Bro. Steve Harris


Northridge, CA

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Los Angeles
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Church Name:
West Angeles
College Attended (optional):
Kent State University and Have a Doc Degree Pending
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I love the Lord with all my heart and I live the life of being saved and conducting myself in order with real prayer, consecration and business ethics. God has given me the gift to show anyone how they can triple their income and turn any idea into cash within min.

I'm a 24 year veteran television and radio producer. I've been living here in Hollywood, CA for the past 19 years. We have 5 different companies out here in the broadcast and media industry in which I over see each one of them as chairman of the board.

I'm the youngest member in the Broadcasters Hall of Fame and I'm also the President of Southern California Gospel Announcer's Guild of the GMWA.

I have a strong passion to help small church ministries grow. By way of our foundation and company we have created tools to help them triple their membership within months. In addition we plant to give away vacation trips and support to help ministries. We are doing some now but doing our Church Growth Conference in 2010 we will take it to the next level and help ministries.

I've also created a scholarship at my college and also I will have a "Behind the Scenes in Hollywood" retreat for students in High School and College who want to learn more about the entertainment industry.

My personal website is where we also market and promote Christian Business and Artist.
Favorite Preachers:
Wardell Harris, Bishop Charles E. Blake

Comment Wall:

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  • Apostle Charles C Jones D.D.

    OF Course
  • Rev. Larry Davidson Jr

    God bless u man for the work you all are doing. Looking forward to getting to know u on the site. Really interested in the "how to triple your church membership" info. God bless!
  • Apostle Dr Genesis A Dawuda

    hi Brother Harris!
    Glad to be my first friend on BPN
  • Overseers-Prophets L & P Morgan

    Greetings Brother Harris,
    Thank you for being a golden link in our chain of friends! We will keep you in our fervent prayers of faith, hope, and love.

    Overseer-Prophet LeRoy and Pastor-Mother Patricia Morgan
    On-line Wisdom Bible Study and Guidance For Change
  • Pastor Sean M. Lee

    How are you bro. Steve?
  • Bro Lavell Dumas

    man of God I was wanting u to get in contact with me so we can make some connections sir alright.
  • Richard A. Young

    Amen Man of God, I have added you as a friend. I am looking forward to growing in our connection in Christ Jesus. Be blessed.
  • Bro Lavell Dumas

    615.977-0508 PLEASE GET WITH ME
  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

  • Bishop R.G.Mallory

    I know this is a kingdom connection get at me when you can I manage a 50,000 watt fm station...
  • Rohe' Prophet Vander Williams

    Hello Bro. Steve I'm really interested in helping my church to grow we have been studying this subject for a while. I'm am ready to see the DVD you have. Contact me.
  • Nightrissa

    It is so funny that you said Supermodel for Jesus - because I always thought I was average looking or whatever, but people tell me that I am pretty and that is a gift too. A Christian Photographer just snapped some pictures of me and there you go, it was for fun and I send them out randomly - to get some extra monies because we all can use extra blessings. I hope Jesus does help me use all of my gifts for His glory before His return.
    ~In His Name,
  • Alexis Michelle

    Thank you for your comment.
  • Apostle Uchechi Jane Elechi

    Bro Steve,

    I want to send you more information about what we are doing here in Nigeria. I want to know how you can be of help t us. We a growing ministry. Can you give me your email address. Thank you. Apostle Uchechi Jane Elechi
  • Ricardo Miller Ministries

    Check out our "Straight Talk Coaching" program at
  • Apostle Uchechi Jane Elechi

    Ok my brother. I will do just that. Thank you for the information. Apostle Uchechi Elechi
  • Angela Doreen

    My advise to Rev Janet Marston following the negative comment Pastor Nathan Lennon made on her page is as Follows:

    Hi Rev Marston

    I am assuming your email was about the comments made by Pastor Nathan Lennon if so I don’t understand why you are upset is he justified in calling you a liar or in his statement that you are spreading perverted Doctrine if he is not justified in what he is saying all you need to do is to pray for him.

    He is judging you which mean he has forgotten that God id the only Judge not man.

    He has also forgotten that women were created as a help meet to bring man closer to God because women is more attune to God. And as such woman in the role of help meet have no choice but to catch and hold the mantle which men appeared to have let go when they disconnected themselves from God.

    And in case anyone reply that men have not let go of the mantle or disconnect themselves from God all they need to do is visit the churches all over the world the story is the same men appear to be scare. As women God knew that he could rely on us to catch the mantle that was why he made us the help meet and in my book this meant God knew men would fail and women would keep the mantle alight.

    Pray for men like Pastor Nathan because until we all get to the state of perfect ness in unity and love one for another male and female to the state before sin was committed by Adam and Eve entry to the kingdom is not possible Delete Comment
  • Abraham Israel

    Good Day My Wonderful Love One!. A Brother ask me if i had did some studying on Lord & Jesus? I appreciate his question in regards to Lord and Jesus. Because people just don't ask that guestion or study it to know; Moreover Here Are The FACTS; When you look in the Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible or the King James Hebrew/Greek Key Word Study Bible, Under the reference Lord there is a Hebrew code, 3068 יהוה which is YHWH. And concerning Jesus, go to the Greek Dictionary in the same reference book there is a Greek code 2424 which will take you to the Hebrew code 3091 which is Joshua,
    which will take you back to the Hebrew 3068 יהוה which is YHWH. Note,when you read and apply the principles of 2 Timothy 2:15 You will know these facts That Joshua,
    Jesus, Isaiah, Lord, Jehovah, John, Jonathan, and other names or titles will ALL
    take you back to Hebrew Code 3068 יהוה YHWH. Moreover, I come in truth. All I ask is that you consider to study the facts and be blessed. And go and wake up your family and continue to be blessed. Praise Yahweh, Your Dear Brother Abraham
  • Evang.. Felecia Spaulding

  • Prophet B. E. Harrington

    Bless you sir. Please send info to
  • eugenia m brown

    08/24/2009 Monday 2136PM-How are you? My family and I are from New Orleans,La relocated to Houston,Texas re:Hurricane Katrina. I love GOD and my
    big brother Jesus Christ unconditionally. i plan to return to New Orleans,La to reclaim my Self Sufficent status; Houston,Texas is not for me and my family.
    I'm trying to look ahead but it gets harder everyday; So my request to you is to lift my patients/my business associates/our lost brothers and sisters/my
    family/and myself in prayer
    Ms Eugenia Michelle Brown,LPN/LVN
  • LaDonna Gher'ald Mayhew

    Shouting OUT a fond hello and knowing GOD is showering you with much FAVOR and GRACE!!!!! Peace be unto you always.........
  • God's Comedian LaSalle LaSalle

    God has blessed and will always bless you to be a blessing.
  • Simply Elegant Catering

    Great. I'm in Beachwood. Thanks for the add. Please send me the info. How is Los Angelas ?
  • Terrence Chandler-Harrison

    hey man. im honored by words. thanks 4 request. blessings...
  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

  • Rev. A.L. Cobbs, Jr.

    Hey man,
    All is well. I just trying to get this set up. Be blessed!
  • Rev. Sidnei

    Hello Bro. Steve, I'm not able to add any friends it says I hit my max but please add me as your friend. I look forward to hearing more about the conference. You can reach me @ or (972)464-6195
  • Apostle Delphine Thomas WDBG

    Man of God. I am excited tell me more about your ministry. God bless you !!!
  • Pastor Wayne Allen

    I woul love to be apart of this great conference but I was born and raised in Pasadena Ca, but now live in East Texas. Just do not have the means to get their thanks much for the invite.
  • Evangelist Larry B. White

    I appreciate the information and it sounds like it will be blessed, however i'm an Evangelist and I preach from place to place. Although, I am a faithful member of a church in that regards. Maybe there is something there for Evangelists, let me know please.

    Bro Steve.bless you mightly in JESUS,i am extending my right hand of friendship to you,and trust that God is goinging to be GLORYFIED in our walk serving JESUS THE KING OF KINGS AMEN!!!
  • Pastor Brenda Ellison

    Absolutely! Thank for your timely invitation to join in this Anointed journey of life

  • Kevin L. Maxwell

    Brother Steve.....would love additional information about Church Growth Conference. Please keep in touch
  • Apostle Stacy Slaughter

    God bless you, Brother Steve. I'll check out your web site this week and be in touch with questions or comments. Thanks for exposing me to your ministry. Sounds fascinating. Keep blessing those children. They need to know what goes on behind the scenes in Hollywood.

    We'll chat soon.
  • Prophetess Marsha

    Thank you so much for sharing. I will enjoy hearing what you have to share.
  • sylvia washington-smith

    thx u would love to come
  • Sarah Boone

    Praise the Lord! Hope everything is well. I`m sorry I can`t add you because I`m at the limited but you can add me. Have a bless week !
  • Vivian Turner

    Kind words are always the right kind, so i stopped by to say:

  • Emmanuel Ojo Powerson

    Okay, you may send the info to me. Shall be there Lord's willing as long as it doesn't clash with any other preaching engagement I may have. waiting for info
    Archbishop Powerson
  • Bishop Dr. Silas C A Erengwa

    Greetings my brother Steve Harris,
    I will be interested to attend the conference, so what do I do next.
    God bless you amen.

    Bishop Prophet Dr. Silas
  • Barbara B, MBA

    Hello Bro. Harris,

    Sorry for the delay. Click on this link: and sign in (for FREE). (If you're leerie click on the About page at the bottome of the page). Once you get into the site click on the About link, it will give you some background about this awesome couple that is truly going to change the world in a positive manner. Watch some of the videos to get a good feel for there character.

    We have live calls with the owners for information about the Black Business Network that occurs every Thursday at 9:30-10:30p.m. eastern time. When you visit the site please click on events and it will share information about everything that is coming up. This weekend is the official launch of the Black Business Network, history in the making. Contact me via email and lets swap contact information so I can answer questions that you might have.

    Be blessed,

    Sorry for the delay,

    Barb B, MBA
  • Pastor Yolanda Presley

    Great. My husband and I are Pastors within our church over certain ministries. We do not have our own church yet. We just travel and preach the Word of God. Keep me posted on your events. God Bless
  • Pastor Nancy Lockett

    Thank you Bro. Steve Thank You for considering me for your conf. It would Be Delighted if you Can send Me info..on that..Thank you
  • alexander grant jr

    Man of God, hope all is well and your walking in the favor of the lord.
  • Prophetess Mamie Jones

    greeting man of God thank you for writing

    you can send information. God bless
  • Aaron Cox

    Brother Harris, I thank GOd for you, but with the understanding that God adds to the church himself there is no need for any other method outside of seeking God himself about how to build HIS church. Thank you for sharing your suggestion though and God bless you and keep you.

    Brother Cox
  • Rosemary Walker

    It will be my pleasure to add you as a friend. I hope you are having a wonderful week. God bless.
  • Charlie M. Cook

    Thank you. Any information on church growth is welcomed. God Bless
  • Lori Giles

    Bro. Harris, thank you for the request! Please do forward the information! Blessings to you!