth using only one source.

Get your dates correct because it was dated 1611. It's all good though.
As stated it's the content the title is only the era of King James and if it took that to make it happen what does it matter? Is there a bible you know of that says God's Book for the title? I haven't seen one.
Say what you want and be as sarcastic as you want. YOu know that doesn't bother me one bit. As you do I say what I have learned and believe. As I've said before, is your learning the only truth. I do study just not what you do so does that make yours right and mine wrong. Once again do I have to be Hebrew? No matter I've just started something and will title it "The Inception of the King James Bible" and leave it at that. You know I enjoy our dialog and look forward to it.


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