Evangelist .Arif Gulzar


Faisal Abad Punjab


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City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Faisal abad
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Church Status:
Assistant Pastor
Church Name:
Envoy of Christ
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About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
It my privilege visiting your website and I was blessed and encouraged so much of your passion in reaching souls and spreading word of God.
We take this opportunity to introduce Envoy of Christ Development Foundation (ECDF). ECDF is registered with the Government of Pakistan as Charity Organization under the Societies Registration Act.
Envoy of Christ Ministry (ECM) is the Evangelical part of ECDF which is trying to preach the Word of God and spread the Good news among the un-reached communities. The purpose of ECM is to glorify God through evangelical discipleship, impacting on their spiritual and social lives, win souls for Christ and prepare the Kingdom of God. ECM is committed to fulfill Great Mission through worship, edification, evangelism, fervent prayer and fellowship with everyone.

Envoy of Christ Ministry has been organizing Crusades and Seminars in various parts of Pakistan. Now God has given us a vision to preach the Word of God and organize Seminars and evangelical meetings throughout Pakistan especially among those communities which have no opportunities to receive Word of God from any sources. For this we are praying for an Anointed Preacher from abroad (any one or a group who has burden for the people of Pakistan and Christian Leaders of Pakistan).

The evangelical meetings would help to achieve the following;
To strengthen the belief and revival of faith of Christians living in Pakistan through spiritual Crusade/seminars.
To exalt the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ to all Nations. (Psalm 34:3).
To break the barrier between Churches. (1 Corinth. 1:10).
To strengthen church Pastors/youth/Christian organizations/denominations to fight against devil.
To strengthen the Biblical knowledge of Church pastors to teach their church congregation with full power of holy sprite.
To preach the Gospel in remote areas where the people don't have any assess to get Biblical education

We request you to please let us know about any person who has burden and passion to invest donations and support to organize his/her meeting in Pakistan. We would like to invite man of God who wanted to help in spreading Good News and preparation of Kingdom of God. Our vision is to organize meeting and crusades around Pakistan in 2009-2010 and we are praying for those who are willing to share the Word of God and win souls for God. Please join us in prayer for this big task Pakistan needs prayer at this important juncture.

These Crusade meeting would be help to strengthen teachings of Bible among the people and Christian Leaders of Pakistan. Hope to hear from you soon.

May the Grace mercy and peace be multiplied on to you all

Note: Remember that land is very fertile and it is time to sow the seed of Gospel and hope to grow people in Pakistan. Praise the Lord who has prepared His anointed people and empowered them with the Holy Spirit to perform miracles and destroy the devilish powers and glorify His name in the world.

Yours in Christ

Evg.Arif Gulzar
(National Director)

Envoy of Christ Development Foundation Pakistan
Head Office: P: 87 St: 4 Block "c" Baket Pura
Email: envoyofchrist@gamil.com
Phone No.092-41-8725750
Favorite Preachers:
so many

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    GOD BLESS YOU!!!  

  • Pastors Mrs. Peter Hook

    We are world love outreach in United Kingdom, we were introduced here by one of or most honored member of our church to apply for help.

    We want to establish new branch in West Africa, Nigeria to be precisely, we need up to $300,000 for the establishment because we will need to buy a new site and build structures.

    Our aim of opening our branch over there is to help, less privilege families, handicapped people, new convert and mostly spread the word of God to people.

    Please if you are touched to help, feel free to contact us via mail: outreachlove@rocketmail.com

    Thanks and may God Bless You.
    Pastors Mrs. Peter Hook
  • Mr.Mrs.David and Indira Rani.

    For Urgent Prayer Request ......................

    Dear Friends and Prayer Warriors on "Black Preaching Network" Greetings and Blessings to you in the Name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Saviour.

    Sir, this morning one of my sister-in-laws Mrs.Vijaya Kumari is going to be operated for her gland (Or a Cist) which she has her liver side in "King George Hospitals" in Visakhapatnam in AP, South India, therefore I request and beseech you to pray and intercede for her in this troublesome hour and I hope that our Lord can do miracle in her life, amen and we will let you know as soon as our Lord do something in her Life, Amen.


    She has husband Mr.Lakshman and two daughters, which are studying in lowyer classes in a elementary Scholl.


    Thanking you and Let us hear from you soon,


    Mr. David Livingstone Illuri.