Apostle Joseph Carswell


Atlanta, GA

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Embassy Kingdom Ministries
College Attended (optional):
Jacksonville Theological Seminary
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Destined to create one million millionaires by 2020
Favorite Preachers:
Dr Myles Monroe, Bishop Bernard Jordan, Bishop Kirby Clemons, Dr Jeremiah Wright, Apostle David Lay

Comment Wall:

  • The Apostle

    Would like to invite the sisters from your congregation to this womens workshop

  • Special Sam McAnthony

    Hi Dearest Servant of God,

    Greetings in the name of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ.

    I stopped by to say hello, i think i'll like the both of us to get to share fellowship together someday and really gte to know each other with the aim of enlarging God's Kingdom here on earth.

    Below is my ministry contact information:

    Special Sam McAnthony (SSM)
    SSM World Outreach Ministry
    Abidjan 225, Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
    West Africa.
    Mobile: +225 66 29 04 69
    E-Mail: ssmwo@minister.com, ssmwo2010@yahoo.co.jp
  • Pastor Stephen T. Nichols

  • Pastor Stephen T. Nichols

    God bless you Minister Carswell! Thanks for the connection. I pray that we can be a blessing to one another in the near future. Please stay in touch!
  • Abraham Israel

    Good Day My Wonderful Love One!. A Brother ask me if i had did some studying on Lord & Jesus? I appreciate his question in regards to Lord and Jesus. Because people just don't ask that Guestion or Study it to know; Will You Do "2 Timothy 2:15" To Know The Truth?; Moreover Here Are The FACTS; When you look in the Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible or the King James Hebrew/Greek Key Word Study Bible, Under the Reference Lord there is a Hebrew Reference, 3068 יהוה which is YHWH. And concerning Jesus, go to the Greek Dictionary in the same Reference book there is a Greek Reference 2424 Which will take you to the Hebrew Reference 3091 which is Joshua,
    which will take you back to the Hebrew Reference 3068 יהוה which is YHWH. Note,When you read and apply the principles of 2 Timothy 2:15, You will know these FACTS; That Joshua,
    Jesus, Isaiah, Lord, Jehovah, Jehovah-jireh, Jehovah-nissi, Jehovah-Tsidkenu, Jehovah-Shalom, Jehoshaphat, Hoshama, John, Tobiah, Jonathan, Eljehoenai, Jah, Bedeiah, Yah, Jaaziah, Elijah, Jehu, Eliah, Jaresiah, Jeshua, Jehoahaz, And other Names or Titles Will ALL
    take you back to Hebrew Reference "3068 יהוה YHWH" Come On Look And SEE; Moreover, I come in truth. All I ask is that you consider to Study the facts and be blessed. And go and Wake Up~Wake Up~Wake Up Your Family and continue to be blessed. Praise Yahweh, Your Dear Brother King Abraham!
  • Special Sam McAnthony

    Greetings In The Name of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ.

    I'm so happy to hear from you. Hence you come to Ghana, then that means that we can both arrange something together so that your ministry can be a blessing to the people of God here in Cote d'Ivoire.

    We will be glad to benefit from the grace of God upon your life and see millionaires raised up by the power of the Holy Ghost.

    I will want us to start exchanging e-mails rather than dropping short notes on this sites. I really wish we can have a day to chat and really discuss, but i don't know your programme and when you're always online. Her is my private e-mail, so you can please write me directly so that i can also have your own email and we kick off from there.

    Special Sam McAnthony (SSM) World Outreach Ministry.
    Abidjan 225, Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast).
    West Africa.
    Mobile: +225 66 29 04 69
    Private E-Mail: specialsammcanthony@yahoo.com

    If you wish to call me on the phone for faster communication, that's my direct mobile phone for you there, you can aswell e-mail me and let's work out something great. I'm really honoured to be in contact with you, i wish to God that we can put up a seminar or three days motivational conference with good publicity on newspaper and handbills posters etc...

    The rest we'll talk and put in place as i hear from you on my private e-mail.

    Remain blessed and stay connected to he right source.

    Yours In Service,

    Special Sam McAnthony (SSM).
  • Rev.Christopher Jones Sr

    Thank Man of God keep in touch sent me a number and my number is 901 503 -0928
  • Sarah Ransom

    Amen Prophet Joseph!

    I receive the personal words that you sent to me and on that note you do likewise!

    Prospering in HIS Power,
    Prophetess Sarah
  • Sarah Ransom

    Thanking you for being a like-minded gift in the KINGDOM for the Body of Christ!

    Let's REIGN TOGETHER IN THE Prophetic Anointing in this NEW millenium!

    Prophetess Sarah
  • Prophet Christopher Burton

    Grace and Peace, This is Prophet Christopher Burton from Atlanta ga just send you Kingdom Greeting. I believe that God has allowed us to cross path for such a time as this to Advance His Kingdom in the earth. I look forward to sharing with you and connecting when the season permits. Until we speak, Grace to You & Stay tune, This Chapter of blessing has just begin!!!
  • EarthAngel Divine

    Welcome to BPN and let me know if you need help with uploading pics, music, or placing content on your page and I'll be happy to help! I want to let all of my friends know about the new Natural product that I'm promoting. I'm a Distributor for a Company that has Herbal and Botanical Applicators that help you lose inches in as little as 45 minutes and they help you to lose the weight and keep it off naturally. Use one Applicator every 72 hours and use the Defining Gel everyday for beautiful skin. It's not only for people that want to lose weight but it's also good for smaller people as well because the products detox, firm, tighten and tone the body. I love the products because they are all natural and God is Nature! To me the products are a God-Send because I've struggled with my weight for many years; perfect for Men and Women! The products are helping me, so now I'm sharing it with others. Please contact me for more info, thanks! ~EarthAngel~ tweetieterrell@aol.com 540-650-5992
  • Apostle GOC.Ogaraku

    Î do appreciate you and Jesus loves you.
    Keep on praying for me cos I too pray for you and your ministries.
    I pray that we meet and be useful for Jesus.
    God bless you
  • Gwendolyn Stovall

    Forging bonds of friendship with those we dislike makes a vast difference in how each day of our lives goes. can you love your ENEMY on this day?


    Worldwide Internet Hospital Inc Mime Ministry
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  • Gwendolyn Stovall

  • Pastor Darryl Miller

    Making Dreams a Reality
  • Abraham Israel

    Praise Yahweh! For His Wonderful Super Great Word! Wow A Great Good Blessing Is Here, Right Now Study And Open Your Eyes And SEE! Study Like You Have Never Every Done Before In Your Hold Life. And So It Is! Shalom! Good Day My Wonderful Love One!. A Brother ask me if i had did some studying on Lord & Jesus? I appreciate his question in regards to Lord and Jesus. Because people just don't ask that Guestion or Study it to know; Will You Do "2 Timothy 2:15" To Know The Truth?; Moreover Here Are The FACTS; When you look in the Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible or the King James Hebrew/Greek Key Word Study Bible, Under the Reference Lord there is a Hebrew Reference, 3068 יהוה which is YHWH. And concerning Jesus, go to the Greek Dictionary in the same Reference book there is a Greek Reference 2424 Which will take you to the Hebrew Reference 3091 which is Joshua,
    which will take you back to the Hebrew Reference 3068 יהוה which is YHWH. Note,When you read and apply the principles of 2 Timothy 2:15, You will know these FACTS; That Joshua,
    Jesus, Isaiah, Lord, Jehovah, Jehovah-jireh, Jehovah-nissi, Jehovah-Tsidkenu, Jehovah-Shalom, Jehoshaphat, Hoshama, John, Tobiah, Jonathan, Eljehoenai, Jah, Bedeiah, Yah, Jaaziah, Elijah, Jehu, Eliah, Jaresiah, Jeshua, Jehoahaz, And other Names or Titles Will ALL
    take you back to Hebrew Reference "3068 יהוה YHWH" Come On Look And SEE; Moreover, I come in truth. All I ask is that you consider to Study the facts and be blessed. And go and Wake Up~Wake Up~Wake Up Your Family and continue to be blessed. Praise Yahweh, Your Dear Brother King Abraham!
  • Prophetess, Estella King

  • Pastor Rob Lee

    That's what's up Pastor J! God is doing great things with our covenant and I'm excited about it. Grace and Peace!
  • Darwin Ali, Health and Wellness

    Subject: My secret to Spiritual, Physical, and Financial Success

    Hi Min.Carswell,
    This is what I do for about 30 minutes every day and this is just how easy it is to get to an extra $1,000 to $10,000 a MONTH! I belong to several networks including Black Preachers Network(20,000), Black Woman MLM, (2500), ISEECOLOR(over 350,000). I just copy and paste on as many people's comment section as I feel like. Success is a numbers game. The more contacts you make the more people will see your link and make a decison to join while you sleep.

    Greetings, My Dear Brother/Sister as soon as you can, listen to the dynamic company I am a part of, Boresha International, Inc. 507 726-3813 We are blessing churches and ministries all across the United States. Go to my website www.dali.igetpaidtodrinkcoffee.com join for a onetime $99. Get your website for $19.95 monthly that makes the presentaion, does the selling, takes the orders and ships the orders for you and even sends you your weekly and monthly checks. Send me an email to alipres13@yahoo.com so I can send you the application for our Healing Cup program. We are blessing churches and ministries through this program that you can add to your website for free. My number is 707 205-9690
    Darwin Ali
  • Prophet Marlene Molette

    Thank you for the comment you left Elder Joseph, It really bless my soul. If you are in or coming to NC please let me know. May you have a bless week keep me in your prayers.
  • Pastor M.Truss-Barber

    Hello Minister Carswell,
    May your endeavors be blessed.
    His Servant,
    Pastor M. Truss-Barber

  • Rev. Margaret Moore


    christian Comments Images

  • William J. Bass

    This is Jeff Bass, senior pastor of Praise Covenant Christian Center in Springfield, VA. We just recently launched a new 24/7 online gospel radio station. Please go to the following link to listen to it. www.praise2go.com After you check it out please e-mail me at ptriplec@aol.com and give me your thoughts and comments. Looking forward to hearing back from you soon.
  • Prophetess Montrese Santee

    Red Ribbon
  • Melinda J. Cummings

    Thank you for your words of encouragement.
  • hilda

  • Sarah Ransom

    How are you Apostle?

    Sending you blessings and KINGDOM love your way!

    Be encoouraged and STAY strong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Prophetess Sarah
  • Sarah Ransom

    You are indeed a blessing to the Body of Christ!
    Let's continue to serve with Integrity, Simplicity and Character!!!!

    Much Love to YOU!

    Prophetess Sarah
  • Sarah Ransom

    I WILL!
    I have been mandated by GOD to STAY in the flow....

    Thank you,
    Prophetess Sarah
  • Sarah Ransom


    Do you have a ministry and/or business website?

    If so, please forward me the link (s).
    Thank you,

    Prosperity and riches are NOT a definite sign of spirituality. I use to be one of those people that were in such “amazement”, when a famous Man of “God” would come to town. People would be breaking the elastic on their wallet, to give to him. I think it’s pathetic. You hear a sermon, shout and then the battle of the dollars begin. People get mad at me, when I say this, but I don’t care. It’s all a money scheme, and people are falling for it, like worms on a fishing hook. People are always trying to find ways to achieve more financial success. What better way to do this, but to prey on church members. Money and salvation have nothing to do with each other. The Gospel is being blinded by the love of power and dollar bills. This spirit is really taking over the church.

    False preachers, “apostles,” “Bishops,” and “evangelists” are always hitting up the poor to give more. They are always telling the people whose lights are about to be turned off that if they sow the seed that preacher is telling them to sow they will reap bountifully. Now Scripture clearly states that those who are in financial distress (as well as those who are not) are to give in a manner that is purposed within their heart. Why? Because we must take care of home first (essentials- food, shelter, clothing). Instead, these money grubbers want you to take care of their home(s) first, and if your’s is not taken then you get blamed for not having enough faith, thus allowing the devil to steal your joy (and your loot).

    A church might not get “enough” money if they don’t require tithing? Hey, maybe that church shouldn’t exist. Or perhaps the pastor should be willing to - oh, I don’t know - GET A JOB like Paul, to support himself. You don’t have a building? Rent a hall, as small a hall as the offerings will support. And if they are enough to support one at all, then maybe the group SHOULD cease to exist. - Rev. A. Turner Jr.

  • Sarah Ransom

  • Evangelist Tabitha S. George

    Praise the Lord Apostle Carswell.  Thanks for the friendship and may the spirit of the Lord continue to increase your territory, only as you envision.  If you get a chance, please send a shout out to the youth that are trying to work ministry http://www.anointedxpressions7.org

    in the blog section.


    Love ya...

    Evangelist Tabitha

  • Apostle Renaldo L. Morgan

    Praise God for you Sir and Peace and Blessings onto you
  • Dr. Trannie Roberts




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  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams