This is a study the Lord had been dealing with me with for years, and I've learned so much from it. I'm open for any comments and opinions what else I can add to this study.

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Sins start in the heart. Reason is that as a man thinketh in his heart so is he. What comes from omne's heart,? all thiughts , lies, blasphemies, fornications, adulteries. So to understand, know God one must first take a look in-ward and begin to let God purge our hearts so that God can dwell in us.
Yes everything begins with the heart even the desire to be saved and to walk with God. We all have thoughts that may not be considered Godly. That is why we pray for God to create in us a clean heart, a new heart one that lives for him. We are not perfect nad we will never be perfect but we can get as close as we possibly can. Always remember we are human and we will have sinful thoughs and desirers but God will always forgive us because he knew us before we were formed in our mother's belly. Therefore he knows what we will do, think, desire, and need and he is prepared to help us with all of it. All we have to do is continue to pray for his forgiveness, his guidance, strength, patience, faith, grace, and mercy. God loves us and he will always be there for us.


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