Ricardo Miller Ministries


Fort Worth, TX

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Fort Worth
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Youth Pastor
Church Name:
Pathway of Life Church
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Ricardo Miller, originally from Nassau, Bahamas has served in Children's Ministry for more than thirteen years as an International Child Evangelist and Children's Ministry Consultant. He is happily married to his beautiful wife Isha and they have 1 son, Ricardo, Jr. As President and Founder of Ricardo Miller Children’s Ministries, a non-profit organization that hosts workshop, seminars and conferences for children, parents and children workers, Ricardo travels extensively throughout the U.S. and the Caribbean reaching unreached and unevangelized children. Ricardo is also Children's Pastor at Pathway of Life Church, where the dynamic senior pastor is Danny Wegman.

Ricardo Miller Children's Ministries: 1. Provides tools and resources for reaching and teaching children with the gospel. 2. Partners with other ministries and churches in their efforts to evangelize children. 3. Provides training to children's ministry workers and parents on effectively ministering to children 4. Hosts quarterly and annual workshops, seminars and conferences for children's ministry workers 5. Hosts Children's Ministry Worship Services for national and international conventions for denominations and independent ministries. For more information, visit www.ricardomiller.com
Favorite Preachers:
Apostle Raymond Wells, Dr. Myles Munroe, Franco Charles, Dr. Morris Cerullo, Mike Murdock, Sheryl Brady, Neil Ellis

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  • Minister Katrene A. Hillery

    Thanks for the invite. May God bless you.
  • sandy de la bretoniere

    thank you for stopping by my page and for the video love it! god bless you
  • Apostle Johnnie L. Clark

    God bless you man of God. What a rich heritage that is the children. May God bless your every endeavor.
  • Pastor D. A. Stallings

    God bless you man of God. It will be a wonderful blessing to embrace this kingdom connection. Your ministry for children has blessed us already!
  • Minister Josie Lewis-Young

    God bless you Ricardo, from what I seen from the picture slides of the children you minister to, you really have it going on. Keep on doing great things, I bid you many blessings for you ministry.
  • Angel Wood

    Thank you
  • bridgette

    Thank you for the message. I can only imagine if it were longer. Thanks and keep up the good work with the children. God Bless you.

  • Lady Divine

  • Bishop Marc L. Neal

    Blessings Sir, thanks for the invite and note. I pray that all is well. Please send me your email address to communicate better. Bishop
  • Prophet Michael D. Millner Page!

    Greeting, Great Man of God we are so Delighted that you took out the time just to be our friend may he contniue to forever pour out his Divine favor over ya life. From Prophet Michael / Lady Patrica Millner @ Family of Pompano Bch Fla. Listen, let's stay in touch so that we can Further advance the Kingdom in 2009. Thanks Again.
  • Ramona Stevens-Donley

    Blessings to you Ricardo, Thank you for the friendship invite, I look forward to fellowshipping with you. May God bless you richly.
  • Evangelist Tabitha S. George

    Praise the Lord man of God.... I thank God for those that reach out to the children.... I don't know where I would be if it had not been for the Lord strenghthing my mom and sending the right people in our lives planting, watering and cultivating, as God increased his precepts and statues within me.

    May God continue to strenghten and protect your mininstry
    Love ya...
    Evangelist Tabitha
  • Dianne McPherson

    Thank you for the invite to connect with you. God has blessed you with an awesome ministry! Powerful, powerful, powerful!!!! I have a passion for children and when I started in ministry, that's where God placed me. I have transitioned since then, but I am currently on assignment at a high school and have been blessed by being able to witness to those that come in and out of my office daily. The children are our future and a heritage from the Lord!

    Be Blessed,
    Min. Dianne McPherson
  • Bro Lavell Dumas

    hello man of God this is bishop clark listen I had to exposed the devil for mis leading the people of God and they kicked me off but please give me number and we will stay in touch be blessed.
  • sandy de la bretoniere

    thank you ive needed that
  • Gwendolyn Davis

    Greetings Man of God:

    You just may be that piece to our missing puzzle. Faith Women's Outreach are the beginning phase of our GYYLOT (God's Young Leading Ladies of Tomorrow) Youth Conference. We have solicited the assistance of several holy ghost filled women to be a part of the talk back session, however we want to tackle some serious issues with the girls, (i.e. child molestation, lesbianism, peer pressure, sex before marriage, hidden family secrets, etc.) The conference theme is: I Wasn't Created That Way.

    If you have any other suggestions please let me know. I definately appreciate the wisdom.

    God Bless
  • Evangelist Kashif Hazqial

    Dear Ricardo Miller Youth pastor ,
    Greeting to you in the name of Lord Jesus christ .we are staring a New Project for Christian Childrens and youth.its about study you also know pakistan is non christian country so here is we have to become eudcated becasue education make good life . in pakistan mostly christians are uneducated because they do not have resoucers for the education in pakistan . They are Poor. Therefore they are not doing good job i can,t tell you that what they are doing.If you will search on internet about education in pakistan of christians you will see that only 1% almost 5% are christians people are living in pakistan. so please come join us for this beauitful purpose of education.we will work togather if you want then please reply me .
    i will also send this massege to other you please also say this to the other.
    May God bless you
    Peace be unto you.
    Yours Faithful.
    Ev.Kashif Hazqial

    My prayer for you today is, "that He would grant you, according to the richness of His glory,
    to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ dwell in your
    heart through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend
    with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height - to know the love of
    Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God" Eph. 3:16-19

    Have a wonderful day!
    Lets keep the fire burning
  • Prophet Michael D. Millner Page!

    Hey, Man of God we thank you so much for the Video clip you sent our way it was Awesome Now let's stay connected so that we can Advance the Kingdom alright.
    Love Always
    Prophet / Lady Millner
    Of Pompano Bch Fla.
  • V.D. Coleman

    i am borrowing what you wrote about change..

    it is very useful..

  • sandy de la bretoniere

    wishing you a very blessed sunday
  • Robert Harrell

    HOw are you sir? How was your day?
  • Bro. Wycliffe Mboya

    Ricardo,i pray for you daily.How are you?though we have not met but i believe someday we shall...meet!i do children ministry too how can we work together to build the lives af children and give them hope?
    see www.globalgiving.com/1713 or www.sacrena.ning.com

    Rev.Wycliffe Mboya.
  • Anna

    Have you started a "Group" here on BPN, for children?
    I have some items I'd like to contribute.

  • Wisdom & Understanding

    Hello Brother Miller,
    We invite you to Join BlackHomeSchool.com. It's free to join. We have some fun and educational programs for children to participate in even if they are not homeschooled. Hope to see you over there.

    Sister Banks
  • Barbara Bowen

  • Senior Pastor- Diana Hicks Hay

    My brother, it is my prayer that you continue doing what your doing for the kingdom of God because it is a much needed ministry. Many of our kids are searching for something and we as the church must seek God in this hour to gain Godly wisdom in this area to reach and win our youth back from the hand of the enemy.

    May God Bless you!!!
  • V.D. Coleman

    amen to that pastor!!
  • Angel Wood

    Thank you
  • praiZe

    Bro. Ricado,

    Let's team up! :)


  • Angel Wood

    God bless you
  • Prophetess Sandra Dukes, a.m.

    Thank you so much for your video . May God continue to bless you on your assignment to teach and reach our youth with the gospel of our Lord Jesus. Have you had the chance to see the other children's ministries that are now your Anointed Works friends? God Bless You- Man of God

    hello brother ricardo it think it is the will of God to preach to the children of God being the next generation we have a mandate to much such as we give up the holy ghost that God's kingdom continue's on be blessed and prosperous Prophetess truvanni
  • Lisa Barnett

    Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them. Your ministry reflects the acroymn W.W.J.D that's what He did. He blessed them. I have worked with children and youths for over 20 years. Though I have gone onto other areas of ministry ,as He wills for me to do, I have not forget about the children and the importance of teaching, training and ministering to them. It's an awesome responsibility and an awesome honor to do. God bless you! It is forsure that if we want friends, we must be friendly. Let us know when we can sow a seed. God bless you! Pastor Lisa Barnett
  • Evangelist Patrica A. Allbritton

    Thanks for asking me to be your friend, so far I enjoy what I see on your page and right now I am in transition getting ready to retire from the Navy after 26 years of faithful service. Relocating to Pensacola, Fl from San Diego, CA - so I will be in touch. God Bless you and again thanks for asking to be your friend.

    Evangelist Patrica A. Lewis
  • Tammy L Collier

    I pray that our Ministries can connect together. I also would love to meet your wife. God Bless and Have a Wonderful Day!!!!
  • Minister Katrina Winters

    My God is truly awesome is His wisdom is vast! I enjoy your blogs. I thank God for you that He moved on your heart to minister to God's treasures and I thank you that you said yes to His call! Don't grow weary in your work. You are making a difference.

    Minister Katrina Winters
  • Spirit

    You have some wonderful thought provoking writings (as you will see with my response to one).

    I think it is a blessing to see God lead you to the hearts of children. As my journey continues with my Minister husband, I feel more and more as if God is directing me to the hearts of the children, so the Blog you posted on growing a ministry has helped me look towards the future ( I wrote them down).

    Thanks again for your info.

    Stay encouraged.

  • Spirit

    btw, it's amazing to see the children in the pictures worshipping God. You can see the truth in their faces : )
  • Scott R. Newman

    Guess it all depends on how you define success and what the "win" entails and at what cost? What is the prize once we "win"?
  • Angel Wood

    thanks for the message God bless you
  • William

    The best thing you could ever teach the children is how to come to know themselves and find the kingdom of heaven within that Jesus spoke of for if you do not know yourself, how can you know others?
    God's plan is perfect and flawless. Choose Love above all things and become perfected in Love as Jesus was and return home to God who is perfection.
    Love and peace
  • Lennis Pinder

    My Brother what you said in your brief message is unequivically accurate. i hear the lord saying my brother that there is a book in you. he says you need to bring it out.as a matter of fact you already have the title.God is saying do it and he will bless it because the body needs it.says the Lord!!!
  • Angel Wood

  • Marian

    hi new here looking for friend
  • Bishop Justus and Jane Amunga

    Dear Sir,
    Your video is great. Stay in touch!
    Justus and Jane
  • Marian

    me to nice to meet u stay in touch
  • Deacon Hassan Abdulnur

    Grace and Peace i would be honored to be your friend may GOD Bless you and your ministry
  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

    Greetings Ricardo Miller,
    I just stop by to say Hello and to say thank you for inviting me to be one of your friends on this site as well. You, your family and your ministry will always be in my prayers. God Bless You.