Paul Thomas



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Wales UK
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Church Name:
Image Breakers Power Church
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Born in 59. was an orphan in a baptist ophanage at 6 weeks old. Adopted by Christian folks in Wales UK. Served as youth ministry leader in the 80s. Pastored pioneered chruches in the late 80s. Fulltime Revival preacher in US 90s-2008. worked with Pastors producing developing and implementing a custom Ministry of Helps program. Presently planning a network of five fold preachers. I'm ordained by Jesus is Lord Ministries Adrian Michigan. Licensed by MAJC Dallas TX. I love serving people and my life's goal is to live my destiny and make it happens for others. Please take the time to visit my ministry site Image Breakers and also my motivational success in life blog on;- If you need a custom website please contact me.
Favorite Preachers:
Pedro Valdez (Adrian Mi). Old timers include John Wesley, John Knox.. If youre anointed.'You' too

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  • S. JACOB

    Thank you mr thomas for encouragement,,,,,,,,,,,,now i am started to thinking that you are my one of the elder brother,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    good day to you....................................................................................

  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

  • Pastor Nathan Lennon

    Thank you for your kind words and may God continue to keep and bless you. 

  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

  • Christian Promoter Shawn Papi

    News Alert Check it out! Post, view hundreds of Christian events & community service activities & more at see what all the talk is about! Free to sign up, join & fellowship!

    News Alert! Your One Stop Shop for Christian Entertainment Is Here!
    Join The Hey Papi Promotions Network Today!
    Join, post & view hundreds of faith-based activities including church, ministry events, bible studies, album release parties, praise & worship concert tours, business services, conference/expos, book signings, stage plays, charity/fund raising events, comedy shows, award ceremonies, festivals or any community service event etc!
    Check out the New Online Features; New Members, New Events & Sponsors and much more... I call it the new Christian Facebook for events! See what all the talk is about!

    Sign up, join & fellowship with us Today for FREE at

  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

    and we shall behold Him, our Savior and King

  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

  • Jaja Azikiwe


  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

    Thanks for your friendship may God bless

  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

    Have a Spirit-filled Sunday my friend

  • Miss Pamela

    Greetings in the name of God. Please i would be very grateful for any word of encouragement and prayers which is all i need now. I am going through much sufferings and pains. Thank you in anticipation for your kind words and prayers. You can reach me on ( Thank you while i await your email. Gos bless

  • Rev Dr A Joseph

    Hi Br Paul, how are you, how is your family and ministry, I appreciate you, take care and be Blessed

  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

    Praise Him! How have you been.The watchman has been busy. Calling people

    in the Body of Christ to return to their first love. God is calling the Body to repentance.

    God is also issuing out warning about Apostasy in the church. We must get real and

    faithful. Churches have gotten out of line with the will of God. Call a sin a sin. Righteous

    people after our perfect model Jesus, that what God expects and will settle for nothing

    jess. cry loud and spare not. Holiness or Hell, tell the Body.

    God Bless you!

  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

    Talented Man of God who ministers through Media

  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

  • Evangelist DeAnn Kelly

    I too look forward to the online connection!! Truly serious about having friends which have the same mindset and that is...winning souls for CHRIST!!! Enjoy the rest of your week!!! shalom!!!

  • Jodi Gilliam

    Thank you for the connection. I look forward to hearing from you. May God bless the works the has assigned to your hands! Blessings,Jodi


  • emma n j nwosu

    My senior brother, pls help me understand what you stand for. Are you a musician or preacher. your music video seems to confuse

  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

    Blessed Week

  • emma n j nwosu

    Thanks my elder brother. Well I still suggest you look at my website. Is there possible ways we can partner?

  • emma n j nwosu

    Still waiting to hear from you


    Your page is amazing, Brother Thomas, as well as your website!  Yes, my website is up and running: http://www.godsultimateweapon . It is still under construction.  You can post comments on blogs by 1) Go to any page, 2) look at the left hand side of the page in the menu, 3) click on any of the buttons and they will take you directly to that particular blog, 4) go to the bottom of the blog and you will see a red button labled "comments".  Click on that button and you can post a comment.  Please check your mail, and thank you for your comment and may the Lord continue to bless you and to keep you!

    The New, Official Video for God's Ultimate Weapon Ministry - Version 3.  Website is online at but the site is still under construction.  Stay tuned, for more updates to the site.

  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams


  • Angela Doreen

    Hi Brother Paul, greetings from London to you in Wales. It is nice to meet another UK Resident on these site.  I will try to check out your web site as soon as I can. Continue in God's blessings Brother in Christ

  • Apostle C.D. Dixon

    Thank You for requesting my friendship and I pray that the hand of God rest on you in Jesus name!!

    The Sent One,

    +Apostle C.D. Dixon

  • Evangelist DeAnn Kelly

    ENJOY your weekend~!! GOD Bless!!! shalom!!!

  • Angela Doreen

    God Bless Brother Paul, unfortunately I do not have a web site, it has been on my mind of late so hopefully it wont be long before I do have one. The church that I am a member of do have a website in fact our service is aired every week on Sunday live. Church web  address is


  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

  • Brother Marcus!

    It seems to me that Jesus was interested in getting the people to worship the father that sent him into the world...

  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

  • Evangelist DeAnn Kelly

    Stopping by to show respect and that Godly love which should flow within the body of CHRIST!!! NEVER out of order!! Enjoy your weekend~!! shalom!!!

  • vivian fugar

    Hello dear,
    My name is Vivian Fugar, after reading your short profile here i took interest in you, and i really have vital information relating to my life and future that i want to disclose to you, so please reply me with my email address here ( i will be able to write to you to tell you more about me and also send to you my attached photo.
    Please contact me at my email address(


    Love Me - Chapter 2 - By Rev. Arlee Turner Jr.  [Play this video in HD 720P by clicking the “change quality” button on the video player’s tab feature - ATJ]

    A lot of what goes under the name of “love” has little to do with true, biblical love.  Biblical love involves the sacrifice you make for the loved one.  You measure true love by sacrifice, not by enjoyment.  If a husband talks about loving his wife but means by this that she does a lot of good things for him, that’s not him loving her.  That’s her loving him…!

    What does it mean for a husband to love his wife?  The first thing it means is for the husband to be a savior for his wife.  Let me show you what I mean…

    In Ephesians 5, a classic passage on marriage, the apostle Paul said, “Husbands, love your wives just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her” v.25…

    How did Jesus give Himself up for the church?  He died.  As far as God is concerned, to talk about marital love is to talk about a cross.  To talk about love is to talk about Calvary.  To talk about love is to talk about a Savior.  We have a Savior in Christ.  And our wives ought to have a savior in us.  We have a Deliverer in Christ.  And our wives ought to have a deliver in us.  Loving your wife means carrying a cross.  So if you feel like your wife is crucifying you, you have the perfect opportunity to look like Jesus…

    Nowhere in Scripture is a wife commanded to love her husband.  She is commanded to respect him (see Ephesians 5:33).  It’s not that a woman shouldn’t love her husband.  But her love is a response to his salvation.

    That means loving as Christ loves.  So a husband is called to love his wife no matter what.  We can’t wait until she gets everything right…

    A husband cannot say, “She’s meeting my needs.  Therefore, I will love her.”  No, you love her even when she’s not meeting your needs.  You love her until she learns how to meet your needs…

    Most men date in order to marry, when the biblical principle is marry in order to date.  Most men shower a woman with love to get here to say, “I do.”  But the biblical ideal is to have her say, “I do,” so we can spend the rest of our lives showering her with love… - Arlee Turner Jr.

  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

    Praise Him!

  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

  • Rev. Anthony R. Liggins

    Thank you so much Bro. Paul, May God's favour & presence continue to saturate your life, family & your ministry. Keep fighting the good fight of faith.