Linda F. Smith



United States Minor Outlying Islands

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Church Name:
WLCM .org - Ministries-Baton Rouge, LA,
College Attended (optional):
houghton college
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I was born Linda F Smith to Mr. Willie and Mary Smith in Buffalo, New York. I am the only daughter of this union., and the youngest. My brother was named Winfred"Punkin"Smith. He is now deceased. I have other siblings from my father's marriages after my parents divorce. My upbringing was done largely by my mom who taught me a lot about being a good person and especially being a good girl like any mother who loves her children. She encouraged me to pray to God. Every night we said a prayer before I went to sleep. It wasn't long {I was very young about two} before God began to deal with me. He would talk to me and show me things to come. Usually they would be warnings about people around me. I would warn my family about these things but they would just brush me off because I was so young. But when said things would come to pass they'd be in shock. Funny thing they never seemed to learn! Don't get me wrong, I love my family very much and I'm proud of them. We're just different. I was called into the ministry at a young age, but it wasn't until years later that Jesus became Lord of my life. Living for Him is the best thing I have ever done. And, I am so glad that Jesus Christ saved my soul. What am I doing now? Well currently am attending a local church where the Word of God is being preached, taught and lived. To God be the glory.The people are precious God-fearing people and I love serving under their ministry. I mostly do praise and worship as well as serve on the ministerial team, There have been other places where I have preached and taught the Word of God. I am available to run revivals, speaking engagements, conferences, seminars. Interested parties may contact me here or at my network
Favorite Preachers:
Bishop Earl J. Wright,[my father in the gospel]Chief Apostle Dr. Lloyd Benson Sr. Bishop T.D.Jakes, Bishop Noel Jones, Prophetess Anita Williams, Pastor , Pastor John Young Sr.,Apostle Prude, Bishop R. Horton [California], Bishop Michael Coleman, Prophetess Boyd, Pastor Iona Locke, Prophetess Juanita Bynum, Prophetess Marie Dove

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    Chapter 1 of “Spiritual Warfare - GUW Mode”: The DVD - coming November, 2012:

    A basic factor leading to the decline of spiritual discernment in the church is a widespread failure to interpret Scripture properly.  Hermeneutics - Bible interpretation is an exacting science.  Good preaching depends on careful hermeneutics.  But too many preachers in today’s church ignore the meaning of Scripture altogether.  Pulpits are filled with preachers who are unwilling to do the hard work necessary to interpret Scripture properly.  They pad their messages with stories, anecdotes, and clever outlines - all of which disguises the weakness or lack of biblical content.

    Certainly application is crucial, but careful interpretation must always come first.  To attempt to apply the word without understanding is sheer stupidity.  Unfortunately, the standard has sunk so low today that even well-known Christian leaders can twist Scripture beyond recognition, yet no one seems to notice.

    Bible interpretation is a skill that requires diligent work, an understanding of the meaning of the original languages, a working knowledge of grammar and logic, a grasp of the historical settings, competence in theology, and a broad understanding of the whole of Scripture.  Those who lack expertise in Greek and Hebrew must be all the more careful, checking commentaries, dictionaries and other study helps to analyze the text as carefully as possible.

    One man who pastors a church of several thousand people recently preached a message on Acts 26:2, Paul’s defense before Agrippa.  Paul said, “I think myself happy, king Agrippa, because I shall answer for myself this day before thee touching all the things whereof I am accused of the Jews.”  This man pulled out the phrase “I think myself happy” and preached a sermon the importance of positive thinking in the midst of adversity!  But Paul was not telling Agrippa anything about positive thinking; he was saying, “I consider myself fortunate (NASB) to be able to make a defense.  That preacher had corrupted the intent of Paul’s inspired words because he was using the verse out of context to teach an unbiblical doctrine.

    The person who is not a diligent student cannot be an accurate interpreter of God’s Word.  Scripture indicates that such a person is not approved by God and should be ashamed of himself (2 Timothy 2:15).


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    Wishing you a happy Sunday! God bless you.

    Kind Regards,
