Bishop G.Anthony Howell


Goldsboro, NC

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Goldsboro Near Raleigh
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Mighty Warriors Deliverance Center
College Attended (optional):
Jarvis,Wiley,,Corlina Unvi Theo, Mighty Warriors University
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Bishop Dr. Gary Anthony Howell, T.M.D., D.D.
09:23 PM on October 11, 2010
About The Provost Of Mighty Warriors Educational Systems

Dr Gary Howell Was born May 24th In Wayne County North Carolina is married to Dr Janet L Howell and through Marriage they have 10 Children.Dr. G. Howell served the church in many capacities, as a choir member and trustee in the early years, within Barnes Chapel Missionary Baptist Church and Mt Zion Disciples of Christ Church while at the same He Served the Western Assembly as vice President of the Evangelistic Team. Dr G. Howell's attended several colleges and schools to complete his undergraduate studies which included The Western Assembly Disciples Institute, William Marry Carter College, Jarvis Christian College and completed his undergraduate Degree with a B.A. In Christian Education from Wiley College, Marshall TX. While completing His undergraduate studies Dr G. Howell Served as President of The Jarvis Christian College Student Ministers Association, also as Pastor of The East Side Christian Church Longview TX and as the Vice President of District 3 of the Texas Christian Members Fellowship.

After completing His Undergraduate studies Dr. G. Howell became a Career and Educational Counselor for the Texas Association of Developing Colleges, where he learned educational management and federal financial aid. During this time Dr G. Howell joined the United Churches International ministerial fellowship were he was bishop-ed into the bishopric and Served as the Director of the Department of Christian Education and Jurisdiction Prelate for the State of Oklahoma. While at the same time Dr. G. Howell served on the board of Corrections Concepts Inc. a private prison firm.

Dr. G Howell Completed His graduate Studies Carolina University of Theology which was located in Belmont NC, were he earned a Master of Christian Education. Dr. G. Howell received an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity Degree from Abundant Life International Fellowship's Educational Ministries. Dr G. Howell received a Doctorate Degree in Theopathic Ministry for his book and pioneering work in field of Theopathic Health and Wellness from The Board of Trustees of Mighty Warriors University. Where he now serves as Provost and Chief Executive Officer of Mighty Warriors Christian Fellowship Ministries .
Favorite Preachers:
My Favorite Preachers is Myself, Noel Jones, Jeremiah Wright,
Timothy Fleming, Dr R. L. Brazzle , David E Howell

Comment Wall:

  • Prophet T Lewis


  • Remegio CBlanco

    Dear Pastor Gary Howell,

    I am the senior pastor of HARVESTER CHRISTIAN CHURCH-PHILIPPINES. Please accept me to be one of your friends. Please visit us here in the Philippines to hold CRUSADE, REVIVAL AND CONFERENCE. Love you all.

    In Christ,

    Pastor Remegio C.Blanco
    tel.nos:+6375-573-2794/ Cell”+63908-373-4404
  • Pastor Linda Faye Sauls

    please send me a add friends when you go to my sight.
  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

    Greetings Gary Howell,
    Thanks for the friend request and I'm looking forward to the friendship as well, and remember that you, your family and your ministry will always be in my prayers. God Bless You.
  • Minister Karen L. Ribeiro

    "Write the vision, and make [it] plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision [is] yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry." Habakkuk. 2:2-3

    Now is the time to WRITE YOUR VISION....!
  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

  • Dr. Jean Howard-Hill

    Subject: A Need For Men and Women of God in Politics!

    Dear Preachers and Those in Ministry:

    I need some bold preachers to go with me into the lion’s den!

    I am a veteran African American Republican who in 1979, God sent into the Republican Party to bring about change and to bring down the walls of prejudice and call the party back to the place of its original birth as the Party of Lincoln.

    This has not been an easy battle. I have shared those experiences in the book I wrote, Black Eyes Shut – White Lips Sealed ( Yet I have stood against all odds, and now it is time to take it to the next level.

    What I have seen is that the racism, mean spiritedness and the foolishness that is within the Republican Party is mostly at the top. Those who rise to the top, in most cases are the perpetrators. But when you go to the grass roots level, this almost is not there or it is in lesser degrees. Many at the grass roots level are those who believe what we believe, work with us and even share sweet fellowship. However, when you begin to get involved at the party level, this is where the demons of racism rear their heads and stand as gatekeepers.

    Having taught American Government, State and Local Government and International Politics and Culture of Non-Western Countries as a political science professor at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, I understand government at all levels – even globally. I know what it will take to break the hold and to get pass the political gatekeepers. Sit-in and protests will do absolutely nothing! Even prayer alone will not suffice. But with the power of prayer, as well as the wisdom of God, we have to move into both parties and carve out a place for ourselves as Americans, if we want to share in America’s political power base. Yes, this means moving even into the Republican Party.

    As the national chair for the Black Republican Women Organization, I began back in 1987 recruiting African American women into the GOP, who were not willing to be tokens, but who could retain their blackness.

    Presently, I head the National Republican African American Caucus. It is a unique republican organization because it allows African Americans to be a part of a collective body that can and will bring about change. Our goal is 1.5 million by 2012, and 500,000 in 2010. You may ask why so many? It is because political strength is in numbers! In politics, believe it or not, it has very little to do with color. It has to do with numbers and the ability to write the check. If you can show you have a substantial number of people who can stand as a voting block, and have the ability to finance your own cause, then you become a significant player within the political landscape. This is the ONLY way that we gain and retain political power. This is how we as African Americans get to the table, have a voice and place ourselves in appointed and elected positions. This is how we stop some of the foolishness that is going on in politics.

    As an African American Republican, I proudly voted for President Obama in the general election. But his ability to win was because he was able to get beyond the gatekeepers and become a political player within the Democratic Party. Now we have to do the same thing within the Republican Party!

    Having said all of this, I need men and women of God who will join with me to fulfill this mandate, and will join the NRAAC and even begin local caucuses. I don’t want everyone! Because it is important to remain political players in both parties. We need to be in the Democratic and Republican parties. I just need a significant number of praying people, and those who are strong and can take a stand for what is right to come into the Republican fold, so that our voices are heard.

    I ask you to go to the NRAAC website at and see what we are all about. Then pray about this and see if you are one of the ones who God is saying, “I call you to take a stand on the other side (the Republican Party), so that you can make a difference.”

    Also see if perhaps God is calling you to serve in a leadership capacity. In November, we will be making new appointments of regional and state chairs, and advisory board and national board members. If you are interested, and decide to become a member, you may submit your name, bio/resume for consideration.

    I look forward to those of you who are godly and truly believe in justice and compassionate, yet self-responsibility and responsible government, joining our ranks!

    …And for those of you who already are Republicans, we welcome you to the family of African American Republicans.

    Let’s ALL go forth, and make a positive difference regardless of which party we are in!

    Feel free to e-mail me at or, and to pass this e-mail on. Tennessee also has a state caucus at The websites for other states should be up by the end of October 2010. We welcome members from all states!

    Look forward to hearing from you and even seeing you at the April 9th – 10th NRAAC Conference. Our theme: Setting the Republican Agenda to Include People of Color.

    In His Service,

    Dr. Jean Howard-Hill, Nat’l Chair
  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

  • Minister Michelle Jones

    Red Ribbon
  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

  • Darwin Ali, Health and Wellness

    Greetings Bishop,
    I am expecting to have a communication from you. My website is my number is 707 205-9690

    Be Blessed
  • Tommy Lee Funderburk

    praise the lord man of god just say hello.
  • Prophtess Willie Mae Davis †

  • William J. Bass

    This is Jeff Bass, senior pastor of Praise Covenant Christian Center in Springfield, VA. We just recently launched a new 24/7 online gospel radio station. Please go to the following link to listen to it. After you check it out please e-mail me at and give me your thoughts
    Be Blessed.
  • Peace Baptist Church

  • Apostle David George

    more blessings
  • Evangelist Tabitha S. George

    Praise the Lord Bishop,

    Thanks for the connection, may God continue to bless and keep you my friend and mentor in Christ.


    Love ya...

    Evangelist Tabitha...

  • Darwin Ali, Health and Wellness

    Greetings Bishop Howell,

    I pray all is well with you, your ministry and the community you serve. I have a Information pack I will be sending you with some of our products and a CD from . Dr. Ann de Wees Allen along with our company DVD. Please contact me on receipt of these materials. We are helping students who need assistance with tuition as well as people who are diabetic, have high blood pressure or who want to burn some fat. Your Brother in the Ministry

    Darwin Ali 707 205-9690