A.D. Stokes


Broadview, IL

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Associate Minister
Church Name:
Double Portion Ministries International
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I'm a man who Loves the presence of the Lord, his Word,his people, and the heart beat of God, I love spending time with my wife, and three beautiful kids, the game of basketball,
Favorite Preachers:
My father pastor stokes, Apostle marlon d hester, apostle ralpheal Robinson

Comment Wall:

  • Prophtess Willie Mae Davis †


    Thank you for your friend's request, Prophet A.D. Stokes, and may the Lord continue to bless you and to keep you!  Shalom!

    Rev. Arlee Turner Jr.; G.U.W. Ministry

  • Evangelist Ada Mckinsey

    Praise God!!! The man Of God !!! to you and your better half, May God added Blessing unto you both in this now season. And continue to let God use you in the mighty Name Of JESUS Be Bless!!!


  • Joshua Anyaoha

  • Christian Promoter Shawn Papi

    News Alert Check it out! Post, view hundreds of Christian events & community service activities & more at www.heypapipromotions.com see what all the talk is about! Free to sign up, join & fellowship!

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  • Kamal Imani Amen

    Peace Prophet Stokes,

    I give thanks for the connection!

    God bless!


  • Donta Adger

    Thanks for adding me as a friend prophet
  • Minister M. Goodman

    Good Evening great man of God and thank you for connecting with me. May God's divine hand of blessings continue to rest upon you and may He continue to prosper all that you stretch forth your hands to do for His glory. -M. Goodman

  • Rev. john david


    Dear  Prophet  A D Stokes

    thank you for add me as friend

    we are so happy for that to do together gods works  sir

    please pray for  home and ministry

    welcome to india


    facebook   hopa-ministry pastor

    skype    pastorindia2

    we are praying  for your family and works

    pastor john david from india

  • Rev. john david


    Dear Prophet a D Stokes 

    Greetings to you 

    thank you for a write back to me with good responsive about business 

    here i am very poor  then i am UN able to do anything business here 

    visit my site then pray for us 


  • Miss Pamela

    Greetings in the name of God. Please i would be very grateful for any word of encouragement and prayers which is all i need now. I am going through much sufferings and pains. Thank you in anticipation for your kind words and prayers. You can reach me on (pamelasiak@yahoo.com). Thank you while i await your email. God bless

  • Evangelist Ashfaq Emmenuel Paul

    Greeting and Blessings, its my honor to have you as my friend in Christ, hope to be best one in Christ, keep us in pray,

  • Margaret Jackson (Psalmist)

    Thank you so very much for making me a part of your BPNetwork family. For more news and information you can visit me at www.margaretjacksontw.com. Please stay in touch and if I can be of service to you in your ministry. May God richly bless you!



    Hello sir,cavalry greeting to you people.I just want ask about the work how it is going hope fine.

      I am a young minister of the gospel sir and madam who is interested in the soul of God's people especially in my town but the necessary means of going about it is not there.

      Sir and Madam,how i wish God will touch your heart to help me with some instrument like keyboard,speakers and microphone.I will be very grateful thanks God bless you all am Abitah Joel from Cameroon.here is my number +237 76395514  or mail address  christejaforce@rocketmail.com  

  • Prophtess Willie Mae Davis †

  • loveth

    Am loveth,i came across your ID and decided to contact you considering the
    fact that,in true relationship,language,distance,religion,or race does not
    matter.So,please contact me with this my personal id
    (lovethghazi2013@hotmail.com) for my photo and introduction


    Love Me II - Rev. Arlee Turner Jr. from Arlee Turner Jr. on Vimeo.

    Sex is a crucial area of Christian singleness. Sex is so crucial because it is so intimately related to who we are. And it's the area in which many single believers find their biggest struggle...

    In 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, Paul discussed sex outside of marriage. The bottom line of his argument was that sex outside of the marriage covenant is sin and is totally contrary to God's agenda for single believers. That bedrock truth never changes in any culture or any setting.

    Paul was arguing that sexual purity outside of marriage is demanded because of God the Father, it's expected because of God the Son, and it's possible because of God the Spirit. Some Christian singles falter in this area because they lose sight of the theology and limit themselves to the anthropology involved...

    In other words, whenever you hear someone saying, "But I'm only human," that's an anthropological argument. But, if you are a believer you are more than just a human. You are a saved human, and you have God's power for purity resident within you.

    Some people say sex is like food. When you're hungry, you eat. No big deal. But Paul answered that in 1 Corinthians 6:13. The stomach may be for food, he said, "yet the body is not for immorality."

    If your date tells you he washed his car and bought a new suit for this date and expects something more than a good night at the door, tell him, "You washed your car? Ok, I will help you put the dirt back on your car. And you bought a new suit? I'll go with you while you take it back." You are far too valuable to be used by undisciplined men for their gratification.

    God created your body to be used for His glory, not simply to satisfy either your own or someone else's passion unless it is within the proper functioning of marriage...

    See, God does not condemn sex outside of marriage because sex is bad. He condemns sex outside of marriage because it's so good when used properly within marriage.


    kindly pray for our orphans , they need food and scholastic material 


  • Demetria E. Bass


    Please check out our 24/7 online gospel radio station Praise 2 Go Radio and like us.

    Our website is   www.praise2go.com  E-mail me back at  ptriplec@aol.com


    Pastor Demetria Bass

    The River Christian Center

  • Lizzey G

    Greeting to you in the name of jesus christ,

    It's my pleasure to meet you on BPN, I hope that

    our meeting would be a sincere blessing in your life.

    I'm Liza, I am nice, friendly, Honest, reliable and optimistic.

    I wish to have you as a positive friend.

    Feel free to In box me  ( lizajacob777@yahoo.com )

    for more communication. I look forward to have you as a friend.

    Have a wonderful sunday, God bless you.

    Thank You, Take Care, Until then!

    Kind Regards




    Hello dear,

    Greeting in the name of our lord Jesus and Saviour!

    I hope you are fine with your health? I feel with honour to

    write you after veiwing your pleasurable page on BPN. I'm Liza,

    Single female never married. I am indeed a friendly,

    Honest, and optimistic.  I want to meet you and beside i have

    something to tell you as a top secret. feel free to In box me @

    (lizajacob777@yahoo.com )I look forward to heared from you soon.

    Have a wonderful Sunday! God bless you. Thank You,

    Best Regards,
