Minister M. Goodman


Norfolk, VA

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Associate Minister
Church Name:
New Abundant Life Christian Center
College Attended (optional):
Tidewater Community College
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Minister Michael Goodman serves as an Associate Minister of New Abundant Life Christian Center in Norfolk, Virginia under the leadership of Bishop Spencer H. Riddick, Jr. After much prayer and counsel from Elders, he accepted the call of God on his life and was licensed on April 3, 2011. He has become known for his proverbial-style teaching and unique delivery of profound revelation through simple demonstration. His favorite scripture can be found in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 23, Verse 11 which reads, "But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant." He also serves as an Advisor to the Youth Ministry and Moderator for the Men's Forum & Fellowship of New Abundant Life Christian Center. When he is not ministering verbally he finds time to minister through writing. He maintains a monthly blog online and distributes a daily thought via Social Media, e-mail subscription and SMS. In closing, Minister Goodman serves as a mentor to some, an advisor to many and a friend to all. Though there is much that can be said about him, he is best summarized in his own words, "...I am but a walking flaw and a perfect imperfection under God's divine direction and protection motivated by love to serve others..."
Favorite Preachers:
Bishop Spencer H. Riddick, Jr., Reverend Theodore Lewis, Jr., Dr. Michael A. Butts, Reverend Otis Moss III

Comment Wall:


  • Joshua Anyaoha

    Join us at

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    Thank you for your friend's request, Minister M. Goodman, and may the Lord continue to bless you and to keep you!

    Rev. Arlee Turner Jr.

  • Bernice Loman



  • Evangelist Emeka Benjamin

    My Dear beloved in the lord,

    By the grace and mercy of God, I am by name evangelist Emeka Benjamin the founder of THE FOUNTAIN OF LIFE EVANGELICAL MINISTRIES. By virtue of the word of God which says '' Go ye into the world and preach the gospel to the people'' God has called me with a Mandate here in the Western part of Africa were there is little or no religion and Muslim has dominated the nation, so God sent me to preach the gospel this part of the nation, Senegal to be precised. This ministry came to existence about three months ago but there are lots of challenges, a lot of this people wish to follow work in the ways of God but because of their religion they are been held bound, hence they have rejected the wisdom of God. We have started assisting in our own little ways but we are seeking for help, both financial and material assistance in other to help spread this gospel to this people of Senegal. Anything you may wish to help our ministry we also need a better place of worship, God will richly bless you. For more information contact us: Telephone: +221 77 81 23 647 or through email  may the almighty God reward your effort to increase the work of God in this part of our continent.

    Yours in the lord,
    Evangelist Emeka Benjamin
    The Founder of the ministry

  • Tomica Scott

    Thanks you Man of God for accepting me to ur ministry page and for the word of blessing u gave me! May the Lord blesss u double fold for all that you have labor in this seaon.. Glory to God be blessed Min Goodman

  • Apostle De-Borah Champion

    Than you and Bless You Man of God!!!!!!!!

  • Evangelist DeAnn Kelly

    Thank you Minister!! I am looking forward to the online connection!! Hope that it is one that is Rich in words and deeds...thus showing forth genuine love one for another!! Love is NEVER out of ORDER within the body of Christ!! Have a Glorious Sunday!! #Blessings upon you and your household~!!


    There is no mistake in the Bible. "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of ANY PRIVATE INTERPRETAION. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but HOLY MEN OF GOD spake as they were moved by the HOLY GHOST." If anyone claims to be finding mistakes in the Bible it is because they are, "...Natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak(ing) evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption." -2 Peter 1:20; 2:12 KJV

    Peter - also writing about Paul's epistles - points out this fact that is prevalent in the Body of Christ today: "Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are UNLEARNED and UNSTABLE wrest, as they do also THE OTHER SCRIPTURES, unto their own destruction." -2 Peter 3:16 KJV

    So, we believe that there are NO MISTAKES in God's Word. We believe, by faith, that the entire, testimony of Scriptures is God's Word. Anyone who questions the authenticity of the Holy Scriptures may need to check what he or she is basing their faith on...!

    - Rev. Arlee Turner Jr.; God's Ultimate Weapon Ministry


  • Pastor.B.Hosanna

    (Estd@2003, March 9th)
    (Pastor.B.Hosanna Was the Founder and Director For this Ministries.)
    I Greet You all in the matchless name of JESUS CHRIST! I am Pastor Hosanna Before i was a Gentile(Hindu Priest) Idol Worshiping leader and brought out out of the deep rooted ritualistic Family. as being in that bondage's i was caught by the Grace of God in 1997Aprial 9th He personally Visited me and Given His mighty Call UN to Preach In Kingdom Gospel to the nations.
    well as ministry also pray for the needs of our ministry now listing
    my ministry needs below.
    1.To bring 1 million souls to Christ
    2.To raise the prayer partners and supporters through out the world.
    3.To establish 10 Bible Colleges to equip the native people and send them to the unreached places to preach the good news of Jesus
    4.To reach unreached villages.
    5.To construct 500 permanent Church buildings.
    6.To provide the necessary Tools like bicycles, drums, P.A. and Lights to 1000 Pastors and Evangelists.
    7.To buy Vehicles to send the Film ministry teams to promote the Gospel to the unreached areas in India.
    8.To look after 200 Orphan Childrens
    9.To have our own campus for this Growing Ministry.
    10.To conduct Pastors and Leaders conferences to Strengthen the Church in India.
    11.To distribute 20000 Tracts and 10000 Bible Books.
    12.To conduct VBS (VOLUNTARY BIBLE CLASSES) to children and Young People in villages.
    13.To conduct villages Outreach Ministry covering surrounding villages.
    1) 25 cent Own Land = USD 8,000.00,
    2) Important Church materials = USD 1,500.00,
    3)Motor Bikes =USD 1500 Needs 20
    4)P.A& Sound Syetem & Lights.=USD 1000 Needs 20
    5) Need For A Car = USD20000
    6)Widows For Supporting = USD 30X25=800$ For Monthly
    Dear in Christ, if God blessed you with Wealth,Then please also
    remember for the ministry and the poor people in India.I request
    you to kindly support the ministry in India.please Don’t turn your faces
    out of the harvest in India.many are dieing with out the salvation many of the indian Heathen people did not heared the Gosple.
    Come forward its true place to see the 100% result to your geving and support.
    If you want to send support please
    Contact me to ,B.HOSANNA A/C NO, 21191000001440 HDFC BANK
    Please send my loving greetings to your family and all the brothers
    and sisters with you in the ministry.
    Hope to hear from you soon…………………………….
    Yours brother in his vineyard
    Pastor,B.Hosanna.Christ Glory Fire Ministries, Pulletikurru,Ambajipet(Mandal) ,East Godavari(Dt) Andhra Pradesh ,India -Pin,533239
    Phone no, +918856220455 ,Cell no, +919849130296 , +919848782275 , +919908357754 ,,, My Skype, pastor.hosanna1, christglory3, E-mail, ,,,

  • Paul Thomas

    The Lord bless you my brother. Thanks for visiting my blog. I enjoyed your video, "something to think about!..

  • Evangelist DeAnn Kelly

  • Evangelist Angela Titus

    Thank you GMOG! It is indeed a pleasure to receive such wise words from the Man of God!!!! I would like to take this time to bless you, your ministry and your family in the name of Jesus!

  • Christian Promoter Shawn Papi

    Hello Church Family, check out & sign up on my Christian events social website, I call it a Christian Facebook! See what all the talk is about at
  • Evangelist DeAnn Kelly

    Stopping by to speak!!! Pray that ALL is well!! Praying for you and with you!!! Agape Love flows to you and your household!!! #Blessings

  • tristqn qnkieth cox

    i qppreciqte your comment i qsk for your prqyers so when the time for me to tqke thqt wqlk into my purpose i will be covered by the blood. i prqy thqt the people will tqke in the words from the lord of restorqtion seqson qnd how we cqn qll get our shqre of the tree of life

  • Miss Pamela

    Greetings in the name of God. Please i would be very grateful for any word of encouragement and prayers which is all i need now. I am going through much sufferings and pains. Thank you in anticipation for your kind words and prayers. You can reach me on ( Thank you while i await your email. Gos bless

  • Felton Brown

    Hello Everyone

  • Felton Brown

    This is an ebook written by a member of Reverend Leroy Elliott's Church in Chicago. You can find Reverend Leroy Elliott on You Tube.  The title of The E-Book is THE BLACK WOMAN IS JUDAS This is non-offensive. It is spiritual. It is very powerful. Visit the website. Read the Free Version. See for yourself. Click Here.

  • Jodi Gilliam

    Thank you for allowing me to connect Man of God. Be encouraged! I pray Your ministry will continue to bless many for God has anointed you for a great work. Be blessed my fellow Kingdom Citizen!


  • Evangelist DeAnn Kelly

    Thanking GOD for the online connection!!! Blessings upon you...yours...and your Ministry!! May every vision speak life!!! ENJOY your weekend~!! shalom!!!

  • Evangelist DeAnn Kelly

    Because HE has deemed us worthy...we are able to walk in the vocation in which we were called with the utmost integrity!!! Blessings upon you...yours and your the MIGHTY name of JESUS!!! Enjoy your weekend~!! shalom!!!!

  • Evangelist DeAnn Kelly

  • Evangelist DeAnn Kelly