Prophet Ricky V. Dent


Columbia, SC

United States

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Associate Minister
Church Name:
Across All Boundaries Church
College Attended (optional):
USC Columbia
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Prophetic Ministry & Prophetic schools training and activating the saints in the gifts of the Spirit. Contact Number: 803-629-4794
Favorite Preachers:
Bishop T.D Jakes

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    The Pencil Maker
    > The Pencil Maker took the pencil aside, just before
    > putting him into the box. There are 5 things you
    > need to know, he told the pencil, before I send you
    > out into the world.Always remember them and never
    > forget, and you will become the best pencil you can
    > be.
    > 1 ... You will be able to do many great things, but
    > only if you allow yourself to be held in someone's
    > hand.
    > 2 ... You will experience a painful sharpening from
    > time to time, but you'll need it to become a better
    > pencil.
    > 3 ... You will be able to correct mistakes you will
    > make.
    > 4 ... The most important part of you will always be
    > what's inside.
    > 5 ... On every surface you are used on, you must
    > leave your mark. No matter what the condition, you
    > must continue to write.   
    > The pencil understood and promised to remember, and
    > went into the box with purpose in its heart.
    > Now replacing the place of the pencil with you,
    > always remember them and never forget, and you will
    > become the best person you can be.
    > 1 ... You will be able to do many great things, but
    > only if you allow yourself to be held in God's hand.
    > And allow other human beings to access you for the
    > many gifts you possess.
    > 2 ... You will experience a painful sharpening from
    > time to time, by going through various problems, but
    > you'll need it to become a stronger person.
    > 3 ... You will be able to correct mistakes you might
    > make or grow through them.
    > 4 ... The most important part of you will always be
    > what's on the inside.
    > 5 ... On every surface you walk, you must leave your
    > mark. No matter what the situation, you must
    > continue to serve God in everything.
    > By understanding and remembering, let us proceed
    > with our life on this earth having a meaningful
    > purpose in our heart and a relationship with God
    > daily.

  • Rev. James Cook

    Please pray for my total healing and that God will give me a better job, until He opens the door for me to preach full time and that God will give me every spiritual gift and office that I can have and that God will give me a supernatural memory and Favor and Shalom-meaning nothing missing and nothing broken. Pray that God will do a supernatural work to increase my finances and bless me and my church. I need the roof fixed on my church and I need it under pinned to keep the wind and water from blowing under it and I need a handicap ramp for my church and the leaking water lines fixed. Pray also that God will enable me to buy the church building and surrounding land and property  

    God Bless You, Pastor James Cook 10681 Hwy17 North, Vanceboro, North Carolina 28586 USA 252-229-8456 Please send me some prayer clothes and a prophetic word.  

  • Pst(Dr).Johnson

    The Mighty Weapons of the Almighty Lord.,


    Thank you for allowing us into your kind, prayerful connect.


    WE NEED your LEADERSHIP to conduct the ‘+*…Healing & Deliverance Meetings…*+”also the  “ Evangelical (Soul Winning) & Revival Meetings amongst the Multitudes”….,  Please be kind to the People in our area,  who are dying with ‘Black Magic, and Demonic Forces’.


    and Teaching Purposes. ( Only for 3days…)


    1. 1.      We have Primitive Tribes Lay Men  Evangelists formed Net work (Nos.108)during my 18 years of Spiritual Apprentice, who are below High School Studies( 10th Standard).



    1. 2.      We have ‘Destitute Tribal Women folks’ wounded in several spheres  o f life’ Whom we call them  ‘… Sister Evangelicals…’

    *…3Day………..WOMEN CONFERENCE….. for  them.



    Please be kind to the People in our area,  who are dying with ‘Black Magic, and Demonic Forces’.


                    Ours is a thick intensified tropical rain forest area of 5681.74 Sq K.M nos. 1499 villages ,33 Kinds of Tribal Sects, with more than a half a million Primitive Hill Tribal People living. infested with many frightful animals, pythons, poisonous snakes/insects. Tall ever green trees, marshy, thorny bushes, hills, streams , lakes, waterfalls and valleys are splendid and add danger. Least  ‘or’ No Gospel at all, and least knows about the TRUE SAVIOR.

                         Our people are GOSPEL UNREACHED. Reach the Gospel and Salvation plan to the UN REACHED…...!*. People are primitive Hill Tribes, illiterate, innocent, ignorant, - eat and sleep in the lap of true nature. They are Good Hunters with bow and arrow. They hunt animals for flesh and hides. Collect wild cereals, Honey, Fruits, root and some gums like for food. They live in small huts, Wear little clothing and cook in the younger children. No one goes to school and no one sends to school. They hunt an animal bring in the evening, gather at village meeting Place, Smoke and eat it with their drink, which is furious illicit dangerous liquors called BONGU, GUDUMBA and SARAI. Every small “ boy/girl, all youth, all male – female every aged drink and sleep there itself. They worship stone/trunk, nature and horrible images. They offer animals blood to their Gods/Goddess and., at., certain places human scarifies is still under practice.

                       As I move among them, I could see their practical life, which is in explicable. Their problems are untold. Mostly, these people die in ˜Black Magic and ˜Demonic Forces  wild animals attacks, unknown jungly fevers/diseases, and poisonous snakes/insects bites. They also die with un health cares. Their country made drink also kill them in great number.

                   Tribal Evangelism is race on a sword\'s edge. Many a times me with my team were beaten black and blue. Escaped from wild animals attacks. Escaped from the gun points of Terrorists, who hide in the forests and fight against government. one of my colleagues was shot, but didn't die. one bullet was still in his body. I was stabbed But, The grace of