Nyakaisiki Lydia Christin




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Church Name:
Jinja Miracle Oasis Church
College Attended (optional):
Makererere University
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I'm a person who hates bad and love the spiritual sort of life.I love God and look forward to living for Him.
I like gospel music,sermons by international preachers.
Favorite Preachers:
T.D Jakes, Deitrick Haddon, Rita Bynum,Apostle Chivan Roker

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    We are now, in these last days, beginning to see the wrath of God poured out on creation, as the coming judgment of all mankind draws near.  Our Lord Jesus told us to lift up our heads for our redemption draweth nigh.  We find these words in Luke 21:28. 

  • Evangelist from India

     Dear Sister Nyakaisiki Lydia Christin,

                   Greetings to you in the Precious Name Our Lord and Saviour  Jesus Christ.


                   Grace be with all those who love Our  Lord Jesus Christ in Sincerity.


                                         I am a Gospel Preacher from India,working for 5 small churches in villages and tribal areas in Andhra pradesh,India. It is just a great blessing to see you.I often provide food for the orphan kids and old Widows.Please keep them in your prayers.I would really love to share the Lord's work with you and the saints there.We need your kind love,encouragement,support and prayers for the Lord's work here.It would do a great help to bring many lost souls to Christ.It would be a great blessing to hear from you, 

                                                                         We are Bound to thank God always for you  As It is Fitting because your Faith Grows Exceedingly and the Love of Every One of you all abounds to ward each other


                                     I Thank my God always Concering  you for the Grace of God which was Given to You by Christ Jesus.


                                   You also Helping to gether in Prayer  for  Us.


    Thank you ,

    Yours in his Service,

    Anil Raju G. Evanglist,


  • stella phillip

    Dear Beloved.

    I am Mrs. Stella phillip widow with only son named MICHEAL, recently my doctor told me that I may not last due to my health condition. I want to use my fund ($6 MILLION US DOLLRS) to provide help to the charities orphanages i'll update you when hear from you contact me only if you are intrested in helping me get my wish done.

    when i hear from you i will give you all the document of the fund nd also the contsct information's of the security company for you to contact them the delivering of the truck box that contains the money to you in your country.

    reply me at (phstella@hot.ee)

    i am waiting for you reply soon.

    Thank you

    Yours Faithfully
    Mrs. Stella phillip.