N'ZI Amani Germain



Cote d Ivoire

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The Church attended by Paul, Apostles (Matthew 16:18)
College Attended (optional):
University of Cocody in Abidjan
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)

I'm a Pilgrim on Earth and a Citizen of the Heaven.
I do invite you to turn to the End Time Message...



Bro. Germain, slave of Jesus-Christ

Favorite Preachers:
Jesus-Christ Himself ( 1 Corinthians 13: 8-10)

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  • N'ZI Amani Germain

    Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

    One night ( in the year 2007), after reading the Book of Esther, I've been very touched by the story of this book and I made this vow to the Lord: If you provide me a godly woman and give me sons and daughters, my first son will be called Moredecai and my first daughter will be called Esther. I made a vow to the Lord and My wife gave birth to my first son in 2009. I called him "Mordecai" a name found in the Book of Esther 2:19(Holy Bible).

    And last Wednesday ( January 4th 2012)  my wife gave birth to Esther at 15 h 15 P.m. by caesarian. It was trying, difficult, but Jesus-Christ helped me and granted my wish.

    What a awesome Lord!

    Praise, glory be to the Lord!

    With every blessing for the New Year.

    Bro. Germain

  • Pat

    Thank you for the invite.  It is indeed Wonderful to be a Vessel use by God in ways that no man can place their finger on.  You by now have read my bio , if not, I am all about business to the Glory of God.  

    Happy New Year .  

    Have a productive day 


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