Bishop Michael Mitchell


Portland, OR

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Shabach Church
College Attended (optional):
Xavier University
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I founded Shabach on September 25, 2001, and have been the Senior Pastor from the beginning. I am also a musician; my instruments of choice are the bass guitar, and drums. My wife, Elect Lady Toscha Mitchell, is an anointed woman of God, published poet, and a wonderful blessing to me, and the Church. Shabach is now an independent Church. On May 14, 2010, in Memphis, TN, I was consecrated as a Bishop in the Lord's Church, by Archbishop Brown, Archbishop Hartman, & Archbishop McClanahan. I am also on Facebook ( &, Twitter, YouTube, & Linked In; I encourage all of my friends to connect with me on these other sites as well. Be Blessed!!!
Favorite Preachers:
Dr. Creflo A. Dollar, Bishop T.D. Jakes, and Bishop Clarence McClendon.

Comment Wall:

  • Apostle Darryl Jerome Watson

    Blessings to you, look forward to the move of God in 2009!
  • Bishop Dr. edward kings

    Blessings to you the nigeria diocesan bishop of new day you brother.
  • Archbp Leonardo Marin

    Greetings from Archbishop Leonardo, primate of The Latin-American Anglican Church. God bless you.
  • Bishop Dr. edward kings

    Praise the lord brother,the site is ok
  • Bishop Dr. Silas C A Erengwa

    Kingdom greetins my brother Bishop Mitchell,
    How are doing today, your family and the flocks of Jesus in your care, I hope all is well, praise God. I thank God for His intervation in northern part of my country, now everything is ok, no more killings and no more troubles, everythings is ok now praise God.
    Pls. brother Mitchell can i have ur e-mail address? or ur phone no? so as to reach out to you as per when I want to. Thanks for ur undrestanding. I hope our divine relationship will also bring divine blessings to our families and churches. God bless you. amen.

    Bishop Prophet Dr. Silas.
  • Rev. Dr. David Scott

    On Saturday, September 12th, at 10:00 am we are gathering via the Internet to be immersed in God’s Word! The Order Of Chaplains is hosting this event to build unity and awareness of God’s promises and blessings for all who would hear his Word.

    Beginning at 10:00 am we will begin listening to the Books of Psalms and Proverbs, streamed over our free blog site. The event will close with communion. The whole event will be about 5 hours in length. You are welcome to participate for any length of time, 5 minutes or 5 hours, the longer, the better.

    This will be a great time to invite your friends and family to listen with you, at home group gatherings or as a church- sponsored event.

    Here is what you do to participate.
    1. Log in to The Order of Chaplains blog site at If you are not already a member, join, it's free!
    2. Once you are logged in the “Music Player” will begin playing automatically. That’s it! You may log out any time.
    3. At the conclusion of the readings, you are invited to a Communion Celebration that will begin immediately. The Host and Cup will be blessed by Bishop David Scott and offered via your priest, pastor, or group leader,

    A Couple Of guidelines:
    a. Please respect the importance of the Word by not talking. No cell phones, please. If you must take a call, we would ask that you leave the room first, so as not to disturb anyone.
    b. Everyone is welcome to move around the room and have snacks and/or refreshments.

    As The Order Of Chaplains is a blog site, we would love to have your comments about your gathering. This is the first Word Immersion event like this, and we plan to make this an annual event, so please keep us, and this event, in your prayers.

    Thank you in advance for making this event a great success!

    Dr. David Scott
  • Rev. Dr. David Scott

  • Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah

    Greetings from Ghana, you are welcome too in Jesus name.
    PROPHETIC WORD FOR YOU. PT107 by Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah

    1. His (God’s) righteousness on you to make your Life easy in Jesus Name.

    2. May you prosper in all things and be in good health, just as your Soul prospereth in Jesus Name.

    3. Jesus is always keeping you in prayers-in his Name. Amen

    4. May it be to you as you desire it, in Jesus Name.

    5. You should be alert during the next few days, weeks, months, years, He is bringing all to pass than they have said concerning you in Jesus Name.
    6. God is checking it again by faith, and will do it, in Jesus Name.

    7. God is moving with higher speed to bless his people like you, in Jesus Name.

    8. God is in action to break through every area of your Life in Ministry, Family, Business, etc in Jesus Name.

    9. God is your provider. He will provide all for you, henceforth in Jesus Name.

    10. God is the master of everything. He owns and rules everything in Life, Ministry, and Family etc. He is Lord of all you have and you are about, in Jesus Name.


    I thank God for your Life so much for your spiritual desire, I know God is going to use you more the more in this end time,
    So keep the fire burning at all time in every circumstance. This are some of the prophetic directions, that i gave, even in my Church in Accra,Ghana,use a container of Voltic pure water and continue to make sure that there is water in it always,
    It may not be Voltic alone, but container that can hold water, I anoint it all the way from here by Faith. Immediately you put water, anointing will begins to flow, Abraham has no where to go, this all means by faith, I want you to apply your faith, a living faith. The same way apply to Sarah and co. She did apply faith, it’s your turn for you to apply your faith in God, in any way possible apply the faith, if it’s of God it will be possible. The Bible said, you shall decree a thing and it shall come to pass, am here to decree a thing according to the Book of Job 22:28,am here by today decreeing upon any one hearing the sound of my voice now, as you are about to apply your faith in God, take one Shoe or any of yours and decree upon it, that favour is mine, glory is mine, progress is mine, promotion is mine, e t c.The Bible said, wherever I will put my feet, there must be overtaking spirit, as I use this shoe, I command every sickness,primature death,problems,sorrow, etc, under my feet to die in Jesus name.Amen.Finally,each and every body must be serious to draw closer to God at all time, this alone will help us to fly like Eagles in the Vin yard of Jesus Christ.Amen.Get in contact with the man of God today and lets work together. Below addresss: God bless you.

    Everyone is welcome to send his/her prayer request and support to the above mentioned person/Ministry, or
    below address:
    Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah,
    Power Life Prophetic Ministries,
    Box 55,James Town, Accra,Ghana,
    West Africa.
    Tel: +233(0)21312004, +233(0)244657468, +233(0)276166067.
    Rush here for your daily" Prophetic Word for you".You can Email or call for your requests.
    Website: Listen to Apostle and other Great Men/ Women of God here.
    Please help Join spread Jesus out here too.
    Good News: 24hrs Children's prayers, 24hrs Adults prayers. Call or Email us today!!!!
    Remember, Jesus is the answer to every problem in this World, please don't dulg,be under the Umbrella of Jesus Christ. Amen.
    Note: We take this opportunity to pray for the Ministers/Churches,Bishops and their Wives,Business Men and Women,Presidents in each Country,and Families all over the World.
    By Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah.
  • Abraham Israel

    Name of the Creator As The Father is יהוה "YHWH"
    and His Son’s Name is יהוה "YHWH" Note: The Father & Son Name Are The Same! (John 5:43) They Are ONE!
    "Pronounced Yahweh"
    Encyclopedia Britannica
    Yahweh - the God of the Israelites, his name being revealed to Moses as four Hebrew consonants (YHWH) called the tetragrammaton. After the Exile (6th century BC), and especially from the 3rd century BC on, Jews ceased to use the name Yahweh for two reasons. As Judaism became a universal religion through its proselytizing in the Greco-Roman world, the more common noun Elohim, meaning “god,” tended to replace Yahweh to demonstrate the universal sovereignty of Israel's God Yahweh over all others. At the same time, the divine name Yahweh was increasingly regarded as too sacred to be uttered; it was thus replaced vocally in the synagogue ritual by the (Jews) Hebrew word Adonai (“My Lord”), which was translated as Kyrios (“Lord”) in the Septuagint, the Greek version of the Old Testament.

    The Masoretes, who from about the 6th to the 10th century worked to reproduce the original text of the Hebrew Bible, replaced the vowels of the name (YHWH) Yahweh with the vowel signs of the Hebrew words Adonai or Elohim. Thus, the artificial name Jehovah (YeHoWaH) came into being. Although Christian scholars after the Renaissance and Reformation periods used the term Jehovah for YHWH, in the 19th and 20th centuries biblicalscholars again began to use the form Yahweh. Early Christian writers, such as Clement of Alexandria in the 2nd century, had used a form like Yahweh, and this pronunciation of the (Tetragrammaton) was never really lost. Other Greek transcriptions also indicated that YHWH should be pronounced Yahweh.

    The meaning of the personal name of the Israelite God has been variously interpreted. Many scholars believe that the most proper meaning may be “He Brings Into Existence Whatever Exists” (Yahweh-Asher-Yahweh). In I Samuel, God is known by the name Yahweh Teva-?ot, or “He Brings the Hosts Into Existence,” the hosts possibly referring to the heavenly court or to Israel. The personal name of God probably was known long before the time of Moses. The name of Moses' mother was Jochebed (Yokheved), a word based on the name Yahweh. Thus, the tribe of Levi, to which Moses belonged, probably knew the name Yahweh, which originally may have been (in its short form Yo, Yah, or Yahu) a religious invocation of no precise meaning evoked by the mysterious and awesome splendour of the manifestation of the holy.

    Also see "Consonants Or Vowels?"
    Give Unto Yahweh the Glory Due Unto His Name!
  • Ricardo Miller Ministries


    The Children's Ministry event of events will hit the DFW area. The 2009 Children's Ministry Symposium Friday November 13 - Saturday November 14, 2009. The Children's Ministry Symposium will feature some of the most renowned Children's Ministry Leaders in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Taking place at Pathway of Life Church 8510 Military Pkwy, Dallas, Texas, this symposium will renew passion and ignite a fire of excitement in your children's department like never before.

    Here is a Sneak Peak at some of the topics we have lined up for you:

    Volunteers - How to Get 'Em, How to Keep 'Em
    Creative Classroom Discipline and Managment
    When Wild Kids Show Up
    Involving Kids In Worship
    Predator – Proof Your Children’s Ministry....and much more

    With speakers: Connie McKenzie of Christ for the Nations Institute, Cynthia Hunt of The Potter's House Church, Susan Rutledge of Hillcrest Church, Gail Miller of North Dallas Community Bible Fellowship Church, Carol Crockett, Pathway of Life Church and hosted by one of the nation's leading children's ministry evangelists and consultants, Ricardo Miller, you don't want to miss it!

    Registration will include a Symposium T-Shirt, Information Packet and Lunch along with access to all sessions.

    If you are part of a children's department looking for an event that will equip you to take new territory in reaching children for the Kingdom, this is the event for you! For more information or to register, call 214-275-7284, ext. 109 or visit us online at
  • ShekinahLife

    Click~For those in OREGON ~New beginnings~~New healthy goals...tell all your friends...

    Visit Oregon~SHOUT!!
  • Prophet Christopher Burton

    Grace and Peace, This is Prophet Christopher Burton from Atlanta ga just send you Kingdom Greeting. I believe that God has allowed us to cross path for such a time as this to Advance His Kingdom in the earth. I look forward to sharing with you and connecting when the season permits. Until we speak, Grace to You & Stay tune, This Chapter of blessing has just begin!!!
  • William J. Bass

    This is pastor William J. Bass, senior pastor of Praise Covenant Christian Center in Springfield, VA. Please ck out our all new 24/7 online gospel radio station called Praise 2 Go Radio you may log on at
    After you ck it out, please e-mail me bk at with your thoughts and or comments. Be Blessed
  • ShekinahLife


  • Pastor L. G Bob

    Bishop micheal,
    Thanks for the ministry and reaching out nations for God. I very much liked your ministry trip to Kitale in kenya and would love to attend that meeting in person and as well meet and talk concerning God's work in Uganda. I can travel to kenya from uganda with 2 of my pastor along. Am pastor bob. THRONE OF GRACE CHURCH - UGANDA. Cell: +256782954954
    email: pcogic@hotmail.comBishop micheal,
    Thanks for the ministry and reaching out nations for God. I very much liked your ministry trip to Kitale in kenya and would love to attend that meeting in person and as well meet and talk concerning God's work in Uganda. I can travel to kenya from uganda with 2 of my pastor along. Am pastor bob. THRONE OF GRACE CHURCH - UGANDA. Cell: +256782954954
  • Pastor L. G Bob

    Thanks Bishop Micheal. I'll be there and welcome to East Africa.
  • Pastor L. G Bob

    We are praying for a Mighty Manifestation and out pouring of The HOLY GHOST in the conferences.
  • Rev,Evan,Ecibeo Deah sir


    I am glad to have a friendship with you,we you like for me to share my activites in Liberia with you,of what God is doing throuh me?

    God bless you


    Evanglist Ecibeo Deah

  • Pastor Caroline Smith

    Thank you Bishop Mitchell for your friend request. May God continue to bless the vision He has given you with your Ministry. Amen!
  • Pastors Ron and Wendy Daniels

    God bless you man of God!  Blessing to you, the elect-lady, and the shabach church!  May you continue to advance the Kingdom of God with accuracy and momentum in your region. God bless you, and HE does!

  • Rev,Evan,Ecibeo Deah sir

    Hi,Bishop Micheal.

    I greet you in Jesus name,well Bishop God called me for sould winning and making disciple,for this reason i am in to crusade ministry,praison ministry,huspital pastors and leadership treaning with mission i have about three brancheses now in Liberia.

    The Lord has also called me in helping ministry,inoder for you know more about me you can go to city community church face

    Bishop i ask you to pray for God to give sponser for any of this program,if you would i will sent you some photos.

    I have a comminig conferance and pastoral treaining program in November 2011.

    God bless you

    Eva.Ecibeo N,Deah