Dr Sarah Carrol


Sisters, OR

United States

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tkoh-Missions Organization
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We (tkoh-foundation.org) have dedicated ourselves to this struggle of equality, and fight against domination of any kind. We have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society based on love. freedom and respect in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal rights and opportunities. We find the only way to achieve this is through God and His plan for each on earth.

tkoh-foundation.org Organization designed to reach believers to work together to solve problems as is promised in scripture. We the body of Christ can do all things. To do that we need to stand with each other in agreement and then we have the power of God to do the things He cares about such as end starvation, homelessness and heal the sick.

We are willing to work with any of God's people to reach all on earth with the love and will of God. To be one of God's people takes more than believing something. It takes representing His love and will.

The body of Christ, in Jesus absence, has all power and authority in heaven and earth, but with that power also comes the responsibility of what is happening on earth, because we are either not standing against what is happening or standing with each other.

We all need to be resolved that good fruit cannot come from a bad tree. That means if people are not of God then they should not be put into office and if we either elect people to office or allow them in office because we do nothing, then what we get we are stuck with, which means we need to be very careful as to who we allow in office to start with, being resolved to represent the love and will of God.

It is not about religion. It is about loving one another. The sign for belonging to Jesus is our love one for the other, not how well we can preach or teach.

If we love others we will want to put an end to the works of the enemy which is in part starvation, homelessness and healing the sick, caring for those in need. How we show our love for God IS BY how we love others, especially those in need.

God gave us all a free will to either invest in the things of God, which are people or to invest in the things we want to invest in. We are called by name to represent His will and agenda which is love all on earth and not our own agenda.

It is up to us and it is a choice one way or the other, but God will hold us accountable either way for what is happening.
Favorite Preachers:
TD Jakes

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