PASTOR Steven Benjamin


Hamden, CT

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Associate Minister
Church Name:
Preceedeeth Word int. Ministry Church
College Attended (optional):
Attened United Prayer snd Delieverance Bible College
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I am the C.E.O. of the POWER OF PRAYER OUTREACH MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL, 24/7 for prayer request.1-(203)-479-2252.All phone calls are strictly confidential, they are no fees involved. I 'm on 1530AM, or on tuesdays, 4:00-4:30Pm, and on saturdays. E-mail My testotmony: I went to the doctors for a randon physical,in 2002 and in that physical,on an X-ray they found spots on my lungs and was concerned about cancer. I thank God for all those who prayed for me, and the Lord gave me scriptures. He gave me back his Word and Promises,and when the doctors went in for a tissue sample, NO CANCER, NOT CANCER REMOVED, NO CANCER.And the last recent catscan the spots are shrinking, GOING AWAY. praise God. God does bless those with cancer, and cancer removed, He not a respecter of person, but again, NO CANCER. We serve a prayer answering God and that was one of the things that inspired for this ministry.Thank you and God bless
Favorite Preachers:
Dr. Brian Mosely,Pastor James Shannon, T.D. Jakes

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  • Prophtess Willie Mae Davis †

    a href="">Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
  • EarthAngel Divine

  • Elder R White

    Praise the Lord Deacon Steven.
    Elmore Ligon is my son. See you on face book. Be encourage and lets keep God word on the move.
  • Vonnie (E.L.) James

    Thanks,God Bless
  • janet mensah

    Hello thanks for the weekly word. it encourages me a lot, God bless
  • Pastor Darryl Miller

    Making Dreams a Reality
  • Benjamin Okoroma

    The lord God will bless you an make you a blessing in our generation.Add me as a friend
  • Rev Tukur Abubakar

    Dear Beloved Deacon Steve, thanks and God bless you for adding me as your friend, we look forward to doing lots of fruitful gospel ministry works in Africa and the world at large, I pastor I am from Republic of Burkina Faso, but I pastor a congregation of 150 members church in South-South of Nigeria, I can invite you to bless the congregation any time you wish to come.

  • J. e. Rael

    A god's blessing for you!
  • Abraham Israel

    Praise Yahweh! For His Wonderful Super Great Word! Wow A Great Good Blessing Is Here, Right Now Study And Open Your Eyes And SEE! Study Like You Have Never Every Done Before In Your Hold Life. And So It Is! Shalom! Good Day My Wonderful Love One!. A Brother ask me if i had did some studying on Lord & Jesus? I appreciate his question in regards to Lord and Jesus. Because people just don't ask that Guestion or Study it to know; Will You Do "2 Timothy 2:15" To Know The Truth?; Moreover Here Are The FACTS; When you look in the Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible or the King James Hebrew/Greek Key Word Study Bible, Under the Reference Lord there is a Hebrew Reference, 3068 יהוה which is YHWH. And concerning Jesus, go to the Greek Dictionary in the same Reference book there is a Greek Reference 2424 Which will take you to the Hebrew Reference 3091 which is Joshua,
    which will take you back to the Hebrew Reference 3068 יהוה which is YHWH. Note,When you read and apply the principles of 2 Timothy 2:15, You will know these FACTS; That Joshua,
    Jesus, Isaiah, Lord, Jehovah, Jehovah-jireh, Jehovah-nissi, Jehovah-Tsidkenu, Jehovah-Shalom, Jehoshaphat, Hoshama, John, Tobiah, Jonathan, Eljehoenai, Jah, Bedeiah, Yah, Jaaziah, Elijah, Jehu, Eliah, Jaresiah, Jeshua, Jehoahaz, And other Names or Titles Will ALL
    take you back to Hebrew Reference "3068 יהוה YHWH" Come On Look And SEE; Moreover, I come in truth. All I ask is that you consider to Study the facts and be blessed. And go and Wake Up~Wake Up~Wake Up Your Family and continue to be blessed. Praise Yahweh, Your Dear Brother King Abraham!
  • J. e. Rael

    Tags Maker is a Text Image Generator to write Messages, Comments or Tags on Pictures
  • Pastor Zeeshan Robert

    Pastor Dan Finfrok, one of the greatest Bible teachers of the world from U.S.A. is going to teach, "How can we study the Bible Inductively". It will be a great privilege for Pakistani pastors and leaders to learn dig deep the scriptures.
    This"Inductive Bible Study" seminar will be held at two different locations;
    (i) 11-14Aug,2010 in Lahore, Pakistan.
    (ii) 16-19Aug 2010 in Hafizabad, Pakistan.
    plz Do prayers for these bless worthy seminars.
  • Bishop Jontee Ruffin

    God bless you and we will be in touch
  • Oliver Holy

    Great Ministries are not in great palaces of ivory and gold of Egypt, but in humble brambles still burning without fear of consuming! Moses - Tirado Waters of Egypt and made the desert of God! Hallelujah brothers!

    Dear Deacon,

    Greetings to you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

    I would like to be your friend through this network. We are doing ministry in India. Our ministries are mainly focused in the remote villages where there is no single church. I invite you to visit India and do ministry with us. We will arrange the Pastors conference and meetings for you. Please pray for my family and ministries. We will uphold you and your ministries in our prayers. Please reply to my email id.

    My Email address is :

    Yours in His Service,
    Gospel Missionary Ministries,
    Chennai, INDIA.
  • Prophtess Willie Mae Davis †

  • Simiso P. Mukasa

    God Bless You
  • J. e. Rael

    God Bless! The affection gleams in your heart !!!

  • Pastor Gary Ross

  • Prophtess Willie Mae Davis †

    Nat3ddesign Graphics
  • J. e. Rael


    “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” (John 14:6).

    Let the affection shine in your heart. God bless!

  • William J. Bass

    This is Pastor William Bass, senior pastor of Praise Covenant Christian Center in Springfield, VA. I am inviting you to ck out our new 24/7 online gospel radio station. Go to After you have checked it out please e-mail me bk with your comments and thoughts at looking to hear from you soon. Have a blessed day.
  • Benjamin Okoroma

    May God increase you from glory to glory.May he who has called you reward you without measure.l pray that this year is a promising year,may anything God has said cornering your life come to past.You are highly elevated.l see every shame of your life give way to a new and fresh beginning.Soar high and may your spiritual feathers never lack strenght to fly.God bless you.
  • Stephen Coffey

    Thx You in Jesus Name Steven
    My email is
    Skype ID= stephen.coffey

    Your brother in Christ
    Steve Coffey
    From New Zealand
    PS:I have reach my limit so was unable to add you as friend.
  • Pastor Katherine Taylor

    Praise God,
    For your Ministry,prayer is like our skeleton we know it's there but it is not seen. However, if it weren't there
    everything would fall apart.
    Keep praying,

    Pastor Katherine
  • Minister Bruce Benjamin Jr.

    God bless you and keep you!
  • Wellington Carvalho Mariano

    It will be a pleasure to be your friend and to be in touch with another brother in Christ.
  • Pastor Hezekiah Blacker

    Praise The Lord, Deacon Steven Benjamin! Thanks for the add. May the Lord keep blessing you!
  • Stephen Coffey

    Thx Steven..I have my full quota and can't add people myself..Bless Ya
  • Stephen Coffey

    Have a few people I love to add but can't
  • Pravesh Manilall

    For it is in Fellowship that we really Share ! God Bless You Deacon Steve !
  • sandra Maria Franco Xavier

  • J. e. Rael

    God bless my kind sibling!

  • sandra Maria Franco Xavier

    In the journey of life ...
    Where there are many challenges ...
    surprises, sorrows and joys
    life and done so ...
    Sometimes we face situations that
    afflict us, make us feel and even cry ...
    most certainly know that every moment of life,
    fallen every tear, every smile given, be
    all noted in the diary of God ...
    And you can be sure that not a second he forgot to note,
    noted their struggles, their cries,
    with more detail,
    He did not forget to write down the days
    his victory!
    So lets tell you:
    not give up your projects and dreams
    because even before they are
    designed by you, has been designed and
    noted by GOD!
    GOD bless you greatly .......
  • Sheila Perry-Reveron

    What a testimony! Thanks for sharing Deacon Benjamin! God has plans to prosper us never to harm us!

    God bless you man of God. The power of God will rule this world in our time through us till christ comes. Be blessed.

    my dearly beloved deacon,

    Praise the Lord for your life and humility. I am also happy to meet you and wish to know you better in the Lord. Do provide me with deals on how we can become more closer. An E-mail or a number to ring. Christ is matching on here in Bucharest Romania. Take care and God Bless!

    Pastor Yomi

    Praise the Lord Jesus Christ mighty man of God because it is clear that you are doing international ministry for the Lord I must call you Apostle Steve Benjamin. You are a excellent leader and ministry entrepreneur the lord is going to give to you a mighty vision of hosting a Pastor entrepreneur leadership conference it will be worldwide and later on it will be international. Presidents, Governors, politicians, and other business leaders will be there to. Man of God you will travel around the global world preaching deep revelations of the Word of God in conference halls everywhere

    Dear beloved Deacon,

    Thank you for the e-mail address i will write you to develop a closer relationship with you in Jesus Mighty Name. Cheers!

    Pastor Yomi
  • Bussy

    Hello Decon, Thanks for the request i have added you.Its in deed my pleasure getting acquainted to men of God.
  • Prophtess Willie Mae Davis †

  • sandra Maria Franco Xavier

    God has kept you with great affection

    And all the time is ready to defend you
    It has been a faithful companion for you on the way
    And in his palm He takes you
    If the tears wet her face
    Know that the Holy Spirit
    Posted by He came to comfort you
    And wisely, wipes her tears
    Directs you once again

    As you know love you
    And whom He loves are never forgotten
    You are protected by their hands
    And this life is blessed
    And in another life is the salvation
    For loving you ...
    He sends an angel strong to defend yourself
    Brings forth water from the rock for you to drink
    It is thus that God ...
    Do not let your servant who is helpless
    For love you ...
    It multiplies oil, stops the sun and moon
    If required, the sea He opens a street
    For love, for love
    He makes you now a big winner ....
  • sandra Maria Franco Xavier

    That the power of God,
    Renew their strength;
    their hope their joy,
    his courage, his boldness,
    His perseverance and his faith.
    You always have
    the word of God,
    To target your day!
    Seek HIM, answers to
    Anxieties or concerns,
    In everyday circumstances.
    The strength of God, never fails;
    God's power is limitless;
    The Love of God is immeasurable.
    Believe these truths
    and make your heart
    a full tank,
    of faith and hope.
    Always seek God,
    believing that HE is aware of his voice.
    You will see that, despite the struggles,
    when we seek God,
    there is always a relief this ...
  • Herb Robertson

  • Evangelist Cookie Hunter


    We cannot afford to be apathetic about the truth God has put in our trust. It is our duty to guard, proclaim, and pass that truth on to the next generation (1 Timothy 6:20:21). We who love Christ and believe the truth embodied in His teaching must awaken to the reality of the battle that is raging all around us. We are under a sacred obligation to join the battle and contend for the faith.

    To watch this video presentation in HD 720P and full screen, go to:

  • sandra Maria Franco Xavier

    Grace and Peace, Always believe in what you seek, you fought so hard, why quit now? Raise your head, keep fighting, Remember, God has called you to win! When you think you can not take anymore, your strength just yet, marches use a moan, a whisper, a tear God will hear you. I ask, what are you afraid of? If there are giants to scare you, fear not God put the giant to the ground and you will triumph! Greater is God in your life! When fear tries to make you stop, remember: "God gave you a spirit of fear but of Wisdom! Hallelujah! Crying? Cry more, extending beyond good cry in the presence of God. The important thing is that you go ... strive, reach the target! No matter what, or what to speak, continue steadfast, God sees and knows you, what counts is your happiness and it has a price and this price has been paid in Christ Jesus! Believe me, you will WIN! I want to see you happy, so I pray for you! Sincerely
  • sandra Maria Franco Xavier

    Nothing Is Impossible

    Nothing is impossible
    With the Lord in our lives
    He causes doors to open
    So we can walk inside

    To brand new opportunities
    We never knew before
    To a new exciting level
    In our walk with the Lord

    With faith in our hearts
    And our hand in His hand
    We can cross any canyon
    And through seas on dry land

    For He will make a way
    As in faith our walk begins
    What seems to us impossible
    Is possible with Him

    When feeling like it’s all too much
    Remember in the past
    How God had made a way for you
    When you came to Him and asked

    And He again will answer you
    And show you so much more
    As you keep on trusting Him
    And walking with the Lord
  • J. e. Rael

    Dear Deacon Steven Benjamin!

    I send the most beautiful gift to you with the fleecy clouds floating on the sky: this affection!

    A legszebb ajándékot küldöm neked a bárányfelhőkkel az égen: ez a szeretet!

    Affection, peace, understanding your road !!

    Szeretet, béke, megértés az utadon !!

    Infinite Love (Shrivasta)

  • sandra Maria Franco Xavier

    Frustrating BET

    It is said that once the worst feelings bet among themselves which of them was able to take the place of happiness that had a family.
    The first try was loneliness, but soon left there disappointed, without telling anybody anything.
    The 2nd try was feeling the sadness, to spy out the window, gave muted.
    Following were also DESPAIR, anxiety, hatred and Guilt also got nothing, but said nothing to the others.
    One day, when that happy family out for a walk, curiosity and daring raided the house trying to discover the cause of any ill feelings they can succeed.
    Soon realized that the house was not empty, however, there reigned a giant who, upon seeing, came running and yelling for everyone:
    "LOVE reigns in this house! They can quit, they live love and happiness there is no room for any bad feeling! "

    May God bless your family with much love and happiness!
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