rajan babu




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Senior Pastor
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Christ Church
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Dear Beloved in Christ
Hearty greeting in the name of our Jesus. I want to put the following few words for your kind consideration and prayer.
My parents are Hindus (non-Christian). In India there are many man made Gods. Beaing a Hindu after my birth my father approached one astrologer to know about my future. That astrologer told him that if I live my father may die, So as per the advise of that person, my father sold me to a poor pastor by the mediation of a nurse.
So my life began in a Christian home, These Pastor is a man of God but a poor man. He use to treat me as his begotten son and I remember the life of Joseph in the old testament. My new parents gave me, education, but suffered for food many times. My father is having a poor congregation. We use to take food from the offering in the Church. To our bad-luck all the church members are daily labor in stone quarry. So food-less sleep became our bit in our daily life. But Satan working more vehemently and my mother slept in peace with blood-cancer on 5th June 1998 .My father was did in lorry extent on 2005 may 8th. Through we are encircled with bare-stomach; our Lord has not left us alone.
My church people sent me to study in Bible college. I finished my B.Th course of 4 years, after training I was married with a Godly minded girl(name : Rachel) on 27th Jan 2005, I had two children (First son name Joy Solomon, second son name Manos) . Aurally with the faith on Jesus I am preaching the word of Jesus as per my vision and call from God. I never tried for a Job. I am interest to preach the word from my child-hood and miraculously my God is using me as His good vessel.

I know that my God who called is a trustworthy. He is not un-justice (Heb 6:10) We are living only by the verse. I treat you as my spiritual brothers and requesting you to pray for me. Every day in the morning I am praying for you all. May God bless you all. I need your fervent prayers.
Heb 13:21= Make you perfect in every good work to his will working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ to who, be glory for ever and ever, Amen.

Heb 13:16= But to do Good and to communicate forget not; for with such sacrifices,
God is well pleased
Your beloved brother in Christ.
Pastor M. Rajan Babu (pastor.mrajanbabu@gmail.com)
Favorite Preachers:
belly Graham

Comment Wall:

  • rajan babu

    Hello how r u 

    have a blessed day


  • Deborah C Graves

    May GOD continue to bless and keep you, Rajan!

  • Prophet Ricky V. Dent

    Prophetic Video Testimony of Miracle Birth of Little Girl

    Find more videos like this on Black Preaching Network

  • Prophet Ricky V. Dent

    God bless you Pastor an thank you for befriending this ministry and me.

  • Jacqueline Stewart

    Greetings precious Pastor and Brother in the Lord, from across the nations!

    It is a blessing to be your friend.  It is obvious in the Spirit you are a mighty man of God, moving in the prophetic and worship, and leading God's flocks to refuge and eternal salvation, in spirit and truth of Jesus our Lord  Hallelujah!!!

    In Jesus name I pray for you, your family and ministry, For God's protection and favor and for God's provision in Jesus All Mighty name

    The enemy has wanted to sift you as wheat, but greater is He who is in you than he that is in the world, be determined to win every battle, God is on your side.

    One of the enemy's strategies is to attempt to seduce you as he did Solomon eventually and as the enemy seduced Sampson.  So the Lord warns of the strange women, those women who claim to be Christians but of strange gods; women of beauty but pythons within, seductive women whom expose themselves to lure from the gospel to apostasy; all forms of sexual lust is being used by the enemy, all forms of lust are satan's weapons in his arsonage to kill, steal and destroy---But God is saying this, stand strong in him, God is with You Pastor as He was with Jeremiah and Joshua.  In Jesus name

    In Jesus name I am proclaiming the precious blood of Jesus over you and declaring all the Words of Psalm 23 and 91 over you in Jesus name, you are set aside for Jesus ; His glorious power, and worship in leading many to heaven in these end days; so with God's help you shall "not" be distracted and we proclaim per Matthew 18:18-19, you shall "not" be affected by the alluring women, that the enemy wants to use against holy pastors, but you shall stand firm and steadfast in the beauty of God's holiness pleasing our King, Jesus!

    May the Lord heal and deliver all women and men whom are used by the enemy as sexual ploys to attempt to destroy Jesus Kingdom--God's Kingdom endures forever  Hallelujah!!!, we cry out for repentance for those whom are sexually bound in Jesus name  And claim the victory for all whom shall serve Jesus in righteousness  Hallelujah!!!!!

    May God bless you and your work continually through His own precious blood in Jesus name.

  • Prophet Ricky V. Dent

    God Bless You Too I'm Promoting my new Book "Whats Your Word Level?"

  • Adrienne D Hayes

    Praise the Lord I am well. Thanks for asking.


    Thank you for the friend's request, Pastor Rajan Babu, and may the Lord continue to bless you and to keep you in His Mighty Name!  Shalom!

    Rev. Arlee Turner Jr.; God's Ultimate Weapon Ministry

  • lorettayous

    Hello Dear
    My name is Miss Loretta, I saw your profile here
    and who are interested to know and be friends with you, so please contact me through my email address (loret15yousif@live.com) so that i will send my picture to you, or you send his email to me, that I will send a photo.thanks loretta