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Christian religious ministry based in Uganda to preach the Gospel of our lord Jesus and bring salvation to multitude

LIVING WORD CHURCH WORLD MINISTRIES is a Christian, non-political and non-profit ministry. It was founded in 2006 in Kampala from a good Samaritans place. After sometime the Samaritan died and his son forced us to relocate arguing that he did not know us. We got a Good Samaritan who allowed us to use his room for fellowship and we where we remained for two years (2years)We later got help from the man of God a very good Samaritan who bought for us a tent and we secured the ground rent for this tent on 1st April 2011 and that is where we are currently


1 Peter 2:5, "... you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ."
The vision of Living word Churches Uganda is to reach all of Africa and the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Through obedience to the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ, we will preach the gospel and establish churches.

After coming together as God’s covenant and according to Isaiah 41:14-19, we have, by faith, become new instruments to be used by God. We believe we can restrict the movement or advancement of the enemy's kingdom by establishing the Kingdom of God. This will be accomplished through the power of the Holy '`Spirit and His ministry as He reveals new realms and strategies to the believer, individually and corporately.
Mission Statement

Living word Churches International’s Mission is to reach all of Africa and the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ while establishing churches for the purpose of teaching and training the saints to do the work of the ministry. Our motive is to edify or build-up the body of Christ while fulfilling the great commission.
(Matthew 28:18-20)

Future plans
We plan to do a lot of projects in the name of our lord Jesus. Our vision is directed towards;
1. Establishing a church with a strong foundation
2. We need to establish a radio station where preachers from all aground the world we always stand to spread the gospel of our lord to the world.
3. We need to establish orphanage in Kampala and we currently have a piece of land of about 6 hectares
4. We need in future to establish a bible college to enable increase the numbers of young dedicated missionary.

5. We need to buy choir uniforms for our choir to enable them perform.
6. We need church funds.
7. Participate in HIV/AIDS support
8. We need a website to enable to establish our church be worldwide visible to all people around the globe.
9. We need to open up a post office box number a mode of easy communication.
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    GUW Video And Graphics Ministry Promo from Arlee Turner Jr. on Vimeo.

    Greetings, my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ!

    I am happy and excited to announce to you the birth of a new Christian Graphics and Video Ministry that will dwarf all others by comparison: the New GUW [God’s Ultimate Weapon] Video And Graphics Ministry, Inc. The current website has been leveled and a new one is being constructed that will contain the entire portfolio of visual animation and graphics that I have created using Adobe AE Templates built from my contacts in Rome Italy; Tucumán, Argentina; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Chelyabinsk; Russian Federation; Turkey; Pleven, Bulgaria and - of course - the United States. All videos have been created using Adobe AE CS4, CS5; Adobe Photoshop, Cinema 4D and Sony Vegas. All videos have a resolution of HD 1080P.

    If you are interested in having video projects built to introduce your ministry or upcoming events - contact me at turnerjrarlee@yahoo.com or here, at Black Preaching Network. You can either contact me in the “comments” section on my profile page or send me a message. And don’t worry about pricing. I am trying to promote this business to introduce our churches to technology and visual graphics/animation that the unsaved world has been using in the last decade. Why should the devil have all of the “good stuff”, when it comes to video production, when the church desperately needs these tools to reach more of the unsaved for Jesus Christ?

    A good 2-5 minute video (like the one above) could cost as low as $50 dollars to as high as $175 - depending on how much content you want in it. Now, compare that to the “professionals” who would charge you $20-$75 an hour and up! Don’t miss this opportunity to get on the cutting edge of visual technology! Hope to hear from you, soon, and may the Lord continue to bless you and to keep you!

    Rev. Arlee Turner Jr.; God’s Ultimate Weapon Ministry

  • Success

    Greeting to you in the name of jesus christ,

    It's my pleasure to meet you. I'm Liza, I am nice, friendly,

    Honest, reliable and optimistic. I wish to have you as a positive

    friend. Feel free to In box me  ( lizajacob777@yahoo.com )

    for more communication. I look forward to have you as a friend.

    Have a wonderful sunday, God bless you.

    Thank You, Take Care, Until then!

    Kind Regards


  • Daryl McGirt

    Thanks so much for the new connection

