Apostle Lenard Ombaso Isoe


Nairobi, Kenya.


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Senior Pastor
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Apostle Lenard Isoe was called by the Lord after having served in a cult for 7 years. He is married to his dear wife Juddy Isoe and the Lord has blessed them with a son and daughter. He is the Regional Overseer of Christ Restoration Ministries International and together with his wife they are involved in Evangelism, Discipleship, Missions and Church Planting in Kenya and East Africa. He holds an Advanced Diploma in Pastoral ministry and a Bachelors Degree in Theology.
The cry of his heart is to reach out to the lost souls at all cost and to train and equip Church leaders that they may become more effective in their calling and ministries.
Apostle Lenard's dynamic leadership continues to be a cherished contribution to the body of Christ. His servant leadership style in ministry creates an atmosphere of expectancy among those who are part of his ministry. He is sensitive to the Holy Spirit as he ministers as God's voice in the end times.His fellow ministers look to him for inspiration to face the future as he shares insights into God's Word.
He is also the Director of Christ Restoration Bible College, a Community College that strives to assist ministers, Church workers and members in the fulfillment of their God given Talents and assignment. He aims to Build Strong Churches by strengthening weak Families.
God has given Apostle Lenard the Vision to see Churches, Pastors and Lay ministers Partner and Net Work with Christ Restoration Ministries International to Plant New Churches and Bible Schools in Africa, as well as to equip the body of Christ through "Life - Giving Leadership Conferences".
Apostle Lenard Ombaso Isoe
P.O box 44965- 00100,
Nairobi, Kenya.
E-mail: lenardisoe@yahoo.com
Cell Phone +254 720 410 298.
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  • lalima

    Good day i will like
    to have a communication
    with you so we can know each other better
    Please reply me via my email ( lalima_awaza@yahoo.com )
    i will send you my picture and tell you more about me
    when i receive your reply via my email
    waiting to hear from you soonest.
    ( lalima_awaza@yahoo.com )

  • Lizzey G

    Greeting to you in the name of jesus christ,

    It's my pleasure to meet you on BPN, I hope that

    our meeting would be a sincere blessing in your life.

    I'm Liza, I am nice, friendly, Honest, reliable and optimistic.

    I wish to have you as a positive friend.

    Feel free to In box me  ( lizajacob777@yahoo.com )

    for more communication. I look forward to have you as a friend.

    Have a wonderful sunday, God bless you.

    Thank You, Take Care, Until then!

    Kind Regards


  • joshua anyaoha

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    Eternity Race group description:
    Eternity race is a humanity race whose determine human endeavor, struggling, commitment ,consecration and perseverance during his or her life era here on earth. Moreover every human will give his or her account of their life history to the Almighty Creator who is not respecter of person. Whose judgment is justified. Eternity race group promoting 100% holiness and truth, cautioning the soul to make heaven that hell is real.