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  • paul brian wilkins

    Hi Divine, I have been serving time since I was 10 years old due to child abuse and being black it was my only option due to racism in the years of my attack. I have since then dedicated my life to finding God and through 6 years of solitude studying the bible I have learned that the prophets in the bible send a message that has been lost which is of greater importances than many could imagine.God has given me treasures in earthen vessel this is the reason for my attack early in life.I discern a truth in scripture like never heard of before,but written and proven in scripture. By using dictionaries,commentaries,Greek and Hebrew translation tools,also an encyclopedias on christian theology with fasting and prayer I can say I can answer most of the unanswered questions of believers. The bible has a critical message manipulated by the Greek theologians distorted by the form of religion.the Spirit of truth is now here,you cannot tell me that you don't have uncertianties about the scriptures you read,the main thing is the whispers of satans worker will turn you away from hearing me or they will try. 

  • paul brian wilkins

    God has revealed himself to me in my times of greatest trouble,I have witnessed acts of God direct to the presence of his existances. My live has been a living hell for the distruction of my purpose as a witness and a messenger of God,true revelation of the scpiptures can and will cost a man his life even in these times and days. You would not believe how simple the message of the prophesies of the bible really are God is so amazing,when you finally digest the bible it will make your stomach bitter just like it did John in heaven in Revelation,But we must preach to the world once again as John was instructed read Revelation 10:7-11 Like I said the god of this world will cause you to not hear me but the Lord will not let this world end in ignorance for he truly is not the author of confussion.

  • Apostle Jonathan J. Rooks

    Dear Church Family,

    When you are going through trials in your life, and you are at your weakest point, the devil comes to you. To condemn you by bringing a trap disguised as an innocent gift, to set you up for failure. In the beginning you are cautious and not so easy to succumb to the trickery. Yet and still, the devil tells you the magic words whatever that maybe, to make you vulnerable and susceptible to fall for his plan.

    Now keep in mind that all the time you are resisting the advances your blessings are still rolling in. But as soon as you hear those words you fall hook, line, and sinker into the hands of Satan. That is when you change into a person that stops completely loving and obeying God. You stop praying, believing, pretty much everything of God.

    You revert to the ways of the world becoming a shell of your former self, in other words you aren't you anymore. But one day Jesus pours spiritual water on you and you realize that your blessings have stopped, even the blessings of peace including in yourself. The question I ask you is this, what is your next move? Serve Christ and gain redemption and eternal life or continue on the path of destruction and get a place in the pits of Hell? You decide for yourself and hopefully its life with Christ.

    Written By Princess S. Rooks
    Bishop: Apostle Jonathan J. Rooks

    Copyrighted 2014 AAFC Publishers