Marriage Helper


Raleigh, NC

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
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Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Body of Christ
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I am a Senior Pastor with over 25 years of experience in Mental Health as a substance abuse counselor, and Clinical Social Worker. My career has expanded to work with numerous County Mental Health Programs including being a part of the Psychology Team with one of the leading Universities in the World located in Washington DC. I have a wonderful relationship of 15+ years, however they came with challenges.
Favorite Preachers:
Those who walk in the anointing of God

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  • Edwin Kirk Young

    I don't like the idea that my wife and I go to two different churches. We have discussed it and I feel it is indicative of how our relationship has been. The one first things my wife asked me before we got married was, "how do I feel about women ministers??" Personally I came out of a church that used everyone, so that was never an issue with me. Some in today's church might. I not that one.
    It has seemed to me that this has been an issue because in times past when I told her what I believed the lord was telling me, The questions was along the lines of how it would effect what she believed the Lord had for her to do.
    These are some of the issues I have had to deal with. She has felt I dont respect her and no matter how I try to convince her otherwise, It had been a problem. Telling her something I don't agree with is not the same as disrespect.
    It has affected. We dont go to the same church because she feels God can use her at this church where she is at now. I feel God can use her where I am at now. I have had to back off and let her do what she feels at this point because I want peace in my home.
    This is on top of all the other stuff. This where i am at!!
  • Marriage Helper

    Brother Young, there are 3 things that leap off the page when I read your comment they are: Unity, Repect, and Communication.

    As couples in ministry must understand : 1Co 1:10 ΒΆ Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. This applys in marriage and ministry which are inpart are the same. Any actions present of division is not of God. The two of you will need to become a more united partnership moving forward. If there is division that which you are hearing is not of God leading. He is not the author of division and behaviors based on the emotions of anger, bitterness, and resentment.

    Unity in a marriage will bring about Respect. It is difficult to find good in those things not of God. Division is not of God. Unity, Marriage, and the Love of Christ are Kingdom principles. Division has no place in neither ministry nor marriage. Now Understand there is a difference in Division and Diversity. But better understanding will be presented when you communication improves.

    3) Communication: Anyone reading this and want an excellent exercise to improve communication is welcomed to send me their email address and I will send the exercise with instructions on improving communication.
  • Marriage Helper

    One thing I failed to mention regarding your posting. Remember our work as ministers, christians, the Body of Christ is beyond the 4 walls. There is a whole Kingdom in need of your ministry, not those inside the 4 walls. True ministry (serving God's people in the community to win souls can be as you stated "USED" anywhere. Focusing on being used inside the walls tend to make you one who is seeking to preach, pray, and head a committee in the church that you can be seen before men. A servant does not look for the glamour, they look to serve. Find a common outreach in the community, WE ALL CAN BE USED THERE.