Minister Kai' Brown


Leavenworth, KS

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Kansas City
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Assistant Pastor
Church Name:
St. James
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I've been in or around music for as long as I can remember. I started as a child in New Jersey, singing with my family, traveling with groups in the 80's and continued in the 90's. I finally recorded my first CD in 1995. I’ve recorded a couple of R&B projects that did very well back in the days but my calling has always been ministry. I ran and ran until I could no longer avoid it. I have been recording Gospel music since 1998 when we formed Prayer Warrior Records, and have been preaching the Word since 2000. I’ve been afforded the opportunity to minister in several countries and states, and to think that God has made a way for this without a major record labels backings, amazes me. I am keeping this STRICTLY MINISTRY. This thing that I am called to do is to be taken seriously. Not a mere performance or entertainment. I’m not knocking those who were called to be Christian entertainers but my calling is much different. We are in a dispensation where one needs more that just to be entertained all of the time because no one normally takes entertainment as something serious. I am on a mission to reach millions, all for HIS glory. I have finished my 4th Gospel CD. It is entitled "Highways and Hedges". I truly believe that it will be used greatly by God to reach many for HIS glory. I've been blessed to have sold many of my past CDs worldwide. I have been ministering to the youth and young adults for over 13 years. We have founded Kai Ministries. This ministry carries the name Kai' not to be named after me but for its’ definition which in Swahili is Love. It's all about God and God is love. I sing under the name Kai' because I want folks to see love. To feel love and know that it is all about the love of God and not me. I am evidence of HIS LOVE.

"Souls over sales" is the motto. The prayer is that the music Ministers and ushers in the Holy Spirit! I wanna see and hear of the lost being converted through this ministry. I wanna see and hear of physical and spiritual healing. I serve a God that not only can do, but a God that will do. I just want to be a useful vessel. The style is said to be contemporary with a traditional feel, as quoted by the Missouri Gospel Announcers Guild president, Chuck Spearman. I don't know. All I know is that I just want to serve. My debut video “If It Had Not Been” is simply a part of my testimony. It has served as a reminder to me that I am here because if HIS grace and mercy. The video was considered for a 2011 BET AWARD. I was recent selected by the Newsome Gospel Music Awards as their 2011 Male Artist of the year..God Gets all the glory… We are currently working on another video for my song entitled Clean Heart. I'm willing to be put in a vulnerable position in His service. God has ordained it, anointed it and blessed it.
I just want to minister to you... Can I?
Favorite Preachers:
TD Jakes, Fred Price

Comment Wall:

  • Minister Kai' Brown

  • William J. Bass


    This is pastor Jeff Bass, CEO of Praise 2 Go Radio, a new online 24/7 gospel radio station. Check us out at

    after you have visited our site and listened please e-mail me back at and give me your thoughts. Also, please tell all your friends to log on and enjoy.


    Pastor Jeff



    God bless you
  • Minister Kai' Brown

    Hey Fam,

    Since most of you have seen at least one of the Transformers movies, I won't
    go there. I do want to say that we believers are also transformers as well.
    Go on and shout because this isn't going to be a lengthy nugget today. We
    have some who think that since we were created in the image of God that we
    automatically became the Cock's crow.. Yes, when God created man HE marveled
    at him and gave him the nod. Newsflash! Things changed... Our image became
    flawed and jacked up when sin came into play. Some preacher reading this is
    not liking what I just said but it is what it is. See it stays messed up
    until one takes on Christ. Then at that point grace steps in and fixes our
    ugly image and reshapes us into a godly vision. This transformation should
    help us keep it all into the right perspective. Without Christ we are the
    lowest of beings but in Christ we are royalty. We must continually get a
    neck work out. "Brown, what are you talking about?" So glad you asked. When
    we walk around we should be walking with our heads held high for we are
    children of the KING, but don't get it twisted we all must bow before the
    KING of kings.. It is because of the transformation, that we are now regal

    Feast on this scripture:

    John 1:12

    Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, he gave the
    right to become children of God.

  • Minister Kai' Brown



    I wanted to share a scripture with you. It is about acceptance. I was talking to a family member about this and all of the sudden, I was led to the base scripture for this nugget. Whether you want to admit it or not, we all want to be accepted by someone. If no one else, we want to be accepted by God. We tend to not accept certain people because they don’t fit into our mold of how “people” should be. We look at some folks as risks. You may think “if I associate with them then my standards will drop or my reputation can be ruined.” Don’t trip. We all have done it. Can’t let certain folks get too close. Can I paint a quick picture for you. Picture yourself from the perspective of God’s eyes. Did HE not take a risk by accepting you? Were you or are you that squeaky clean or trustworthy to do what is right in HIS sight? Pause for a minute and think it over. Some of us are bad risks for intimate relationships because of certain fears and walls we have put up. Try to remove judgmental eyes and replace them with empathetic eyes. This allows us to compassionately focus less on protecting ourselves and learn to reach out to others in love. We will be more concerned about how we treat others. God will produce a level of trust that we never had before. We will learn though HIM, who we can trust and how much we can trust them. We will learn to even love those who we cannot trust. Nugget… God accepts us.. Flaws and all.. We must be able to do the same when it comes to others. We need to stay real with them but also be willing to try to build relationships. Pray on that..

    Today’s scripture: Accept each other just as Christ has accepted you so that God will be given glory." Romans 15:7


    Bless you!

  • Minister Kai' Brown


    Monkey See-Monkey Do

    I was going thru my wallet and came across a couple of those identity cards that police make for your children. This is in the case that they become missing or kidnapped. It breaks down the identifiable things like height, weight, eye color, and even has the place for fingerprints. I was with our youth in the church recently talking about who Jesus is and what HE did for us. I was amazed at how little they really know. Yet, we are raising young "Christians".. I thought of the old term, "Monkey see, Monkey do, Monkey looks, just like you." If we as parents are living the life of Christians, how can we expect our kids to be young Christians? You may have some that have the "Do as I say, not as I do" mentality. See a lot of that.. We promote our social organizations to our kids before we promote Christ.

    Actions speak louder than words.. There is an identity crisis going on.

    Some of our youth will grow out of them through life's experiences but most won't. If we want our children to know who they are in Christ and accept Christ, we must do so first. They see our jacked up ways that we have. The ones that show no signs of Christ dwelling in us. They see when we act ugly, superficial, materialistic and self righteous. They see when our priorities are social and economic statuses over living a godly lifestyle. They hear every foul word, watch the filth that you look at on TV, and listen to the vulgar lyrics in your music. They see how vain we are. You are not helping when you try to "raise them right" by degrading their deeds and reliving their failures, but you are so unstable in your walk in the Lord. Remember, "Monkey see, Monkey do." Let's stop promoting false values and start walking upright before our children so that our children's children can get it right. Stop trying to act so holy before your kids and begin to live holy before them. You are not fooling them at all.

    I have used this scripture before in a nugget. Just coming at you from this


    Ephesians 6:4

    Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger; but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

    Bless you,

    Rev. Brown

  • Minister Kai' Brown

    For the one who is struggling with bitterness or a grudge. Maybe you have been feeling just fed up. Let it go and move on. The one who you may be feeling bitter towards is still living their life. They may be jacked up, done you wrong and may even be basking in it. This is for you. Leviticus 19:18 says Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. It takes a lot to hold on to a grudge or bitterness. I know that firsthand. It leaves little or no room for you to bless other folks, give God praise and simply enjoy the life you are living. Gotta let it go and pray earnestly for those who work your nerves and try your patience. If you can't do it because it is the right thing to do, then you have to do it because you know God. Don't allow silly people and crazy circumstances to keep you stuck in the mud. Keep it movin’

  • Minister Kai' Brown

    Hey Family,

    How many times have we had to say to someone that we love that we didn't
    mean what we said? I have heard folks say, " I don't know where that came
    from." Then we have some of us who say the meanest things, trying to be
    cute or seen. I have said to some of my youth who have either said or wrote
    things out of character, "Hey, that is not you.." In all honestly it is
    them.. I am just trying to motivate them to want to be and do better. I
    have something deep that I wanna share with you. Your rude and crude speech
    is not a matter of your tongue, but an issue with your heart. (read Matthew
    12:34) It says.. Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good
    things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Now the
    tongue is something that we alone cannot tame. That is scripture.( See James
    3:6-7). More tough news. The heart is also such an evil place, if God does
    not exist in you and lead you. Jesus came to fix the problem of our hearts.
    He conquered sin and evil through HIS death and resurrection. His blood
    serves and the anti-toxin for our sins. Saying that, if you are a follower
    of Christ, you no longer have to be a slave to an out of control tongue.
    That thing which so many have used as a tool of destruction can now be used
    to heal and speak life. There is a saying that if you don't have anything
    good to say, than keep your mouth shut. If we have the Gospel to share than
    we should have plenty of good to say. The tongue can be a place with words
    that are filled with encouragement, discipline and love. Only the spirit of
    God can change your heart which serves as a pipeline to the tongue. If you
    are a child of light, struggling with your tongue, repent daily and watch
    the cleansing process take place. The true root of your problem is not your
    tongue. It's your heart...