Overseer Gwendolyn S. Henderson


Chester, VA

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
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Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Christian Charities Deliverance Church
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Overseer Gwendolyn Henderson was called to ministry as an Evangelist in 1987 under the leadership of Apostle Norris Porter of Long, Island New York.

In 1997, God led Overseer Henderson to birth a church in Houston Texas. She walked in the Office as a Shepherd there for 7 years, and continues under the spiritual covering of Apostle Porter.

In 2004, "Without hesitation or delay." She arrived on schedule at her set place in the city of Petersburg Virginia as Pastor of the Christians Charities Deliverance Church by the divine leading of the Lord for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ.

Overseer Henderson has been pastoring with FAITH, POWER, and DELIVERANCE for 14 years. Have BIBLE; will PREACH!

Overseer Henderson currently pastors Christian Charities Deliverance Church. 10:00am Sunday Morning Glory Services at 36003 General Mahone Boulevard, (460 East) Ivor, Virginia. Thursday nights Prayer, Praise, and Word at 7:30pm. Special Services held in Petersburg Virginia; call for more information @ (804) 586-7675.

In June 2009 she was consecrated as Overseer by Chief Apostle Norris Porter of Christian Charities Deliverance Churches Inc. Worldwide

Overseer Henderson also has a live prayer line

Prayer Line: (712) 775-7200; Access Code: 908609
Favorite Preachers:
Apostle Norris Porter (Long Island New York)
Bishop G.E. Patterson

Comment Wall:

  • Prophet Alfred Tay

    declare upon ur life now ur in ur divine release in ur timing brings ur manifestation
    the move in ur divine timing make u distinctive or special in ur divine timing you accomplish much for god in ur divine timing u walk in divine favor in ur divine timing you received gods approval and endearment knowing your divine timing make u prepare in advance for blessing before opportunity-you be the head not the tail in ur divine timing u become unstoppable in ur divine timing u become famous in ur divine timing principalities and powers bow before u people will come and look for you in ur divine timing people will hear from u all over the would in ur divine timing ur name will change for good in divine timing he will put laughter in to ur mouth i like also to know more about u and also to invite to come preach in my church i am the founder of united praise ministry pls propheticword31@yahoo.com can u give me urs 2 on facebook tprophetalfred@yahoo.com

  • William J. Bass

    This is pastor William J. Bass, senior pastor of Praise Covenant Christian Center in Springfield, VA. Please ck out our all new 24/7 online gospel radio station called Praise 2 Go Radio you may log on at www.praise2go.com 

    While you are there like us on Facebook. After you ck it out, please e-mail me bk at ptriplec@aol.com with your thoughts and or comments. Be Blessed

  • Joshua Anyaoha

    Connect with us today at http://sharingthegospel.spruz.com/

    Click here to listen Sharing the Gospel Radio

    Click here to listen to Sharing the Gospel Show


  • DeBorah Fields, Author


  • Rev Theodore T. Ford,II

    May God Bless You And Keep You Preacher

  • Pastor Caroline Smith

    Thank you Overseer Gwendolyn for your friend request. God bless you!
  • Apostle/Prophet Dr.R.D. Harris



    Thank you for the friend's request, Overseer Henderson and amy the Lord continue to bless youu and to keep you!

    Rev. Arlee Turner Jr.

  • Valerie Davis

    Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ!

    My name is Valerie Davis; I’m a local Christian actress and playwright in VA. I am writing to ask if your Church would be interested in presenting a Powerful One Woman drama entitled At The Cross? This is a Dramatic presentation told through the eyes of the women that followed Christ from their first encounter with him, to the Cross and then the tomb. This Presentation is great for Lenten Season. The women represented in this presentation are Joanna, Mary Magdalene and Mary Mother of Jesus. This presentation can be done during Bible Study or added addition to Sunday Worship service.

    Please review my Bio and give me a call at your earliest convenience and let me know of your interest.

    My telephone number is 804-370-3440 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 804-370-3440 end_of_the_skype_highlighting .

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    In His Service,
    Valerie Davis(Performing Arts Ministry)
    Psalm 45:1 My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer


  • Evangelist from India

     Dear Sister Overseer Gwendolyn S.Henderson,

                   Greetings to you in the Precious Name Our Lord and Saviour  Jesus Christ.


                   Grace be with all those who love Our  Lord Jesus Christ in Sincerity.


                                         I am a Gospel Preacher from India,working for 5 small churches in villages and tribal areas in Andhra pradesh,India. It is just a great blessing to see you.I often provide food for the orphan kids and old Widows.Please keep them in your prayers.I would really love to share the Lord's work with you and the saints there.We need your kind love,encouragement,support and prayers for the Lord's work here.It would do a great help to bring many lost souls to Christ.It would be a great blessing to hear from you, 

                                                                         We are Bound to thank God always for you  As It is Fitting because your Faith Grows Exceedingly and the Love of Every One of you all abounds to ward each other


                                     I Thank my God always Concering  you for the Grace of God which was Given to You by Christ Jesus.


                                   You also Helping to gether in Prayer  for  Us.


    Thank you ,

    Yours in his Service,

    Anil Raju G. Evanglist,


  • Bishop J. Donald Edwards, II

    Greetings Overseer,

    There is a revolutionary new company taking shape in the our midst. Headquartered in Bellevue, WA - just across Lake Washington from Seattle - is a new kind of business that is founded and lead by a visionary team of mobile, media, political and technology executives setting out to change the face of social commerce with a platform unlike nearly any in the market today.

    Rumored to be the next Facebook - Solavei is taking the world by storm. I'm a founding member and we would for you to join us. Timing is everything and there is still time for you to be a part of the fastest growing company in the US. Let's take ministry to the marketplace. This 5 min video tells the whole story: http://vimeo.com/48049267

    After watching goto www.poweredbypeople.net and provide your email for more information.


  • Guardian

  • Elizabeth

    How are you doing,i hope you are doing well,my name is Elizabeth and i wish to know you and share some ideas with you,
    write me via this.elizabethsimba24@yahoo.com

  • Demetria E. Bass


    Please check out our 24/7 online gospel radio station Praise 2 Go Radio and like us. Our website is   www.praise2go.com


    Pastor Demetria Bass

    The River Christian Center

  • Guardian