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Pastor S.D. Geoffrey is the Lead-Pastor of the Heaven Centre Cathedral (HCC). He is also the Founder and President of the Heaven Power Revival Ministries (HPRM).
Rising from a humble background, Pastor Geoffrey was born to Mr. Lubega George and Miss Proscovia, who were young at 15 years and 14 years, respectively, on 8th August, 1985, during the horrible days of the NRM guerrilla war. Due to this, his parents were not able to take care of him, only to throw him into the care of his old grandmother! The grandmother had to stand by faith to get him milk since she could not breastfeed him. At such a tender age, for one reason or another, Pr. Geoffrey, faced a lot of illnesses that beat doctors’ skillful prescription, only the Lord healing him miraculously.
When he was about 4 years old, Pr. Geoffrey was taken by his father to the care of a step-mother who bewitched him severely! To her amazement, all the witchcraft she ever brought would simply bounce back to her own children. His father continued to marry other women, who also in some way mistreated or bewitched him to their failure. God was with him!
Pr. Geoffrey’s family was rooted in the Anglican religion and at the same time practicing evil traditional worship (worshipping small gods)! The family had a big shrine! It is said that the man of God right from when he was a little kid, he hated this evil worship and quite often tried to burn the shrine, only to be caned by his grandfather (RIP). He refused to enter the shrine even when he was a 4 year old child! This is why they started calling him “mulokole” a local name meaning ‘saved or born again Christian’. However, at that point in life, Pastor Geoffrey had not yet confessed Christ as his personal Lord and Savior! He just hated Satan and all his ways right from childhood.

Moment of Salvation;
In 1995, at the age of 10, while in a Boarding School (St. Cecilia,Buyamba), where his father had left him to study ( his father had gone to Japan to work), the Lord visited Pastor Geoffrey. While he lay on his double-decker bed, the Lord called out to him, “Geoffrey (x3), come to Me, believe in Me, I will save you! I will give you wisdom! I will also use you to bring your family to Me. Then I will use you to draw the world to Me!” The voice abruptly vanished but to his amazement, he was already down from the double-decker bed (he cannot tell how it happened)! He was on his knees confessing the words of commitment to Christ (Salvation) as if a Voice was directing him inwardly (the Holy Spirit). This was how Pastor Geoffrey came to Christ! No one but Christ came to preach salvation to him! That is why he tirelessly together with the entire HPRM Team goes to win souls at any cost.
10 year Persecution:
After this moment, Pastor Geoffrey at 10 years of age began to fearlessly witness Christ before his family and the public. His rigid family traditionally believed he was mad to disown their faith in small gods. He was immovable! 3 years later, in 1998, his father came back to Uganda! The persecution took another twist! His father beat him and hated his faith so much on a daily basis. Pastor Geoffrey was pulled out of school (Namilyango College) when he refused to denounce Christ! He was rejected and hated by almost all the family members that hated salvation. This was toppled when his father together with several clan members disowned him from their clan since he had refused to leave the born-again faith. This was in 2003. This persecution seriously continued up to 2004.

Salvation of Pastor Geoffrey’s Family:
After almost 10 years, through much persecution, persistent prayer and fasting, in 2004, the Lord fulfilled what He promised Pr. Geoffrey in 1995! His father miraculously accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, banishing all his bar-lodge businesses. Consequently, the Lord amazingly touched the hearts of almost every family member and several other clan-mates. His brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, etc gave their lives to Jesus Christ. Surely, whatever the Lord speaks, He fulfills! Pastor Geoffrey believes that with God all things are possible and passable!

The Journey to Ministry:
Pastor Geoffrey first heard the Lord’s call in 1995, when he was just 10 years old when the Lord told him to get saved, stand to get his family to Him and then usher out to draw many to him from the world. 7 years later, at 17 years of age, in 2002, the Lord visited Pastor Geoffrey again telling him, “David (x3) as I was Moses and Elijah, so shall I be with you. Go Preach My Message of Redemption to My People, Restore Hope to the Hurting and Revive Nations..Behold, today, I give you My Power from Heaven, Use it and win souls to Me! Trust no man except Me!” This was the time he was assuredly called by the Lord!
Also, 3 years later, in 2005, the servant of God, had another special encounter with the Lord! The Lord let him get seriously ill during which He lifted his spirit out of him while everyone around gathered to cry over his end. During this encounter, the Lord took Pastor Geoffrey to a hill and showed him millions of people yelling in hell and others (comparably fewer) enjoying the Heavenly Highways. It was at this moment that the Lord Jesus Christ asked him, “Geoffrey will you also let me down! Many servants of mine have let me down! Despite my blood sacrifice, many still perish. Go, pull My people from the waiting hell; tell them that Heaven is real and ready for them. Go!” He also got more divine encounters , during one in which he met with the Lord Jesus Christ as an old skiny man who when he fed him, transfigured into the Lord, with a smile and told Pastor Geoffrey to take care of the hurting and hungry, saying that He still lives in them, and then gloriously disappeared into the Heavens. To know more about this, listen to Pastor Geoffrey preaching and teaching on Heaven is Ready! Also, you may read his books.
Despite the Lord’s direction and call, Pastor Geoffrey felt that he was not fully ready! He wanted to continue preparation for ministry. By this time, he was serving the Lord under his pastor. In 1997, he joined Miracle Bible College under Evangelist Robert Kayanja. He continued preparing for ministry.

Launching Into Ministry;
In 1999, he was ordained “Pastor”. He was officially given bye and blessed by his pastor to go and start his own ministry. Having been led by the Holy Spirit, Pastor Geoffrey founded the Heaven Power revival Ministries with the Vision of “Redeeming Souls, Restoring Lives and Reviving Nations”, a mission of “Taking Life To Every Desert”! His major ambition was to preach Christ into people’s lives, restore hope to the hurting and take the wave of revival to the nations, as the Lord commissioned him.
It was testing moment to Pastor Geoffrey but he believed that God being with him was far much better than having thousands close to him. However, the Lord joined to him about 7 brethren. With these, he started the Heaven Centre Church (HCC). The HCC was started in one room, and later moved to an open rented piece of land and a papyrus thatched church structure. With the Word of God preached powerfully, under the unction of the Holy Ghost, miracle after miracle, the church grew radically in power and steadily in size. With the Lord’s grace, with the faithful commitment of the HCC members and ministers, managed to set up a 150 semi-permanent church structure. This soon beat the expectations of the landlords till they expelled the HCC from their land with an excuse that the Church was outgrowing their land and would soon take it over.
But with the grace of God, as the Lord continued to give Pastor Geoffrey counsel, together with the committed HPRM Team, HCC found a new place to worship from. This was 2011. This structure just needed renovation and by faith HCC decided to rent it at an amount that could only be gotten by faith. It worked. Pastor Geoffrey looks forward to acquiring a 10 acre piece of land on which to put up the Heaven Base Vision including the Heaven Centre Cathedral, Ministry Headquarters and Heaven Crusade Mission. He also envision acquiring a 50 acre landscape to set up a Heaven City Empire that will involve whatever can be needed in life only at God’s standard to His own Glory (God’s).
The Lord has used Pastor Geoffrey in different parts of the nation of Uganda. There are multiple miracles and wonders witnessed as ministers. His ministry has been followed with testimonies of the dead rising including a profound testimony of a dead lady brought in an overnight prayer meeting and after prayer she rose! Her family looked for Pastor Geoffrey to thank him only to find out that he was humbly working under his pastor but had just been invited to minister in that meeting. Many HIV victims have testified being healed during his prayer ministry. He, as told by the Lord to tell people to decide to work out their salvation and finally reside in Heaven, He quite often as driven by the Holy Spirit, sends people’s spirits to Heaven only to return with unshakeable faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and the existence and perfection of Heaven. Beloved, you need to be a part of one of these meetings like the Heaven Crusades, Heaven Conferences, etc.
Today, Pastor Geoffrey ministers under the Unction of the Holy Spirit in the Word, Revival, Divine Touch of Deliverance, healing, miracles, signs and wonders. He organizes Heaven Crusades during which Heaven becomes a reality as many are drawn to the message of the cross, confessing salvation, amidst a Divine dynamite of God’s power, love and Grace following the revealed Word. He is fondly known for his enthusiastic teachings, radical preaching, and ministering in a worship-filled atmosphere. He loves the Holy Spirit. Many call him a father, others a mentor, teacher, apostle, prophet, friend, name it! He is gifted in different ways. But he delights in terming himself as servant of the Lord Jesus Christ or brother Geoffrey. He often says that the anointing takes you above but it is the character that sustains or drops you. He further often emphasizes that it is not all about titles before names but what we produce daily that matters. “Good impact will always name you write! Live what God says you are!” Such are some of his sound wisdom teachings.
Pastor Geoffrey is married to Rose Ssebandeke (also a pastor). They are blessed so far with one child, Divine Grace Ssebandeke. They happily live in Kampala-Uganda.
Administrator, Heaven Centre Cathedral
Favorite Preachers:
Pastor Robert Kayanja; Bishop T.D.Jake, Apostle Alex Mitala; Bishop David Kiganda; Apostle Tom Sembera; Dr. Creflo Dollar

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  • altarcalljohnnelson

    mishpoca is family with the jewish heart in hebrew sarshalom is prince of peace in hebrew kadosh is holy in hebrew santo is holy in spanish much o bendito chrsto jesus much blessings in jesus in spanish god is pouring out greatblessing revelation3 say the synagogue of satan will bow to the just beforethe rapture bennyhinnteaches aboutwealth transfer we are in that time an season study the prayers of the bibvle an animal spirits in the bible it will edify you inwarfare i break everybondage in the nationsofabraham ibreak blindnesshard heart towars god comeoutinjesusnamebondagespiritephesian3v20 idecreeit it is established on earth anin heaven

  • altarcalljohnnelson

    second deathhas no power we bind the wide gate  the gates of hell we bind y.ou we bind law of sin an death in jesus name i bind caNKER WORMPALMERWORM LOCUST HIGH PLACES DIRTY PLACES BONDAGE WE BIND YOU PRINCIPALITIES POWERS SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS RULERS OF THE DARKNESSOF THIS WORLD I PROPHECY THE VIRGIN BIRTH TO THE ENEMY GENESIS3V15WE DIVIDE AN ONFUSE HIS KINGDOM JERAMIAH 1 WEPLUCKUP DESTROY DEMONS WE CHASE 1000 OF DEMONS DEVIL RESTORE7FOLD AND GIVE THE FAMILY OF ABRAHAM THE SUBSTANCE OF YOUR HOUSEI CAST DOWN ALL STRONGHOLDS ALL WICKED IMAGINATIONS SERPENTS GOAts dogs pigs gold calf wolves bears lions we destroy all demon an castyou intothe dry place blasphemers its over itis finished number7 jesus will be here

  • stella phillip

    Dear Beloved.

    I am Mrs. Stella phillip widow with only son named MICHEAL, recently my doctor told me that I may not last due to my health condition. I want to use my fund ($6 MILLION US DOLLRS) to provide help to the charities orphanages i'll update you when hear from you contact me only if you are intrested in helping me get my wish done.

    when i hear from you i will give you all the document of the fund nd also the contsct information's of the security company for you to contact them the delivering of the truck box that contains the money to you in your country.

    reply me at (

    i am waiting for you reply soon.

    Thank you

    Yours Faithfully
    Mrs. Stella phillip.